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Entries by Dawn Wilson (841)


When Christmas Doesn't Feel 'Christmasy'

Sally Ferguson is wise and caring, and both traits combine to make her a superb encourager. In this Christmas UPGRADE, she reaches out to those who might hurt at Christmas by offering wise counsel from a compassionate heart.“Financial distress. Health scares. Job insecurity. Family discord. When circumstances take you out of your security zone you can feel tossed at sea,” Sally said.

A note from Dawn: As a teenager, I heard the Elvis Presley song "Blue Christmas," and at age 14 I wondered, "Why would anyone not have a happy Christmas?" Fast forward not too many years and I discovered many reasons—both cultural and personal in origin. Sally recognizes that too, and she offers wise counsel to combat "Christmas-time blues."

Sally continues . . .

The "boat ride" we experience caring for my ninety-year-old father can leave us numb, even at Christmas.

I no longer panic when heading to the Emergency Room because hospital stays have become the norm. I just grab Dad’s medication info, a book to read, a bottle of water, snacks, and my phone charger.

Maybe you’ve experienced times of feeling down during the holidays. You try to get in a festive spirit but end up deflated instead.

In fact, there may be more people who can relate than you realize.

In a survey conducted by National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “Approximately 755 of overall respondents reported that the holidays contribute to feeling sad or dissatisfied and 68% financially strained. 66% have experienced loneliness, 63% too much pressure and 57% unrealistic expectations. 55% found themselves remembering happier times in the past contrasting with the present, while 50% were unable to be with loved ones.”

How can we battle feeling discouraged during a season when we’re supposed to be full of happiness?

Here are some ways I combat the Christmas blues.

1. Enlist help. (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

Decorating, cooking, and cleaning multiply during the holidays. One of the ways we tackle the job of decorating is with a family tree trimming party.

Ornaments go up and cookies get washed down with homemade eggnog.

My sister pitches in with the baking and washing dishes.

Why not treat yourself to an early Christmas present by paying a college student or a grandchild to manage some of the household chores? It’s a win for both when your to-do list gets shortened, and they get some spending money for the holidays.

2. Manage expectations. (Psalm 46:10)

When you think about it, redecorating the house for one month seems ludicrous. I’ve amassed trinkets, wall art, couch pillows, mugs, scented candles, sleigh bells, yard ornaments, and a sundry collection to doll up my house.

At some point, we have to divvy up our treasures to bless others.

And some years, we don’t have to use the entire ensemble to usher in the season. Adjust according to your needs.

Be still and acknowledge God. Allow Him to help you manage your expectations.

3. Make time for fun. (Proverbs 23:4a)

Put aside your list for something you’ll enjoy.

  • Drive to a Christmas light display with the grands and say “ooo" and "aah” with each exchange of wow factor.
  • Go on a sleigh ride and feel the cold air in your lungs. If you live in a warm climate, take a nighttime boat ride down the canal to see the boats lit up in their finery.
  • Watch a favorite Christmas movie and celebrate with popcorn.
  • Take a break from shopping with a treat from the coffee shoppe.

Pace yourself! Do not "wear yourself out."

4. Run back to our Abba. (Ephesians 5:29)

We can take great comfort in God’s Word. Scripture is full of reminders that God is for us and God is with us; and our Abba wants us to take care of our bodies.

Maybe you’re cruising along well with the holidays, but do you have a friend who is dragging? What can you do to help? (Proverbs 3:27)

Here are some ways you might encourage your friend:

  • Drop in with flowers and tea.
  • Include her in your shopping trip.
  • Send a verse and a word of encouragement.
  • Bring a hug and a listening ear.
  • Wrap presents together and listen to carols.
  • Bake Christmas cookies together.
  • Tackle an item on her list.

Sometimes the best encouragement is an emoji in a text. It lets the person know you’re there and you care.

When you meet another at her point of need, you are an ambassador for the Babe who arrived at Christmas. You're the one who represents Jesus in the flesh—our Emmanuel who cares about every detail we face.

This Christmas, whether you have “all the feels” or not, may you know without a doubt you are important to the One who created you. He loves you so much that His Son died on the cross that you might have a full and abundant life (John 10:10).

Rejoice in this great truth:

“I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11 NASB).

Which tip to combat the Christmas blues seems doable to you?

Sally Ferguson lives in western New York with her husband, and her dad. She writes to shine hope in darkness and often does so by revealing her own struggles. Sally’s latest article released December 1st in Michelle Rayburn’s collective, Renewed Christmas Blessings. Visit her website at to see other work and to get a copy of her mom’s famous eggnog!

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Larisa Koshkina at Pixabay.


Remembering Snapshots of Christmas Past

Joanie Shawhan is such a precious, God-loving, joy-filled woman, and I often smile at what she writes. In this Christmas UPGRADE, she reminds us that the joys of our Christmases only reflect in part the joy of the first Christmas.  "At our family reunion, I shuffled through a stack of old Christmas photos," Joanie said. "Each snapshot told a story—a precious memory captured in still life."

I (Dawn) found myself smiling as I read Joanie's words. I too have precious memories captured in photos. But what I love most about what she wrote is the reminder that any joy we may have in our celebrations pales to the glorious joy of the angels, shepherds, wise men, and Mary and Joseph as they realized the promised Savior had come.     

Joanie continues . . . 

As I looked at the photos, I stared at our beaming faces and wondered if our delight mirrored the expectation and joy of that first Christmas morning.

Memories of God’s faithfulness flooded my mind. Not only his faithfulness to me, but His faithful promise to send the long-awaited Messiah. Jesus.

Snapshots of God’s Faithfulness  

1. God comes to the lowly.

I picked up a photo of me when I was five, seated next to our Charlie Brown Christmas tree. It had been haphazardly propped up in a playpen, protecting the sparse branches from my inquisitive toddler brother.

Maybe we could only afford a Charlie Brown tree, but I still received the present I wanted most—a tea set.

Our lowly tree hadn’t deterred the arrival of my gift.

And humble beginnings hadn’t deterred the arrival of Jesus.

Even though he was God, He was not born in a palace like a king, but born in a stable.

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger (Luke 2:11-12 NIV).

2. God comes with joy.

In another photo, my wide grin revealed two new front teeth. Home-permed hair framed my beaming face as I cradled a new doll.

That Christmas Eve the doorbell chimed. A large box of colorfully-wrapped presents greeted us. Our excited voices rang, “Santa came!”

But on that first Christmas, one far greater than Santa arrived hailed by a multitude of angelic hosts rejoicing and praising God. Jesus came amidst shouts of joy.

Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10-11 NKJV).

3. God comes with surprises.

One year, my mom surprised me with beautifully-sewn Barbie clothes. She even made matching hats for my Barbie from the med cups she had saved from her last hospital maternity visit.

I treasured this surprise gift.

I can’t imagine the surprise Mary and Joseph felt when magi from the east traveled so far to bring extravagant gifts to their young son.

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Matthew 2:11 NIV).

4. God comes with sacrificial love.

As clear as a photo, I recalled another Christmas.

That year, my mom pulled out a heavy wooden box filled with sterling silverware she had received as a wedding gift. She said since we didn’t use it anymore, she planned to sell the silver.

Many years later, I learned that her wedding silver paid for Christmas presents the year my dad was out of work.

I’m grateful for my mom’s sacrifice of love. It reminds me of the sacrifice of God’s only Son.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16 NIV).

5. God comes to dwell with us. 

In a more recent photo of myself, a red beret covered my bald head.

That year, I celebrated Christmas between chemotherapy cycles.

On Christmas Eve, I sat in the balcony under the vaulted ceiling of my home church for our candlelight Christmas Eve service. Flames from our candles danced to the joyous strains of Christmas carols echoing throughout the ornate church.

God reminded me that He had been with me so far on this ovarian cancer journey and He would see me through.

I recalled how God had been with his people throughout the ages, always faithful to His promises.

He had been with me and He would still be with me because He is Emmanuel—God With Us.

'Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel' (which means, God with us) (Matthew 1:23 RSV).

As I sift through these snapshots from Christmas past, I’m amazed by God’s faithfulness. Not only his faithfulness to me, but His faithfulness throughout the centuries to His chosen people.

I am reminded that the joy I experienced at Christmas was only a shadow of the true joy of that first Christmas when Jesus was born.

I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old (Psalm 77:11 ESV).

Where do you see God’s faithfulness in your snapshots of Christmas past?

Joanie Shawhan shares true-life stories, offering her reader an eyewitness view of the action. Her Selah Awards Finalist book, In Her Shoes: Dancing in the Shadow of Cancer, reflects the value of “Your story plus my story become our stories.” An ovarian cancer survivor and registered nurse, Joanie speaks to medical students in the Survivors Teaching Students program. She co-founded an ovarian cancer social group: The Fried Eggs—Sunny-Side Up. Publishing credits include: Guideposts Divine Interventions, Snapshots of Hope & Heart, Wit, Whimsy & Wisdom, Life Repurposed, and We May Be Done But We’re Not Finished. Follow Joanie at

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Marina Abrosimova at Pexels.


Are You Ready for Some ... Christmas?

In this Christmas UPGRADE, I want to help us focus on two frustrations about the Christmas season. 

In spite of the photo below, this article isn't about football, which should make my husband smile. (I actually like it that my husband can relax and watch his favorite teams. Although "relax" might not be the best word when the game isn't going as he'd like.)

So why the photo? While contemplating how to both streamline Christmas and make it more meaningful, I suddenly heard this football tag line in my head: "Are you ready for some football?"

I laughed!

A little history. The opening theme song for Monday Night Football was made famous in the early 1990s, originally performed by country rocker Hank Williams Jr.

A reworked verson of his song, "All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight" was titled "All My Rowdy Friends Are Here on Monday Night." The song's catchy words and tune stuck in football fans' minds for more than two decades until ESPN booted Williams and his emmy-winning song in 2011 after he made a controversial comment.

Still, the catchy line, "Are you ready for some football?," secured its place in history. Over the years, I've caught myself adapting it.

  • Are you ready for some . . . turkey?
  • Are you ready for some . . . shopping?
  • Are you ready for some . . . Hallmark Christmas movies? (My husband's expression indicated a firm "no" to that one.)

We each have only so much time in our days, and we want to spend it well. So as December neared and I perused our calendar, I found myself asking, "Am I even READY for Christmas this year?" (Is anyone? Ever?)

I want to share two questions that are helping me get "ready" for Christmas. Maybe they will help you too.

1. How Can I Streamline Christmas?

As I've been simplifying and streamlining my home by removing many of the things I've "stored" there unnecessarily over the years, I've asked three questions: Do I love it? Do I use it? Would I buy it again?

I decided to do the same thing with Christmas.

The questions I'm asking to streamline Christmas this year are:

  • Does this Christmas-related activity bring me or my family true JOY? (Or am I only imagining or hoping that they even like it?)
  • Is this Christmas-related activity worth my or my family's time NOW? (Was this activity useful in a past season of life, but now it's just a hassle that no one really appreciates or even wants?)
  • What does this Christmas-related activity ACCOMPLISH for me or my family? (Does it support our family goals or the legacy we want to create?)

Please understand that I am not doing this perfectly. Also, know that some of this is necessary in my life with the limited energy I have. But I do think those questions might be beneficial for all of us.

Streamlining Christmas is helpful, even as we pack in what is important—and that's where the second question comes in.

2. How Can I Focus on the True Meaning of Christmas?

I noted earlier that Christmas has typically become a secular holiday for many families. As a Christian, I think that's just terribly sad.

After leaving church on Sunday morning in late November, we saw house after house with giant blow-up Santas and snowman.

One small lawn was packed from front door to sidewalk and up to the neighbor's fences with "Christmas stuff." No theme, just a hodgepodge of glass, plastic, and metal. I couldn't help wondering if it was all simply accumulated over a lifetime of Christmases by people who had no Christmas "filter." (Perhaps that sounds judgmental. I don't know the homeowner's story. But to me, the cluttery look was far from celebratory . . . more junkyard than heartwarming.)

Nearing my home, I even saw a monstrously-tall Halloween skeleton left up after Oct. 31—and now sporting an ugly Christmas sweater! (I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!)

Secular decorations can be "cute" and—although this is controversial in some circles—I believe certain secular decor can have a place in holiday celebrations. Yet, as we turned the last corner toward home that Sunday, my eyes rested on a simple nativity scene.

I sighed with a Christmas-y smile of peace, contentment, and joy.

"THAT is what Christmas is all about," I thought. 

Then and there, I decided to spend at least 15 minutes each day leading up to Christmas to focus on the true meaning of what we celebrate—and this is beyond church services and special Christmas services. I didn't want the hustle and bustle to overshadow what is best.

How I spent the time might vary, but taking the time would need to be consistent for the greatest impact.

Brainstorming, I thought I might spend those 15 minutes:

  • meditating in a Christmas devotional book—some suggestions are here and here and here and here and here;
  • looking through a book with famous paintings about Christmas;
  • reading a biblically-accurate Christmas book to a small child—here is one idea);
  • creating a Christmas craft that focuses on Jesus—and this can be done with children, such as with this or this;
  • praying about the people on your Christmas card list, or for family members who need Jesus;
  • serving someone with a special need at Christmas;
  • listing what positive changes knowing the Savior has brought into your life;
  • singing or listening to Christmas hymns or songs that praise God—many are here, and here's a  history of some Christmas hymns, or you may have your own Christmas playlist; and
  • planning how you might give special gifts to those not on your typical Christmas list—such as World Help and Samaritan's Purse—but also consider worthy local Christian charities in your city).
  • You may have other ideas. Get creative!

Knowing how distracted I get, I made a simple check-off sheet to keep by my Bible and devotional bood to be sure I spend time focusing on the true meaning of Christmas. (Other people might choose to set a phone alarm to remember.)


By far, the most important reason we should streamline Christmas and focus on what matters during the season is to glorify God—to "give weight to" who He is, to adore and honor Him. We were created for His glory, and scripture instructs us to do everything for His glory (Isaiah 43:7; 1 Corinthians 10:31).

We really shouldn't need a reminder, but honoring God should always be at the center our Christmas-season activities.

What will you do to streamline your Christmas and focus on its true meaning this year?

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is a speaker and author, and the creator the blog, Upgrade with Dawn. She is a contracted researcher/reviewer for women's teacher and revivalist, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth at Revive Our Hearts, and is a regular columnist at She and her husband Bob live in sunny Southern California, and Dawn has traveled with Him in Pacesetter Global Outreach. They have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Wallace Chuck at Pexels.


Thankful for More than One Kind of Blessing

In this Thanksgiving UPGRADE, I want to remind my readers that even while we might express gratitude for many blessings on Thanksgiving Day, we may forget others that are out of this world!I want to acknowledge that my thoughts today are not entirely original, but rather, triggered by a gifted writer, Rebecca Barlow Jordan. In her book, Day-votions® with Your Faithful Father*, she wrote in a prayer from the reader to God:

"Along with the tangible gifts of home, friends, family—and so much more—You have redeemed me, restored me, and forgiven me completely. You have blessed me with inexpressible joy, a deep settled peace, a sense of belonging, a purpose for living, and eternal security found only in You through Christ."

When I read those words, I sighed a deep, grateful "Amen!"

Just thinking about all the kinds of blessings I've received—especially this past year—makes me laugh with joy!

I am thankful for all the "people blessings" and tangible and intangible blessings God has provided for me through the years—simply because He loves me; but I'm also grateful in a fresh way this year for the spiritual blessings.

Let me share some with you.

1. 'People Blessings'

My faithful God has blessed me with a wonderful and patient husband to shepherd our home, precious children and grandchildren, loving extended family, unforgettable friends, kind employers, godly pastors, motivating ministry and church leaders, skilled doctors and nurses, and so many others who are part of the tapestry of my life.

Who are YOUR "people blessings"?

2. Tangible blessings

God has also blessed me with a warm and cozy home, plentiful food, a running car, a lovely back yard, a sweet furboy, my Bible and a library of Christian books . . . I could go on and on.

What tangible blessings can YOU list today?

3. Intangible blessings

This is more difficult to define. Intangible things do not have a physical presence—they can't be touched or grasped. But they are real, nonetheless.

God has given me joy in the midst of trials, peace that the world can't understand, encouragement on so many levels, opportunities to pursue my passion for writing, etc.

What intangible blessings add meaning and value to YOUR life?

4. Spiritual blessings

These are the blessings many Christians tend to forget as they gather around their Thanksgiving tables. I say they are blessings that are "out of this world" because some blessings prepare us for heaven, and we receive others when we arrive there!

Rebecca's devotional piece reminded me that this is not my home, and my life is about more than this short existence on earth. I am created for God's glory—and to serve Him and tell others about Him.

God, in love, has chosen to bless me with spiritual blessings now and in heaven because I am hidden in Christ. The truth is, our Father is more than ready to give wonderful spiritual gifts to us, if we would just ask. (So often we are only interested in asking for tangible things.)

What spiritual blessings would you list that YOU have "in Christ"?

Here are just a few of my spiritual blessings.

  • My Father has given me a future inheritance, set aside for me in heaven.
  • I have relationships with Father God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit that continue to grow as I spend time learning about them.
  • I have eternal security because I have placed my faith in Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross.
  • I have the fruit of the Holy Spirit developing now in my life as God purposes to make me more like His Son and as the Spirit teaches and guides me.
  • And I'll have future blessings—more than I can even imagine—once I arrive at the home that Jesus is building for us.

My FAVORITE spiritual blessing is the Holy Spirit nudging me to fill my mind with thoughts about God, and to think BIG thoughts about Him. (I don't think I would do that without the Holy Spirit's nudging. Would anyone?) I'm grateful that thinking big thoughts about God is an adventure that will never end.

It's a wonderful thing to have God fill all our thoughts, even for a moment!

One of the ways we think big thoughts is to express gratitude for God's countless gifts.

So I'm taking time this Thanksgiving to count all my KINDS of blessings—to be grateful for all I have and will have—because each blessing is a precious, undeserved gift from God. I hope that you will do the same.

At the beginning of her devotional, Rebecca shared a scripture from a version of the Bible that I do not typically use; but—while I love my ESV and Amplified Bibles—these words from The Passion Translation (TPT) reached in and grabbed my heart:

"Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful heavenly Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus—all because he sees us wrapped into Christ. This is why we celebrate him with all our hearts!" (Ephesians 1:3)

It's not just our blessings we should celebrate; it's God Himself.

As you list your "people blessings" and tangible and intangible blessings this year, spend some extra time considering the spiritual blessings God gives to each of His children in Christ—and celebrate Him!

Which blessings mean the most to you this Thanksgiving? How can you make time to celebrate God?

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is a speaker and author, and the creator the blog, Upgrade with Dawn. She is a contracted researcher/reviewer for women's teacher and revivalist, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth at Revive Our Hearts, and is a regular columnist at She and her husband Bob live in sunny Southern California, and Dawn has traveled with Him in Pacesetter Global Outreach. They have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Ben White at Unsplash.

* Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Day-votions® with Your Faithful Father: 90 Days with the One Who Wants to Meet All Your Needs (Self-published, January 26, 2022). Referenced Day 38, pp. 132-134. Contact:


Minister with 'Last-Days Leadership'

Many people are pointing to the "signs of the times" and concluding that Christians will soon meet their savior, Jesus, in the air (in the rapture of the Church). Whether that day is almost here, or many years away, we definitely are going to face troubling days ahead. In light of that, we need strong leaders. It's what I like to call "Last-Days Leadership." In this Leadership UPGRADE, I'll share five qualities that can help us lead well in tough times.

Jesus exemplified leadership as the perfect servant-leader. He trained a small team while drawing countless others to follow His message of light and life, forgiveness and freedom. (A good study might be to read the scriptures with this thought: "How can I lead like Jesus?")

There are as many kinds of leadership as there are roles in ministry. Also, as we lead, it's wise to be be a good follower / learner ourselves, asking, "How can I grow in my leadership skills?"

Here are five qualities that can help us lead well in tough times.

The Five C's of Last-Days Leadership

1. CONFIDENCE: Trust God in a Shaky World.

People are frazzled, fearful, and frustrated by the scary things happening in the world:

  • the constant threat of nuclear disaster,
  • the devaluating dollar,
  • new diseases,
  • unstable weather,
  • strained and broken relationships,
  • and stress like never before.

Christian leaders know that the only true source for the security and peace the world craves is God. Everything and everyone else can be taken from us or lost.

Have you heard this statement? "You just need to believe in yourself!" That and many other catchphrases from pop psychology and the culture-at-large can mislead Christians. It's okay to believe you have the ability to do this or that—when you actually DO have the ability—and we all need a measure of confidence to make choices or try new things.

But self-confidence is limited, and when our confidence is accompanied by hurtful pride and independence from God, it's sinful.

More than confidence in ourselves, we need God confidence!

When we need clear direction in a shaky world, the Lord of heaven is our help and resource. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to trust in Him and not lean on our own understanding. Other scriptures also caution about human confidence (like Proverbs 28:26 and Jeremiah 9:23).

It is wise to acknowledge God's right to control our lives.

Rather than trying to drum up more confidence, act in faith every day, and teach others the wisdom and value of confidence in God too. 

2. COMPASSION: Love People in a Needy World.

Effective ministry flows from personal interaction.

Leadership without genuine love and compassion will not help and change people; it will only keep “programs” going.

Jesus often met people’s physical needs before He dealt with their spiritual needs. Servant-leaders are wise to look at others through eyes of compassion and understanding. Offer your hands and heart to God.

If there are any problems in leadership, they usually come from the leader’s failure to connect with people in the group, so:

  • take time to understand people’s needs and wishes,
  • connect to needs by developing relationships,
  • ask questions,
  • and show sincere concern.

Compassion means “to suffer with”—sincere love that comes alongside others, as Jesus did (Matthew 9:36; 14:14).

If there are people in your group that you don’t know how to encourage or lead, take another look. See them through Jesus’ eyes!

Be aware of teachable moments that arise out of sacrificial ministry.

3. CONVICTION: Embrace Truth in a Confusing World.

Do you know what you believe, and why? Can you explain it to others?

As a Christian leader, you are responsible to guide others to the truth of God’s Word, and help them understand how His truth applies to their personal lives.

The Apostle Paul said, “I know whom [not just what] I have believed” (2 Timothy 1:12). That should be the confession of every child of God, especially Christian leaders. 

Know God’s Word to know Him!  

The world would like us to compromise what we believe—to water it down and tolerate lies—but it is only the truth that sets people free (John 8:32; 17:17).

The scriptures are profitable and powerful (2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12). Embrace the Word, and seek the will of God daily. Your leadership will be rooted and fruitful (Psalm 1:1-3).

There is no substitute for the pure Word of God.

4. CHARACTER: Reflect Christ to a Watching World.

God chose each of us “to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last” (John 15:16). Ambassadors for Christ will serve Him with integrity and good character (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Leaders should model behavior they want co-laborers and followers to emulate, but even more is at stake: the world is watching to see if our walk lines up with our talk.

Reflect Christ. Bring glory to His name, not shame.

We want:

People are watching—guard your heart and mind!

5. COURAGE: Stand for God in an Unbelieving World.

As our culture plunges deeper into sin, the light of holy Christians will shine brighter and brighter and people should see the difference (Matthew 5:16). 

But that's not all that will happen.

  • The world despises those who follow Christ with a whole heart and believe in the authority of the unchanging Word of God (John 15:18-19), so expect tension between good and evil.
  • You may even be called to suffer for His sake as you stand for truth (Romans 8:17-18; 2 Timothy 3:12; I Peter 4:15-16). 

How can you move forward in courage?

  • Find strength in the joy of the Holy Spirit's presence (John 14:16-17). Jesus sent Him to be our helper and, especially when times get tough, He gives direction based in the truth.
  • Cast a biblical vision of holiness in the fear of God, sacrificial service, and joyful ministry. Where there is no vision—no long-term plan based in the Word and will of God—people will either be destroyed or wander aimlessly. So help them see what God is doing (Proverbs 29:18 MSG).
  • This is not a time to be fuzzy about our role as leaders! Stand alone, if necessary, for what is right. Be bold for God!

No matter where we are on the timetable of God, we still want to minister well. God can help us do that with confidence, compassion, conviction, character, and courage.

We don't need to worry about "success"—we only need to be faithful to what our Father in heaven has called us to do; and if he has called us to lead, let us do it to honor Him.

Are you a leader in some way? Are you practicing the five C's? If not, what can you do to improve?

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is a speaker and author, and the creator the blog, Upgrade with Dawn. She is a contracted researcher/reviewer for women's teacher and revivalist, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth at Revive Our Hearts, and is a regular columnist at She and her husband Bob live in sunny Southern California, and Dawn has traveled with Him in Pacesetter Global Outreach. They have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Christina at for Unsplash.