Add Some Color to Your Quiet Time
Morgan Farr is a strong woman both physically and spiritually, yet she struggled with Quiet Time. In this Spiritual Life UPGRADE, she shares how she overcame her frustration.
Morgan asks, "Have you ever just dreaded doing your quiet time? Does it feel like doing what you are supposed to do, but it just doesn’t feel personal?"
Yes, that's a problem I (Dawn) have encountered many times, and God gave me a solution almost identical to what Morgan is going to share here!
Morgan continues . . .
Quiet time is one of those Christian phrases that can be overwhelming to new believers. As someone that didn’t have a relationship with Jesus until my 20s I can tell you, I used to be so very frustrated with "quiet time."
I tried everything that people suggested to be diligent in reading my Bible and none of it fit.
A few things I have tried:
- Reading just my Bible
- Reading my Bible with with a Bible commentary
- Reading my Bible with a concordance
- Reading my Bible and taking detailed, organized notes
- Following a Bible-reading plan
- Reading through the Bible in a year
None of it really stuck and that made me feel like the worst Christian ever.
I mean, really, what kind of Christian dreads quiet time?
Finally, one of my mentors suggested that I think about what makes me … ME.
After really thinking about it, I realized I like the academic side of studying the Bible. I love to study, but that isn’t enough. A quiet time is so much more than just studying. Quiet time is your time to communicate with God.
So how would I have a quiet time and personalize it between just God and me? He is the creator of the universe.
When it hit me that the Creator of the universe loves me and wants a relationship with me, that changed everything.
The Artist of the universe, the Creator of color wants a relationship with me! So why can’t I add color in my quiet time?
I am that person who loves nothing more than a brand new pack of crayola markers, so using color in my quiet time just seemed natural.
But how do you do it?
I am sure many of you have heard of Bible journaling. If you google it—or check it out on Pinterest—you will find all kinds of really awesome examples. They are beautiful and delicate.
I tried my hand at it. But honestly it was a little much for me. I didn’t want to make a mistake in my Bible. I am an absolute perfectionist and the idea of illustrating in my Bible made me very nervous. I was unable to actually do my quiet time.
Since Bible journaling was too much, I had to come up with something else.
In lieu of creating an actual drawing in my Bible, I use a system of color-coded symbols to mark the text of my Bible. I gathered up the symbols from around the internet, and the colors were based off of my associations with each group.
What does my Bible marking key look like?
Purple is God’s "team members" (Father, Son, Holy Spirit...)
Red is the cost of our salvation (blood, cross, sacrifice...)
Orange is sin. because it makes me think of traffic warnings (lust, cursed, suffering...)
Brown is all the things with earth (nation, land, home...)
Blue is the things we give back to God (prayer, repentance, believe...)
Green is the things God does for us (grace, bless, forgiveness...)
Pink is for family interaction (family, marriage, child...)
Using this system has made me so much more willing to do my quiet time! I like being able to look back at a text and see if it was more about the cost of our salvation or the gifts that God has given us.
I also like that it doesn’t take forever to complete my daily reading using this method. Having a one-year-old, writing a blog and running a full-time, functional fitness gym ministry doesn’t leave a lot of down time.
That means I have to be even more diligent about utilizing my quiet time with God to the best of my abilities. In Colossians 3:17, we read,
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
I am so grateful that God made me just the way He wanted to, with a love of Him and the color He created.
Does this sound like a system you might use? Do you use a different kind of coding in your Quiet Time?
Morgan Farr is an Army wife currently stationed at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, North Carolina, with her wonderful husband Brian and their seven-month-old son, William. She is a homemaker who dedicates her free time to ministering to other Army wives through Bible studies, one-on-one interactions and physical training. Morgan writes about her transition out of feminism and into biblical womanhood on her blog. You can find her training programs on her blog,

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