Searching for God's Will
Author and speaker Ava Pennington is a Bible teacher whose heart’s desire is to drive women to the scriptures and help them focus on God. In this Spiritual Life UPGRADE, she helps us learn how to discover God’s will.
“I love a good mystery … unless I’m searching for God’s will in a particular situation,” Ava writes.
And yet God’s will often seems to be a mystery, doesn’t it? I know I (Dawn) would like His will to be easier to discover. Maybe you would too?
Ava continues…
- Should I take that job?
- Is he the right man for me?
- Which house should we buy?
God’s will doesn’t have to be a mystery, but first we need to begin with another question.
Do we really WANT to know God’s will for our lives? What if God’s will is for us to persevere with an insufferable boss? Remain in a loveless marriage? Serve as missionaries in Bangladesh?
Some things are God’s will for all of us.
Isaiah 43:7 says we are created to display God’s glory. Anything that doesn’t bring Him glory cannot be His will for us.
We also know God wants “all people to be saved” (1 Timothy 2:4). We glorify God by living in a way that reflects this relationship.
The apostle Paul said, “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified” (1 Thessalonians 4:3).
God’s will for our lives is also found in transformation by renewing our minds to prove his will (Romans 12:1-2).
But what about gray areas not spelled out in the Bible? Should you take a new job? Marry that Christian man? Buy the house? God said, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you.…” (Psalm 32:8).
The answers may not seem clear at first, but if we’re seeking God’s will, He will reveal it through:
1. Prayer - Regular time in prayer is a must for the child of God. But few of us stay on our knees after we’ve made our requests. Instead, we end our prayers and we’re out the door, unmindful of the Holy Spirit’s prompting. Our iPods, car radios, or racing thoughts drown Him out.
Tip: The next time you pray, stay on your knees and listen as the Lord speaks to your heart.
2. The Bible - The Bible has answers, but they may not be spelled out. For example, it won’t tell you what car to buy, but instead, provides stewardship principles about giving, saving, debt, and spending.
Tip: Study God’s Word to identify spiritual, emotional, financial, and relational principles.
3. Circumstances - Christians often look for signs of God’s leading. If a door opens, it must be God’s will, right? Maybe not. God may lead by creating opportunities, but He isn’t the only one who opens doors. Satan also manipulates events (John 8:44).
Tip: The next time you’re tempted to act because a door opens or closes, remember circumstances are only one piece of the puzzle.
4. Counsel - Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Still, we must choose counselors wisely.
Tip: Instead of seeking those who tell us what we want, seek mature Christians whose lives reflect God’s principles.
5. Confirmation - If we’re seeking God’s will unreservedly, praying and listening, reading His Word for applicable principles, and seeking godly counsel, God will give confirmation. He does so by giving us peace through His Holy Spirit.
Tip: Peace doesn’t mean the absence of trouble. Times of obedience to God’s leading are often times of greatest attack by Satan.
As we seek God’s will, we’ll see that it’s not mysterious and it’s not a destination. God’s will is the life we live as we walk with Him!
In what area are you searching for God’s will today? Will you commit to seeking His will, not as a destination, but as a way of life?
Ava Pennington’s newest book, Daily Reflections on the Names of God: A Devotional,
is endorsed by Kay Arthur, founder of Precept Ministries. She has also written numerous magazine articles and is a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers (AWSA) and the Christian Authors Network (CAN). Ava also teaches a weekly Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class of 175+ women. She is a passionate speaker who engages audiences with relevant, enjoyable presentations. Visit her at
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Reader Comments (1)
Thank you for hosting me, Dawn!