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Entries in Bible Study (6)


Upgrade Your Bible Study

Morgan Farr has a unique way of crystalizing concepts for greater effectiveness, and she uses it well in her teaching. In this Bible Study UPGRADE, she encourages a three-step approach to upgrading our time in God's Word."There are more than 80,100,000 search results on Google when you type in 'Bible study,'" Morgan says. "Knowing how to move from a basic outline of the Bible into a true study can be intimidating!"

I (Dawn) remember when I first tried in-depth Bible study. "This is too hard!" I thought. But someone encouraged me with some practical steps—just like Morgan is encouraging us in this post.

Morgan continues . . .

Engaging in Bible study is essential for Christians to pursue spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of God's Word. While traditional study methods such as reading and reflection are valuable, an often-overlooked yet powerful tool can take our study to new heights: asking questions.

Question everything.

When the Bible mentions a unit of money or measurement, do you know what it means? If not, look it up!

Matthew 18:1-4 (ESV) says,

"At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, 'Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?'

And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them

and said, 'Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children [emphasis mine], you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'"

Do you know what kids do more than just about anything else? They ask a TON of questions.

And we should too!

By harnessing the transformative potential of questions, we can unlock profound insights, deepen our faith, and develop a more personal and vibrant relationship with our Creator.

The way that we do this is by remembering to A.S.K.

1. ANALYZE what you take in.

As Christians, we are called to be discerning in our spiritual journeys. When studying the Bible, we must analyze what we take in.

By asking questions about the sources we rely on, the interpretations we encounter, and the teachings we absorb, we can ensure that we are rooted in sound doctrine and biblical truth.

Questioning the information's accuracy, context, and reliability, guards us against falsehoods. It cultivates a foundation built on the rock of God's Word rather than hearsay or, worse, false teachings.

We can also better understand any biases that teachers, authors, or even we ourselves might.

Don't be afraid to ask questions.

2. STUDY the text for yourself.

While listening to sermons and participating in group discussions are valuable aspects of our spiritual growth, personal engagement with the Bible is crucial.

By studying the text for ourselves, we enter into a direct encounter with God's Word.

Asking questions helps us explore the context, historical background, and original intent behind the Scriptures. It allows us to discover the nuances and richness of the text, enabling a deeper understanding and personal application.

As we wrestle with the text through questioning, we build a solid foundation of knowledge, conviction, and faith to withstand the world's challenges.

3. KNIT it together with prayer.

Prayer is an essential component of any Christian's spiritual journey, and it also plays a vital role in Bible study.

As we ask questions, we must also cultivate a prayerful dependence on the Holy Spirit.

By inviting God into our study through prayer, we acknowledge His authority as the ultimate teacher and seek His guidance.

Prayer knits together our studies, teachings, and the resources we use.

By integrating the practices of analyzing what we take in, studying the text for ourselves, and knitting our study together with prayer, we can significantly upgrade our Bible study experience.

Questions catalyze discernment, personal relationship with Christ, and reliance on the Holy Spirit.

Let us embrace the power of questioning as we engage with God's Word, allowing it to transform our lives, deepen our faith, and draw us closer to our loving Creator.

Which of the parts of "A.S.K." is missing from your Bible study? How might incorporating that missing piece enhance your current study?

If you are already analyzing, studying, and praying in your Bible study, consider sharing the A.S.K. concept with someone who is struggling.

Morgan Farr is a succulent-cultivating book nerd and aspiring author. She spends her days homeschooling her four young children and training her working dogs. As an Army wife, Morgan has learned to lean heavily on Jesus as she walks out military life. She is the Director of Publishing at Planting Roots, the Graphic Designer for Mission:Milspouse, and is heavily involved in her local PWOC and military chapel.

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Kelly Sikkema at Unsplash.


Developing Spiritual Taste Buds

Kathy Collard Miller wants women to understand how the truth of scripture can transform their lives. In this Spiritual Growth UPGRADE, she suggests ways we can learn to crave God's Word.

"If we had been told a year ago we would have unlimited time in seclusion at home," Kathy says, "I wonder how many of us would have thought, 'Then I’ll be able to to spend more time reading my Bible and praying'?"

I (Dawn) know I didn't think that way at first. But God spoke to my heart, and He created hunger for His Word and ways. I later wondered, "Why didn't I immediately think of opportunities for spiritual growth during the lockdown?"

Kathy continues . . .  

I would have been one of those, but my time with God hasn’t increased.

As much as we think choosing a spiritual devotional time is dependent upon available time, it’s primarily not. It’s that our spiritual taste buds are being dulled and satisfied by other kinds of “food.”

And for whatever reasons, they seem more satisfying and/or easier.

How can we enliven our taste buds?

Here are three empty spiritual practices PREVENTING our spiritual hunger.

1. Technology.

We won’t be surprised about this one. It’s just so easy, and it’s called “vegging” for a reason. But we aren’t receiving the nutrients of spiritual vegetables. Sometimes going cold turkey can be helpful—we’ll find out we won’t die.

My husband, Larry, tells how God challenged him to drive without listening to the radio for a month. That seemed like an easy assignment until he missed it. He realized he had been drowning out God's voice.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with listening to the radio, but for Larry, the radio had become a kind of empty source replacing a time of communicating with the Lord.

During his “fast” from radio, he found a rich time of seeking God as Psalm 119:37 says:

Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways. (ESV)

2. Relationships.

Do people dull our spiritual taste buds?

  • Instead of seeking the Lord directly for guidance and direction, do we rush around asking for everyone else's opinions?
  • Instead of seeking the Lord to define who we are, do the opinions of others define us?

Years ago, while caring for my mother-in-law in our home, the Lord began revealing how my mother-in-law’s opinions of me replaced God’s unconditional love for me. Because of the kind of dementia she had, her paranoia caused her to accuse me of trying to kill her with the “rocks” I put in her oatmeal.

I felt angry and misunderstood.

Thankfully, over the two-and-a-half years she lived with us, I understood more about God’s knowledge of my service. Also, my sinful demand she see me in a good light.

My spiritual taste buds became enlivened to depend upon His view of me as His Beloved. I saw the truth of Psalm 119:39:

Turn away the reproach that I dread,  for your rules are good.

3. Self-protection.

When Hannah's marriage was difficult, her escape plan nourished her soul, not God.

She explained, “I envisioned an open door labeled 'divorce.' I told myself, 'I'll stay in the marriage until the children are gone and then I'll divorce him. I can hold on until then, but I won't give him my heart.'

“Then one day the Lord told me, 'You're sinning. Close the door and lock it.' I couldn't do it. It was my way to survive.

"He gently continued to convict me and finally I surrendered. I mentally closed and locked the door. I began to offer my heart to my husband.

"The kids are long grown and my husband and I still struggle, but I know God has purified me as I've turned to His spiritual nourishment—not self-protection.”

Hannah turned from her own reasoning as Psalm 119:24 tells us,

Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.

Here are three ideas for TANTALIZING your spiritual taste buds to hunger for God.

1. Think small growth.

An “all or nothing” attitude only discourages.

What ONE thing in ONE area does God want you to work on?

2. Notice the tiniest differences of those little choices.

Are you even a little more loving? Kind? Self-controlled? Patient?

Paying attention to God’s work will activate the spiritual taste buds.

3. Claim God’s promises.

He wants communion with you.

You’ll notice I used verses from Psalm 119, because that powerful Psalm describes numerous rewards of seeing how God promises to meet our needs with nourishing spiritual food, not empty calories.

It really is possible to be wake up your spiritual taste buds!

What small change will you make to invest in your spiritual hunger?

Kathy Collard Miller loves to help women trust God more through her 58 books and speaking in 35 states and 9 foreign countries. Her website/blog is Kathy’s newest book, co-written with her husband, Larry, is God’s Intriguing Questions: 60 New Testament Devotions Revealing Jesus’s Nature. Check out Kathy’s Amazon author page.

Graphic courtesy of Engin Akyurt at Pixabay.


To My Children's Biological Mothers: My Heart Hurts for You

This Biblical Thinking UPGRADE by Julie Watson is a bit of a departure from our typical UPGRADE posts, but her message is one we all need to consider, and her "letter" to her children's biological mothers is a good read in itself.

Julie writes, “A child born from the heart is just as precious, just as significant, as one born from the womb.”

I (Dawn) remember when I wanted my husband to bring home an orphan from Russia for me to love and take care of. That didn't work out for me, but I've always had "a heart" for children who need a home. And the plight of the unborn in this country—don't get me started!

Julie continues . . .

This topic is heavy-hitting and hard to write about, but it’s my heart’s desire to honor God above all else.

He has impressed upon me that this is the time to share: 

We are in a season of substantial harvest.

For far too long a great divide has split this nation on matters of life and death—for the unborn.

Even among Christians, there seems to be a debate as to what’s “allowable” or “tolerated” in dealing with an unplanned or crisis pregnancy.

I worked for years in different pregnancy resource centers and saw hundreds of women come through our doors in the midst of a crisis pregnancy. It was never pretty.

Every individual had a story.

  • Some were downright heartbreaking.
  • Some were getting a second perspective from a doctor who was advocating for an abortion due to special circumstances.
  • Most, unfortunately, were looking for a way to “get rid of the problem.”
  • A good number of women came into our clinic thinking it was the Planned Parenthood just down the street from us.

Yet, those who came in for a free pregnancy test and ultrasound were undoubtedly changed, regardless of their decision to either continue or terminate their pregnancy.


Because they could not deny the life growing inside them once they saw and heard it with their own eyes and ears. And, once they opened their heart to truth, they usually chose life for their child!

We need to do more than just open our eyes—we need to see with our hearts.

If you’ve asked the Lord into your heart, then the Holy Spirit resides there. And, if He is there, guiding your heart, then you cannot deny what He reveals.

Nearly every woman who had an ultrasound cried when she saw her preborn child bopping around in her warm, protective womb.

My heart hurt for her.

To think that your “only choice” is to end your child’s life—heart-wrenching indeed!

Yet, when I hear Christians defending abortion, I get physically ill.

This is NOT God’s heart.

The sanctity of human life is, at the very core, His most important and significant creation. He created every single life with a divine purpose.

Jeremiah 1:5 tells us He knew us even before He formed us in the womb.

That means that we communed with God before He breathed life in us and placed us into our mother’s womb!

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us He has plans for us, to prosper us, not to harm us; to give us a hope and a future!

This gives me chills every time I think of it.

Why? Because when I see Jesus again, it won’t be for the first time—it will actually be a reunion of my spirit and soul with my Heavenly Father’s.

I also come to this issue with an adoptive mother’s heart.

I never had the joy or pleasure of being able to conceive and birth my own children. My children came from two different biological mothers who we pray for regularly.

The circumstances that landed my kids in foster care at very young ages were not pretty by any means. I have seen them at their worst and at their best. I’m thankful those really worse days are mostly behind us now.

However, when I hear the abortion debate lead down the road toward abused kids in foster care, I’ve had enough!

Have you heard that excuse yet? The one that says abused children would have been better off aborted (dead) than allowed to live through their horrible and traumatic circumstances.


With that logic, why should ANYONE ever be born? We all go through horrible things in life—but God created us to OVERCOME!

To my children’s biological mothers, I write:

"My heart hurts for you. I never had the joy or privilege to conceive and birth my own children—cancer took that ability from me—but I also can’t imagine losing them! I could not be more grateful for a chance at motherhood through God’s divine plan of adoption.

"I know you were very young, not emotionally stable or mature enough to be a mother. You had addictions that took your eyes off your number one priority—your children—and kept you imprisoned by your sickness.

"You did hurt them, make no mistake, but they forgive you and so do I.

The reason the kids love you is that you CHOSE to let them live. Even in the midst of your difficult circumstances, you did not abort them, and they are extremely thankful! You gave them a CHANCE to fulfill all that God designed for their lives—and they are going places. Each of them has amazing resilience and determination, something they might not have had if they hadn’t gone through what they did.

"You LOVED them enough to let them go, even if it wasn’t your desire. You didn’t fight the courts, and that’s honorable knowing there was a chance they could be adopted by a good family providing them opportunities you couldn’t provide. Sacrificing your desires for the sake of another’s needs is the most loving thing you can do.

"Lastly, we are praying for you. My kids do not want their birth mothers to perish; they want you to know the saving grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. They all love Him and pray you do too!

"In Christ,

"Your kids’ mom"

So, where does your heart lie when you reflect on life of the preborn? Does it align with the Father’s?

If not, really pray and ask God why. There is likely a deep-seated reason, and you may need counseling to bring it forth and deal with it.

Healing begins by acknowledging the pain or fear that imprisons us.

Lastly, ADVOCATE for the preborn in one or more ways the Holy Spirit leads you:

1. Vote for pro-life candidates.

We need to change the laws of our nation.

Did you know that Norma McCorvey (also known as “Jane Roe” of Roe v. Wade), later became a Christian and pro-life advocate, trying to overturn the landmark law her case created? 

2. Donate your time, talents and/or treasures.

Pro-life efforts are the most powerful at the grassroots. That means your local pregnancy resource center needs your support!

3. Get involved in your church and community.

Become a pro-life point of contact assisting those in your neighborhood to get the help and resources they need if they are dealing with an unintended pregnancy.

The unborn voiceless need a protective voice, and ours is the only one they’re going to get in this world today.

If not us, than who? If not now, when?

Will you join me in defending these precious lives the Lord masterfully created?

Julie P. Watson is a Certified Health Coach and Author. Her cancer testimony, and how God healed her, can be found in Made to Overcome: Chronic Illness Edition. Julie is currently working on two more book projects: a 52-week devotional for foster and adoptive parents called, Simply Devoted, and, her own personal journey through the foster care system and subsequent adoption of three beautiful children. Julie worked in pregnancy resource centers and children’s ministries for 10 years as a Development Director, Executive Director and Grant Writer before becoming a stay-at-home mom to her kids. She and her husband, Shawn, live in San Diego with their precious family and several pampered pets.


How to Be a Decisive Woman

Sally Ferguson is a "Woman of the Word," and she draws simple-but-powerful lessons from Bible stories. In this Biblical Thinking UPGRADE, she encourages decisiveness by examining the life of a familiar Old Testament woman.

"I hope you brought your sandals," Sally says, "because we’re going to walk the dusty roads from Moab to Bethlehem."

As I (Dawn) read Sally's post, I thought, "becoming a decisive woman is difficult for some women who are naturally more timid, but sometimes God uses circumstances to teach us how to become more resolute."

Sally continues . . .

Look. Just up ahead. Two women are supporting each other as they carry their loads. Let’s catch up to them.

It’s Naomi and Ruth, and they’re both wearing the black garb of mourners.

Oh, it’s so sad. They’ve had three funerals in the span of 10 years.

When I was younger, 10 years seemed a lifetime away. But, now? Don’t blink, because it will slip by.

But, oh so sad. They’re both widows. And the young one must be in her 20s. What a shame.

Ruth has chosen to uproot from her home and go with her mother-in-law to a place she’s never been. Is she scared about what she will find there? Maybe she feels lost without her husband? But, she seems to be peacefully resolute.

Maybe, for the first time in her life, she feels as if she has been found.

Ruth’s heard the stories Naomi recounted of the wonders God had done in Israel. Would this God take notice of her, a barren, destitute widow with no man-child to support her in her later years? Is there a future with this God, for a woman?

Her own country’s gods couldn’t keep her from her current state of affairs. Would this God be any different?

What made Ruth decisive? I believe there are four things we can glean from her life.

1. She jumped in with everything she had.

Have you ever seen someone go to the beach with a brand new swimsuit, but never get in the water? When they returned, would you say they went swimming? No, probably not.

We might say they were sun-bathing, but wouldn’t equate that with the experience of feeling the silky smooth water and tasting the salty spray.

Walking with God is like that. You can’t fully experience a relationship with Him if you’re going to settle for sticking to the beach.

Like Ruth, leave the past behind you and fully embrace what He has to offer.

Like Ruth, give it all you’ve got. Read Ruth 1:16-17 to see the depth of her commitment.

2. She took refuge in the Lord.

When Ruth met Boaz, he had already heard about her. Look at Ruth 2:11-12.

When someone takes refuge, it implies taking shelter from a storm. When hurricane season hits the Caribbean, you seek refuge. But, even a fortress can take a battering.

The only place we can find true peace in a storm is when our heart is anchored in Christ.

Read Psalm 91, to hear David’s proclamation of confidence in God.

3. She trusted God to provide a way.

When Naomi sent Ruth out into the darkness to meet Boaz, Ruth must have wondered if Naomi had lost her mind. But Boaz’s response became the prototype of when Jesus became our Kinsman Redeemer.

When Ruth trusted God, He provided a way through His kinsman-redeemer named Boaz. He was the one to handle legal matters for the family. Ruth 3 gives the details.

4. She let God rewrite her story.

When we began our story, Ruth was a barren widow. Look how far she’s come!

In Ruth chapter 4, she’s married to her kinsman-redeemer and they have a son.

Ruth is grafted into the story of the Israelites through a baby boy named Obed and is the great-grandmother to a shepherd boy to come, named David.

Why is this important to us? Because we are also grafted into the family through salvation found in Jesus.

And we can therefore claim the promises God made to the Israelites through the ages!

Aren’t you glad we have these wonderful promises in Christ? You can claim them, too, when you believe in Jesus as your Savior and confess that He is Lord of your life. Acts 4:12 says we only have access to God through His Son.

Won’t you let Him rewrite your story, too?

Sally Ferguson loves sharing God’s Word in all different forms! Her coloring book, What Will I Be When I Grow Up? (Warner Press) and ebook, How to Plan a Women’s Retreat are both available on Amazon. Visit her latest retreat release here.  

Graphic—painting by Thomas Matthews Rooke, 1876-7.


Live the Abundant Life in 2018!

Many write about “abundance” these days, but abundant living doesn’t mean we won’t experience struggles, as Yvonne Ortega explains in this Spiritual Life UPGRADE.

“I went through aggressive chemotherapy and thirty-three rounds of radiation seventeen years ago this month,” Yvonne says.

“That experience and the loss of my only child in 2009 convinced me that I want more out of life than a mere existence of going through the motions day after day.

When I (Dawn) think about “going through the motions,” I picture monotony and boredom. Though we may face tough “wilderness” experiences, monotony and boredom are not what the Lord has in store for His children in our times of difficulty.

Yvonne Ortega continues . . .

I celebrate the gift of life not only on my yearly anniversary of being cancer-free but every day.

Jesus said,

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10, NASB).

I want to live the abundant life Jesus came to give us.

My life changed in my journey to live the abundant life. I questioned every area of my life and searched the Bible for answers.

I came up with FOUR AREAS that required change.

First, I had to make FOOD CHOICES to live the abundant life.

For the most part, I look at food from the perspective of 1 Corinthians 6:19–20:

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

The Holy Spirit convicted me that I couldn’t eat junk food and take care of my body, His temple.

Second, I had to get SUFFICIENT SLEEP each night to live the abundant life.

For me that means eight hours of sleep each night.

Jesus saw the need for rest in Mark 6:31–32:

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them (the apostles), ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’ So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.”

Third, I had to EXERCISE MORE than my fingers at the computer to live the abundant life.

I tried various types of exercise before I settled on the ones that work for me. I enjoy walking outside. As I walk, I review Bible verses and pray for the needs of my neighbors.

Since I live close to the beach, a walk at the beach delights me. The sound of the waves and the feel of the sand between my toes revive me. As I look around at the beach, I thank God for the beautiful world He created.

I also enjoy swimming laps and aqua classes. Through my time at the pool, I’ve met many wonderful people.

Fourth, I needed to DEEPEN MY RELATIONSHIP with the Lord to live the abundant life.

I committed to reading the Bible from Genesis through Revelation each year.

One year, I read the Bible in 90 Days in addition to reading the Bible in a year.

I also chose to listen to praise and worship music daily. When I listen to praise and worship music, I am transported into the very presence of God. He speaks to me, and I listen.

What will you do this year to live the abundant life Jesus came to give you?

Yvonne Ortega is a licensed professional counselor, a bilingual professional speaker, and the author of Moving from Broken to Beautiful: 9 Life Lessons to Help You Move Forward (paperback, Kindle) and Finding Hope for Your Journey through Breast Cancer (Kindle), both available at She not only survived but thrived after a domestic violence marriage, breast cancer and the loss of her only child. With honesty and humor, Yvonne uses personal examples and truths of the Bible to help women move from broken to beautiful. Find out more about Yvonne at her website.

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Pexel at Pixabay.