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Entries by Dawn Wilson (841)


Battling Fear in a Health Crisis

Joanie Shawhan doesn't just observe problem situations, she jumps into the thick of them to offer godly solutions in a practical, non-threatening way. In this Health UPGRADE, Joanie touches on a specific problem—COVID-19—but also applies it to other health battles. In the process, she helps us see there are battles beyond the physical."I checked my texts for the umpteenth time," Joanie said. "Finally! — 'You have a new test result.”

I (Dawn) understand this waiting for test results so well, and the temptation to fear during the wait. I'm glad Joanie addresses this both biblically and practically.

Joanie continues . . .

My heart pounded as I opened my online medical chart. The word “positive” jumped off the page.


Fear threatened to swallow me.

I echoed David’s cries:

The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me (Psalm 18:4 NIV).

I had gone into urgent care the day before with a fever, a whopping headache, and ear pressure. I thought I had a sinus infection and swimmer’s ear. The doctor would prescribe an antibiotic and I’d quickly recover.

My first inkling I may have misdiagnosed myself arrived in the form of a staff member in full protective gear leading me down a back hallway to an isolated area of the clinic.

Was the swab really necessary? After all, it was just a sinus infection.

My wall of denial crumbled when I received a call from the medical staff.

Even more disconcerting, the medical profession offered little helpful instruction: rest, hydrate, and come to the ER for shortness of breath.

I received no comforting words, treatment, or benign reassurances.

Even though most people survived, the fear of death proved staggering. An atmosphere of fear formed a thick cloud over my reasoning.

I was on my own. I had to navigate this disease with few resources, little personal experience, and an unknown outcome. Would I survive?

I had faced the shadow of death once before when diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Now I sought comfort again from Psalm 23.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me (Psalm 23:4 ESV).

As the battle raged in my body, an even GREATER BATTLE raged against my soul.

I felt the Lord whisper, “I will not have my people living in fear.”

My real battle was FEAR, not COVID.

How would I navigate through fear and survive this dreaded disease? I needed to recognize the battle belonged to the Lord. He would provide me with a strategy.

My Battle Strategy

1. Call the Prayer Warriors.

I needed prayer, not only for healing from COVID, but to fight the fear that engulfed me. Especially since I didn’t have the strength to fight for myself.

Like a looped recording, the enemy hissed in my ear, “You could die.”

But I needed to hear a different word from my prayer warriors:

  • You shall not die, but live.
  • God is not finished with you yet.

These words and others pushed back the fear that I, too, would become a COVID casualty.

2. Worship.

A prayer warrior friend counselled me to immerse myself in worship.

The presence of God changed the atmosphere of fear and pushed back the darkness that obscured my thinking.

As I worshipped, I listened to a new looped recording:

God is a waymaker, he is for me, he surrounds me and fights for me.

My strength was weak, but the Lord surrounded me with his presence and pushed back the fear.

3. Replace Fear with the Word of God.

I needed to replace the voice of fear with the Word of the Lord.

These scriptures provided a lifeline for me to cling to in the midst of the fray.

  • The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1 NKJV).
  • So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you (Isaiah 41:10 NIV).

4. Trust God.

While I was battling the symptoms of the disease, trusting God in the face of an unknown outcome proved challenging.

Healing from COVID could take time. Probably more time than I had patience.

But I read:

See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; he has given me victory (Isaiah 12:2 NLT).

5. Thank Him.

No matter the outcome, Jesus is my only hope. I desperately needed His presence and His perspective.

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God! (Psalm 42:11 NLT).

I am grateful not only for the Lord healing me, but for freeing me from the bondage of fear.

I cried to God in my distress and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears! (Psalm 34:4 TPT).

You too can battle fear in a health crisis!

What strategies has the Lord given you to fight fear when you feel overwhelmed by your circumstances?

Joanie Shawhan shares true-life stories, offering her reader an eyewitness view of the action. Her Selah Awards Finalist book, In Her Shoes: Dancing in the Shadow of Cancer, reflects the value of “your story plus my story become our stories.” An ovarian cancer survivor and registered nurse, Joanie speaks to medical students in the Survivors Teaching Students program. She co-founded an ovarian cancer social group: The Fried Eggs—Sunny-Side Up. Publishing credits include: Guideposts Divine Interventions, Wit, Whimsy & Wisdom, Life Repurposed, We May Be Done But We’re Not Finished and The Upper Room. Visit Joanie at

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Fernando Zhiminaicela at Pixabay.


God of the Paperclips

Susan Stewart is such a practical woman, and her practical insights make her spiritual insights glow! In this Spiritual Growth UPGRADE, she reminds us that God is concerned about every detail in our lives.

"In less than twelve hours, a couple thousand people would be in line for the opening of the convention," Susan said. "Few of us were thinking, 'God, please take care of the paper clips.'"

I (Dawn) have to say, that is a thought-grabbing statement, isn't it? Does God really care about the tiniest details of our lives?

Susan continues . . .

Each year the convention committee gathered to pray for the coming event. Around the table, we prayed, “Bless this convention” and “Thank you for letting us be involved.”

One person, though, acknowledged that God is vitally interested in every detail of our lives, right down to the paperclips.

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10) is a familiar verse. We often emphasize the “be still,” forgetting who is God.

We were certainly being still during that time of prayer, but only one person was remembering God’s involvement.

How interested is the Creator of the universe in the details of our lives?

Well, how interested are you in your children’s lives? Do you care about the specifics of your new recipe? God has the same interest in you and what you do.

Have you ever believed that God wants you to do something, but you didn’t know how to do it? Or maybe you feared failure? Often, we end up “being still.” We fuss (pray?), worry (stress?), and sit still—doing nothing.

To get out of this trap, we need to learn to:

Let God Handle the Paperclips!

1. Be sure what we’re doing has been given TO US by God.

I get so many good ideas. I want to do so many good things.

  • When I see the commercials on TV about the hurting children in other countries; I want to do something.
  • I hear about abused women; I want to act.
  • The pastor calls for a Sunday School teacher; I want to raise my hand.

Paul wanted to take the gospel to Asia. His desire is heard in the words he writes.

  • Was it God’s plan for the gospel go to Asia? Absolutely.
  • Was it God’s plan that Paul take the Word to Asia? No.

In Acts 16, we’re told the Holy Spirit had forbidden Paul to speak the word in Asia.

Is it recorded anywhere that Paul worried about how the God was going to take his message to Asia?

Paul knew that God wanted his message taken to every man. Paul also listened to the details of the plan as they related to him. Paul didn’t worry about the way that God was going to carry out the plan in Asia.

I finally learned a need is not a call.

Are you trying to do something that is someone else’s job? Have you lost your focus on what God wants YOU to do?

If you are lacking joy in what you are doing, maybe you’re doing someone else’s assignment and leaving God out of the details.

2. We should ponder WHY we’re doing what we’re doing.

Often, we carry on a project out of tradition, or even because we think no one else will do it.

Are you doing something God wants stopped?

This applies not only to church service, but also to every activity we are involved in.

Are you there because it seems right, or because you feel obligated, or because God wants you there?

3. When God shows us a task to do, let HIM worry about the details.

Our God is mighty, powerful, and strong. These are big words.

In our puny little minds, we think God is too big to be bothered with the tiny details.

In the United States, we don’t need to depend on God to take care of much. Unlike people in a third world nation, we usually know where our next meal is coming from, what we will clothe our children with, where we will stay out of the rain.

We have become so self-sufficient, we don’t think we should bother God with little things like paper clips.

  • God has all the details worked out—in advance—from eternity (that’s huge).
  • It doesn’t matter whether we’re trying to get enough nursery workers or preparing a dinner for in-laws.

Take a look at the latter chapters of Exodus. God gave Moses detailed instructions in the construction of the tabernacle. God cared enough about these details that He even gave Moses the color of the fabric to use and the placement of curtain hangers.

On the other hand, God may choose to NOT fill us in on all the details in advance.

When God called Abram out of Ur, He said, “Go.”

Abram wasn’t even given a map. As the band Abram led needed information, God gave it to them.

Henry Blackaby says,

“God will always give you enough specific directions to DO NOW what He wants you to do. When you need more directions, He will give more in His timing.”

4. The final and most necessary step is to TALK with God about the job ahead of you.

You can’t know the details unless you chat with the Planner.

How often we stumble around, fret and worry, and destroy our own joy because we haven’t asked the architect of the universe for the blueprint on our little job.

God wants us to depend on Him for all things. He wants to supply our needs from His riches.

In Ephesians 3:20, God tells us He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all that we ask or think. It is beyond our comprehension the great and good details God has for our lives.

Most importantly, when we submit to God’s plans—allowing him to work the details—He is glorified. And that is our ultimate purpose.

When we put the details in God's hands, we don’t sweat the small stuff.  

Since that first prayer for the paperclips, God has taken care of the convention details—everything from tape to chairs to even the paperclips.

Whether on the job, at home, or in our churches, we are showing a skeptical world that our God is bigger than the paperclips.

What is the “paperclip” in your life? What are the details you need to allow God to reveal in his way and time?

Susan K. Stewart is Managing Editor of Special Projects with Elk Lake Publishing Inc. She teaches, writes, and edits nonfiction. Susan’s passion is to inspire readers with practical, real-world solutions. Her books include Science in the Kitchen, Preschool: At What Cost?, Harried Homeschoolers Handbook, and the award-winning Formatting e-Books for Writers. Her latest book, Donkey Devos: Listening When God Speaks, was released in July. You can learn more at her website

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Aleander Stein at Pixabay.


A Safe Person

Kathy Carlton Willis has a unique identity—she's "God's Grin Gal!" and she models how we can trust God with the tough circumstances of life. In this Spiritual Life UPGRADE, Kathy points to places of safety for our lives—special friends and the Lord Himself.“Do you ever feel like running or retreating for respite from stress?” Kathy asks.

Yes, I (Dawn) have often needed a safe place. But it hasn't always been easy to find one. Kathy makes that a lot easier with her biblical insight.    

Kathy continues . . . 

It means a lot to have a safe place when I need to escape.

When I was a young married woman, my place was about fifteen minutes from home. Far enough away to give me time in the car with music blaring to decompress.

I bolted to the Mohican River. When I arrived there, a quaint old bridge transitioned me from chaos to calm. I tuned in to the sound of rippling water. Nature showed off in every season. God met me there.

I realized I wasn’t running away from something—I was running to Someone.

A safe place led to a safe Papa.

“This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him” (Psalm 91:2 NL).

A Safe Person

My friend Laurie felt safe reaching out to me for prayer on several small issues that happened in the same time period. They were pushing all her buttons—even ones she didn’t know she had! She felt ashamed to admit the struggles.

But as soon as she reached out for prayer, she said it started getting better. It released the pressure.

She then stopped fuming and had some devotional time. That always helps.

By the end of her ordeal, she was even able to laugh at the things that annoyed her and could greet the button-pusher with sincerity and open arms.

I am truly grateful for our friendship. There are times I reach out to her for similar support.

When we discussed why we feel comfortable doing this, we decided it’s because we have the safety net of unconditional love.

Yes, when we take our burdens to someone, the best one is God. But sometimes—as the little girl famously said—“Sometimes I need someone with skin on.”

That’s where a good friend comes in. How do we find someone who is safe with all our “stuff”?

Finding a Safe Friend

Who is a safe friend?

  1. Someone who doesn’t gossip about others to you. They will be more likely to not reveal your secrets to others.
  2. Someone who recognizes you have a need without your expressing it.
  3. Someone who listens to your struggles without having to fix the problem or fix you until you ask for help.
  4. Someone who doesn’t make you feel ashamed when you confess flaws.
  5. Someone who doesn’t always have to bring their story into the conversation when you confide in them.
  6. Someone who loves God and is growing in their spiritual maturity.

Think about friends who care for you in these special ways.

A friend will take care of you—body, soul, and spirit.


I used to joke (with all truth) that I picked my closest friends based on if I wasn’t embarrassed to ask them to take care of me physically, when needed.

  • The one who would tweeze my chin hairs if I couldn’t do it or couldn’t see them.
  • The one who would transfer me from the wheelchair to the potty chair or shower chair.

Not many friends fall in this category. Can you think of the ones you’d be comfortable serving you in this way?


Friends who nourish my inner being are extra special.

These are the ones who dive deeper. The ones who know what I’m probably thinking (even if they disagree).

Yet they don’t jump to conclusions because they want to give me a safe space to express myself.

They listen in a way that makes me feel seen and heard.


What friends spur on your spiritual growth?

They don’t have to be further along in their faith journey to help you with yours. They simply need to love Jesus and the Bible and want to respond in ways that make you feel closer to God.

A Safe Papa

I told Laurie, if we feel safe sharing with each other, just think how safe our words are with God!

We might be shy or ashamed to tell Him about our frustrations and flaws, but God's unconditional love means we can go to him without being afraid of being scolded.

“Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love” (1 John 4:18 NLT).

God is the believer's SAFE PAPA!

Who is your safe person?

Kathy Carlton Willis is God’s Grin Gal. She writes and speaks with a balance of funny and faith—whimsy and wisdom. Over a thousand of Kathy’s articles have been published and she has several books in her Grin Gal brand. Her latest book is 7 Trials Every Woman Faces. Kathy is active as a book industry pro, and her coaching group, WordGirls, propels women toward their writing goals. She graduated with honors from Bible College and has served 30+ years in full-time ministry. Check out her Grin & Grow Break video devotions on Facebook. Discover more about Kathy on her website.

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Pexels at Pixabay.


'Squirrel Distractions'—During Prayer

In this Prayer UPGRADE, Dawn writes about her experiences with distractions—which bother her most when she's praying!

Some of the funniest dog humor is about "squirrel distractions." Perhaps you've seen some of the funny memes about a dog that is one minute intently obeying his master... and then the next minute is bounding off after a scampering squirrel.

I've been easily distracted like that since early childhood. In elementary school, my wind wandered off all the time. Teachers scolded me, and I had to learn how to keep my mind on a tight leash.

As I got into high school, I tried to understand whether God made my random, easily distracted brain this way—or if my crazy brain circuitry is one way my body is affected by The Fall (Genesis 3).

Regardless, I know the Lord understands my struggle.

By the time I got to college, I was still highly distracted. In classes, I wrote everything down, just to survive.

I once challenged a professor who had placed a question on a test. He misquoted what he said in class.  The test did not align with what he actually said, so everyone answered the question wrong. When questioned about that, my professor was adamant that the class must not have heard him correctly.

But I (not so humbly) proved him wrong with my copious class notesmuch to my classmates' delight.

I continued to write countless lists and take notes—becoming a "detail person"—to get through college and then, motherhood.

I think I'm a lot like the awkward disciple Matthew in the hit series, The Chosen. And yet—look how Jesus used him!

Whether at work or play, I live by lists, and lots and lots of note-taking.

In church, I've always taken detailed notes so I won't be distracted by the pretty lady's hairdo in the row across from me, or the man tapping his knuckles on the pew.

But my greatest frustration spiritually—the thing that breaks my heart about my walk with God—is that I get sooooo distracted in PRAYER.

I believe Satan delights in this. He loves it when I'm praying, and suddenly I'm thinking about groceries I need to buy, or other lesser things.

There are so many untamed quirrels running around in my brain.

But over time, I've found a few simple solutions that help. I wondered if they might also help others—those who are easily distracted in prayer, or simply those who'd like to focus more.

There are all kinds of ways to pray. Some are short bursts, like Peter's "Lord, save me!" when he was walking on the water and began to sink (Matthew 14:30). But most of us would like to have extended prayer times, and it's important to be attentive.

Four Ways to Be More Attentive in Prayer

1. Seek Out Quiet.

That means, turn off the TV and other noisy distractions.

For me, it even means turning off Christian music, because even though music might be conducive to prayer for others, I end up taking way too long listening and singing instead of praying. Sometimes I give up the prayer time altogether. (Everyone is different in regard to that.)

When I shut out as many sound distractions as I can, I'm better able to focus on talking to God. I have to tell all the noisy squirrels, "BE STILL!"

"Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10a). "Be still before the LORD...." (Psalm 37:7a).

Begin to be still by asking the Holy Spirit to calm your mind and prepare your heart. Focus on the second part of Psalm 46:10—"know that I am God."

3. Remember You're in a Conversation.

Sometimes when I'm distracted, I feel like I'm praying AT God rather than conversing WITH Him.

Prayer is simply talking with God.

Prayer for prayer's sake accomplishes little or nothing. But prayer as a means to talk to God and draw closer to Him accomplishes much! Prayer is more about the attitude of the heart than the words we pray.

Most of the time, we might close our eyes to prevent distractions. But sometimes I have kept my eyes open and looked at a "picture of Jesus" or even an empty chair so I can better visualize being in God's presence.

What helps me is to pray aloud. It's much easier to catch myself getting off track when I hear the prayer rather than "thinking" it.

R. A. Torrey said,

"If we would pray aright, the first thing we should do is to see to it that we really get an audience with God, that we really get into His very presence. ...

"we should have the definite consciousness that we are talking to God, and should believe that He is listening and is going to grant the thing that we ask of Him."

We need to be convinced that prayer is the most important conversation in our day. He will meet us when we call on Him.

"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth" (Psalm 145:18).

3. Write As You Pray.

Have you ever noticed that when you write something down, you hone in on what is important?

When I write, I focus better.

I often write down my actual prayer to God. (Usually, I use paper. But I've been known to "write" the words on my hand with a finger, or on my table as I pray.)

Some call this "journaling" our prayers. Writing helps us remember all God has done and is able to do. I simply find it a way to focus and "cast" all my concerns on Him (1 Peter 5:7).

4. Pray God's Attributes.

When all else fails, I pause and start thanking God for His marvelous attributes.

As I said, I'm a list person; and the discipline of listing God's attributes (His love, mercy, goodness, wisdom, power, etc.) helps me remember who He is—remember Who I am talking to.

Then I key off those attibutes.

For example:

  • God is wise, so I can ask Him to help me make a medical decision.
  • God is merciful, so I can come to Him and confess a besetting sin.
  • God is sovereign, so I can intentionally commit to trust Him regarding a difficulty in my life.

God reveals His many attributes in scripture, so I need to study who He is in the Word of God. (It's helpful to think about the names of God too.)

As I get further along in my prayer, I can expand to a prayer list or gratitude list, or things God speaks to me about that I want to research later.

But I need to be careful. Sometimes even simple prayer requests can send me down rabbit holes of distraction. I might jump from a prayer request ... to a memory ... to any number of things.

TIP: Jot down one or two words about the distracting thought and get back to praying!

5. End the Conversation.

I've been known (too often) to simply trail off in my conversation with God and start something else. One day I thought about how that might look if I did that to a human.

It's SAD... and RUDE!

I decided I want to end each conversation well. I tell the Lord how much I love Him, and recommit to obeying Him throughout the day.

Just as I would with a good friend, I've even said, "I'll talk with you again later!"

Be Intentional

I know that many of the things I've mentioned as "distractions" are not wrong in and of themselves—and they may not distract you at all. The point is, we need to be intentional about our focus on prayer.

Sometimes I do listen to Christian music or pull out a hymnal and meditate on the words of great hymns. Or I read Christian books as a launching pad to understanding more about God's will and ways. There are so many positive activities with spiritual purpose that can be incorporated into a devotional time that includes extended prayer.

But this I know:  I always need to CARE enough about prayer to PREPARE.

Or else my prayer time might go something like this: 

"Dear Father God ... oh, wait ... squirrel!"

What are some of the ways you prepare to focus on talking to God? What tends to distract you most?

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, and the creator this blog, Upgrade with Dawn. She is a contracted researcher/reviewer for Revive Our Hearts, and writes wiki-type posts as a regular columnist at She and her husband Bob live in sunny Southern California, and Dawn has traveled with Him in Pacesetter Global Outreach. They have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.





Helping Your Children Dream

Sally Ferguson writes about everyday adventures with refreshing perspectives. In this Parenting UPGRADE, she encourages parents to nurture their children's dreams by listening to their hearts and observing their gifts from God.

“When my children were young, I was fascinated by families who were a step ahead of us,” Sally says.

“How did they foster independence and a strong work ethic in their children? How did some go on to become doctors and pastors, when others couldn’t land on a career choice?”

I (Dawn) have seen this evidence of strong parenting too. And I couldn't agree with Sally more about how it influences children's hopes, dreams, and future.

Sally continues . . .

In my own upbringing, I had a strong missions influence. We lived in Grand Cayman for four years while my parents taught in the Christian school and served in various churches on the island. Our home became a landing base for missionaries from all around the globe.

I loved experiencing so many cultures through their stories. Could I also translate that love for God’s work to my own children?

I came to realize a strong work ethic had a lot to do with character formation in the home. Traits like honesty, kindness, and self-control don’t come naturally—we have to learn them.

And, often, the learning happens in what we observe.

  • Do parents spend huge amounts of time in front of the T.V.? Then so would the children.
  • Do parents reach out to neighbors? Then so would the children.
  • Do parents gossip about others? Then so would the children.

It’s all a part of instilling a sense of the responsibility we have as citizens of the world and members of our communities. We are a part of a bigger picture than what’s around us.

As global citizens, we are our brother’s keeper and our sister’s nurturer.

Here are some principles I learned about values.

1. Values are caught, not taught.

Yes, we have to be teachers of the Word, but our children imitate what we model.

My son and daughter inherited my creativity in the kitchen. They also learned about my negative traits and shortcomings.

What makes us different, as Christian parents?

The ability to say, “I’m sorry. I messed up. I need your forgiveness.”

2. Values develop in the heart before becoming an art.

When we understand the “why” behind the principle, it creates a solid background for a lifestyle.

Telling my child to do something my way because I’m the parent communicates we have to obey regardless of the reason.

When we explain our thinking, it helps them develop deductive reasoning skills and think through the process before pursuing an action.

3. Values shape us, not break us.

Values don’t provide a list of rules to make life difficult, but to provide boundaries for the formation of beautiful character.

Following a tab of do’s and don’ts creates legalism.

Developing attributes of integrity and moral strength creates freedom to be ourselves.

When I wrote What Will I Be When I Grow Up?, I wanted to express the importance of work being wholly dedicated to God.

We are all born with a particular personality bent, so we cannot expect each child to fall into the same career path. It’s like trying to fit a spare peg into a round hole.

In high school, I thought the only way I could serve God was to be a missionary. So, I set myself up to feel like a failure when that path didn’t open up.

I’ve learned instead, God uses us as His ambassadors in every arena.

Mechanics, lab technicians, and art teachers all have something in common—they have been created by God to do great work in their field.

These are statements I love.*

  • Hair stylists tell people God counts each hair on our heads. (Matthew 10:30)
  • Bakers tell people Jesus is the Bread of Life. (John 6:35)
  • Firemen tell people Jesus came to rescue us. (2 Peter 3:9)

Do your children like math? They can help us number our days. (Psalm 90:12)

Do your children like aeronautics? They can remind us God created all things in intricate design. (Hebrews 11:3)

Do your children like music? They can lead us in worship to our Creator. (Exodus 15:19-21)

Instead of expecting your children to fulfill YOUR dreams, why not join in the greatest adventure by helping them discover THEIR God-given abilities?

Help them dream their own dreams by providing exposure to many occupations, and experimenting with instruction, interim work, and insight into other livelihoods.

They will become well-rounded individuals and, grounded in their faith, missionaries to the world around them!

How will you help your children create dreams based on biblical traits?

Sally Ferguson loves to dive into God’s Word and splash His refreshing water onto others. She speaks and writes with a look at snapshots of life in the sunshine and in the storms. Sally plans women’s retreats and she’s working on a Bible study for caregivers. She lives in the beautiful countryside of Jamestown, New York, with her husband and her dad. What Will I Be When I Grow Up? is available here, or contact Sally on her website——for a copy.

*Statements are from Sally's book, What Will I Be When I Grow Up?

Graphic adapted, courtesty of Anastasia Gepp at Pixabay.