5 Steps to Organize Your Closet Like a Pro!
If I could give someone a crown for best-organized, it would be Marcia Ramsland. There are so many areas she helps people get organized, but in this Organization UPGRADE, she tackles one area where all of us can use some steps for improvement.
"Have you organized your closet recently?" Marcia says. "Spring and fall are ideal times to organize your clothes."
I (Dawn) was able to organize my closet a few years ago. What fun ... and what a relief. And I just re-organized it last week! I think we can all use a fresh tweak when it comes to closets.
Marcia continues . . .
My client Debbie recently did her first annual closet organizing and carried FIVE bags off to charity!
She said, “I didn’t realize how much had accumulated. Now I’m happier and getting dressed is so much easier.
"My teenage daughter is so impressed," she said, "and we’ll do her closet next!”
Every spring and fall, I find “donations”—which means with a twice annual clean out, you can, too!
Be generous and share. You’ll dress better and feel better with fewer well-chosen outfits.
What’s the Best Way to Organize a Closet? *
Here are the 5 steps I recommend to all my clients and course participants. It can be done in just one day or 10 minutes a day as you get dressed.
Step #1 – Get Ready to Organize
- Make your bed so you have a flat surface to do any necessary sorting.
- Designate a bag or box for “giveaway” clothes, plus two others for “fix” and “dry clean.”
- Now get ready to organize your closet by hanging categories together—blouses, slacks, skirts, dresses, etc.
Step #2 – Sort Hanging Clothes
Sort one section a day or sort it all on a weekend. Start at one end of the closet rod and sort the hanging clothes.
Pull out each item and ask yourself these two questions:
1. Do I like this?
2. Do I wear it?
If the answer is no, place the item in your “giveaway” box.
If the answer is yes, then rehang the clothes by categories, such as long-sleeved tops, short-sleeved tops, slacks, and jackets.
Step up your organization by arranging each section from dark colors to light colors, like a rainbow. Often you will find too many of the same color or style, so keep the best and let go of the rest.
Step #3 - Organize by Categories
Finish by using matching hangers about one inch apart.
- Place the front of the clothing items toward you so you can easily see what it looks like.
- Place your most used category of items closest to you.
- Hang items from light to dark like the rainbow colors. That way you’ll see if you have too many white blouses or black tops—that’s what you donate.
Step #4 - Keep Your Best and Donate the Rest!
Note that I said, “Keep YOUR best and donate the rest.”
If you never wear the most expensive item in your closet, it’s not “YOUR” best. It’s pricy clutter that someone else could be wearing.
So give that away and think of how happy someone else will be to wear it!
It’s a "win-win" helping someone else and gaining space in your closet.
Step #5 – Deliver Your Donations within 24 Hours!
The most important step is to bag up and deliver to charity all the things you’ve weeded out!
This must happen the same day to leave the house. Otherwise, you’ll be tempted to put it down the hall or in the garage, and it will never leave you.
It must go to another very worthy person right away.
Keeping your closet organized reminds me of Matthew 25:23:
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
* BONUS: DOWNLOAD a Free Closet Inventory Worksheet to “Organize Your Closet in 10 Minutes a Day!” With this worksheet you’ll have a clear plan how to organize your closet by doing one small section a day!
Marcia Ramsland is well known as The Leading Online Organizing Coach, a Business Productivity Expert, and author of the Simplify Your Life: Get Organized and Stay that Way book series, which has sold over 100,000 copies. Marcia regularly teaches online courses, has over 8,000 email subscribers, and coaches individuals and organizations to be highly productive personally and professionally. She believes anyone can become more organized and productive - even YOU!
For courses and coaching, visit www.organizingpro.com.

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