7 Ways to Cope with Holiday Dessert Buffets
Danna Demetre is a health coach and wellness mentor who encourages women to discover the path to freedom in lasting weight loss and health. In this Health UPGRADE—which is longer than usual, but so needed—she shares the need for a balanced eating lifestyle and ways to cope during the fat-and-sugar-laden holiday season.
"Hundreds of years ago, people had no choice but to eat food the way God created it," Danna says. "Chocolate chip cookies and corn chips weren't on His list, and the greatest extravagance probably was the occasional feast on a fatted calf."
Actually, the fatted calf sounds pretty good to me (Dawn) right now, but I need help with the Christmas fatted fudge! The truth is, I want to glorify God even in my eating (1 Corinthians 10:31), and I know He promises to "provide a way out" when we are tempted (1 Corinthians 10:13b), so I appreciate Danna offering some "ways" the Lord might use, if we are prepared to pay attention and be proactive.
Danna continues . . .
In days past, the average person burned thousands of calories each day just surviving. Today, our fingers, using all our high-tech conveniences, get more exercise than our feet.
Now, I am not a nutritional perfectionist, although I could teach you how to be one. I just don't believe it is necessary to throw every single empty calorie out of your diet.
I have my own weaknesses. I simply love my Starbucks decaf latte with one "pump" of mocha, which I enjoy several times a week. And a small taste of something sweet after a meal is another indulgence I satisfy on occasion as well.
The key to good health and effective weight management is the frequency and amount of the compromises you allow in your daily diet.
I believe it is possible to nourish your body for excellent health and still enjoy food for pure pleasure, if done in moderation. It is a matter of balance. Try to eat as much natural food as you can as frequently as possible.
If you could actually see what is happening inside your body when you eat too much sugar, white flour and saturated fat, you would be shocked!
We need to retrain our minds and taste buds to crave and enjoy natural foods more than all the decadent snacks we have come to love.
It's pretty simple to eat right. Most of us just need to get back to the basics.
You know, all the stuff your mom used to tell you, like "Eat your friends and veggies. Drink lots of water. Go easy on the junk food."
I love what Dr. James Balch says in his book, The Super Antioxidants:
"When God created humans, He also provided all the nutrients we needed to maintain a healthy body. He did not hide those nutrients from us, and He didn't package them separately and write a book to explain exactly how each one functions. He simply put an abundance of nutrients in the foods that we would eat."
I couldn't agree more. Just take some time to ponder all the variety of foods God has created.
That doesn't mean that we can never enjoy a decadent sugary treat or calorie-laden favorite food now and then.
During the holidays, we get bombarded by lots of empty calories almost daily, and sometimes we just give up and give in until January. That's a really dangerous strategy when you realize that many women gain close to five pounds between Thanksgiving and the New Year.
So what can you do?
Here are 7 tips to avoid holiday weight gain.
1. Put on your bathing suit once a week during the holiday season and look in a full-length mirror.
I'm not kidding! Something about an honest reality check helps us avoid the denial that is so easy during the winter months when we're wearing heavier clothes and pretending that the extra goodies aren't being layered onto our thighs and tummies.
2. Get daily exercise.
You already know that. However, many women get so busy this time of year that they exercise less. If you added 4,000 steps per day to your activity, you can actually burn off more than 20 pounds of fat in one year.
3. Give yourself an early Christmas present and get a FitBit or other form of activity monitor.
Make it your goal to reach at least 10,000 steps per day! Wear it at the mall while you're Christmas shopping and get motivated to grab that parking space way out in the "back 40."
4. Always take a healthy treat or snack to every party or activity.
Ensure there is something you can nosh on that is satisfying and not too fattening. One of my favorites is Nearly Naked Popcornopolis Popcorn made with Coconut Oil and Sea Salt at only 130 calories for three cups.
5. Skip the eggnog and sweet drinks and opt for a sparkling cranberry drink.
It can actually boost your metabolism! You can find the one-minute recipe here.
6. Be intentional with your indulgences.
Consider every decadent piece of fudge, small shortbread cookies, or various fat-laden snacks as about 100 calories each.
Ten indulgences add up to about 1,000 calories. (No wonder we gain weight so fast this time of year!) So choose the very best from all the good and savor them slowly!
7. Practice a 'Delay Strategy" when faced with that decadent buffet table or plates overflowing with goodies.
The moment you are tempted to grab a morsel, make a decision to wait at least 10 minutes. If you still want it after the delay, go for it. Then practice another 10-minute delay before you sneak another treat. Maybe try for 20 minutes during a longer party or gathering.
During your "delay," it is really helpful to step as far away from the treats as possible.
Those who hover near the goodies usually eat more!
Did someone say healthy chocolate?
Did you know that coconut oil is not only packed with tons of nutrients that feed your body and brain, but also is a very unique fat that is immediately used by the brain and liver, and therefore does not get stored as fat if you eat too many calories? Now, that is my kind of fat!
Here is a link to the Ageless Woman "Chocolate Bliss Truffle" recipe and video from Danna and her business partner, Robyn.
(Note: Danna says you can serve them right out of the freezer, or, if they have to sit out a while, set them on a plate or dish on top of a shallow container of ice.)
The holidays are going to be full of temptations, but if you're intentional in how you choose to indulge, you don't need to gain weight this year. I highly recommend choosing one week right after Thanksgiving to remove all grain and sugar from your diet as a pre-holiday jumpstart. It will help you drop a pound or two of fat—shed excess water weight—and give a great sense of well-being that may keep you motivated through December.
No matter how many ounces or pounds you gain or lose this holiday, I wish you the most blessed and healthy celebration of Christ's birth.
Danna Demetre is a former registered nurse and fitness professional with over 30 years' experience coaching others toward healthier lifestyles. A popular conference speaker, Danna has authored several books, including Scale Down,
What Happened to My Life, and The Ageless Woman Jumpstart Diet. She and her business partner, Robyn Thomson, produce weekly videos and podcasts on their website, Ageless Woman Living. You can also learn more about Danna's speaking ministry at DannaDemetre.com.
Graphic of tarts and hot chocolate, courtesy of Pixabay.

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