Leaving a Legacy of True Treasure
Cathy Horning, a true Bible lover, loves to help people understand the truths and treasures of scripture. In this Legacy UPGRADE, she shares how to leave a legacy to children and grandchildren that can make a difference in their lives.
"This month I turn 60!" Cathy says. "Six decades of life seemed the perfect time to write an upgrade post about milestones. Until, I received an unexpected gift that shifted my focus from years past to the ones which lie ahead."
I (Dawn) am in the proces of considering what legacy I will leave to my own family someday, so I truly appreciate Cathy's wisdom in this post.
Cathy continues . . .
The gift was an old Bible, a precious treasure which challenged me to be more purposeful about what I will leave behind one day.
You see, during the past year a deep regret had grown in my heart, because I had nothing which belonged to my grandmother. So, on a recent visit to my parents, my mom had no idea the special gift she was passing on to me when she gave me my grandma’s Bible.
And, if that wasn’t enough, joy flooded my heart when she opened the pages to reveal a treasure trove of notes, poems, and handwritten letters addressed “To God” and “To The Lord.”
The inheritance of my grandmother’s Bible and it’s contents inspired me to be more intentional about leaving behind a legacy of true treasure.
1. Leave True Treasure
Growing up, we lived thousands of miles away from extended family and I loved when we would go for visits. But especially precious to me were the letters my grandmother and I wrote to each other. I’m sorry I didn’t keep her letters, which had been tangible reminders of her love, faith, support and encouragement.
So finding the letters she had written to the Lord in her Bible was like discovering true treasure.
2. Leave A Treasure Chest
I wish I would have known to cherish the letters my grandma and I exchanged, and to keep them in a safe place. But I didn’t.
So as an adult, I am conscientious to keep journals I have written, notes and cards others have given to me, as well as pieces I have written for others.
I hope that one day the writings I have saved will be a treasure chest for my loved ones to explore.
3. Leave Imperishable Treasure
The letters my grandmother and I wrote to each other are gone forever, but her plain, black, hardback Bible, filled with the handwritten letters of her prayers, lasted.
Still, after I read each note and letter, I found I was sad that there was nothing underlined or highlighted in her Bible to give me a glimpse of what had spoken to her the most from God’s Word. Until, I showed my adult children my wonderful gift.
Then, as we looked through the notes and scraps of paper together, my daughters noticed that there were small black pencil marks next to passages throughout it’s pages. To me these marks have become an imperishable treasure.
This month as I turn 60, about the same age my grandmother was when she wrote her letters, the gift of her Bible stirred up questions in my own heart.
- What will I pass on?
- What will I leave to bless and encourage my loved ones?
Not just personal letters, like the ones between my grandma and me, but a spiritual heritage like Timothy’s grandmother and mother passed down to him.
“I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you…
"Remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you. You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 1:5-7, 3:14-15)
More than anything, I want to pass on a treasure chest to my children and grandchildren. I want it to be filled with:
- Imperishable treasure from my own faith journey,
- A true treasure of my own prayers and prayers God has answered, and of
- Testimonies of God’s faithfulness as I held on to the truths and promises in His Word.
My prayer is that this true treasure will fan into flame their own walks of faith, long after my life here is over and I am in my heavenly home.
What legacy of true treasure will you leave behind? How would you want to "fan into flame" your family's walks of faith?
Cathy Horning is an author, blogger, speaker, Bible teacher, encourager, mentor, wife, mom, grammy to thirteen (and counting), and Jesus lover! She
loves the Word of God! Absolutely, nothing brings her greater joy than sharing with others how very precious, practical and powerful are the promises and truths in God's Word, and how He desires to transform our lives into the men and women we were created to be! Learn more about Cathy here and here.
Graphic adapted, courtesy of Bru-nO at Pixabay.

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