Thankful for More than One Kind of Blessing
In this Thanksgiving UPGRADE, I want to remind my readers that even while we might express gratitude for many blessings on Thanksgiving Day, we may forget others that are out of this world!I want to acknowledge that my thoughts today are not entirely original, but rather, triggered by a gifted writer, Rebecca Barlow Jordan. In her book, Day-votions® with Your Faithful Father*, she wrote in a prayer from the reader to God:
"Along with the tangible gifts of home, friends, family—and so much more—You have redeemed me, restored me, and forgiven me completely. You have blessed me with inexpressible joy, a deep settled peace, a sense of belonging, a purpose for living, and eternal security found only in You through Christ."
When I read those words, I sighed a deep, grateful "Amen!"
Just thinking about all the kinds of blessings I've received—especially this past year—makes me laugh with joy!
I am thankful for all the "people blessings" and tangible and intangible blessings God has provided for me through the years—simply because He loves me; but I'm also grateful in a fresh way this year for the spiritual blessings.
Let me share some with you.
1. 'People Blessings'
My faithful God has blessed me with a wonderful and patient husband to shepherd our home, precious children and grandchildren, loving extended family, unforgettable friends, kind employers, godly pastors, motivating ministry and church leaders, skilled doctors and nurses, and so many others who are part of the tapestry of my life.
Who are YOUR "people blessings"?
2. Tangible blessings
God has also blessed me with a warm and cozy home, plentiful food, a running car, a lovely back yard, a sweet furboy, my Bible and a library of Christian books . . . I could go on and on.
What tangible blessings can YOU list today?
3. Intangible blessings
This is more difficult to define. Intangible things do not have a physical presence—they can't be touched or grasped. But they are real, nonetheless.
God has given me joy in the midst of trials, peace that the world can't understand, encouragement on so many levels, opportunities to pursue my passion for writing, etc.
What intangible blessings add meaning and value to YOUR life?
4. Spiritual blessings
These are the blessings many Christians tend to forget as they gather around their Thanksgiving tables. I say they are blessings that are "out of this world" because some blessings prepare us for heaven, and we receive others when we arrive there!
Rebecca's devotional piece reminded me that this is not my home, and my life is about more than this short existence on earth. I am created for God's glory—and to serve Him and tell others about Him.
God, in love, has chosen to bless me with spiritual blessings now and in heaven because I am hidden in Christ. The truth is, our Father is more than ready to give wonderful spiritual gifts to us, if we would just ask. (So often we are only interested in asking for tangible things.)
What spiritual blessings would you list that YOU have "in Christ"?
Here are just a few of my spiritual blessings.
- My Father has given me a future inheritance, set aside for me in heaven.
- I have relationships with Father God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit that continue to grow as I spend time learning about them.
- I have eternal security because I have placed my faith in Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross.
- I have the fruit of the Holy Spirit developing now in my life as God purposes to make me more like His Son and as the Spirit teaches and guides me.
- And I'll have future blessings—more than I can even imagine—once I arrive at the home that Jesus is building for us.
My FAVORITE spiritual blessing is the Holy Spirit nudging me to fill my mind with thoughts about God, and to think BIG thoughts about Him. (I don't think I would do that without the Holy Spirit's nudging. Would anyone?) I'm grateful that thinking big thoughts about God is an adventure that will never end.
It's a wonderful thing to have God fill all our thoughts, even for a moment!
One of the ways we think big thoughts is to express gratitude for God's countless gifts.
So I'm taking time this Thanksgiving to count all my KINDS of blessings—to be grateful for all I have and will have—because each blessing is a precious, undeserved gift from God. I hope that you will do the same.
At the beginning of her devotional, Rebecca shared a scripture from a version of the Bible that I do not typically use; but—while I love my ESV and Amplified Bibles—these words from The Passion Translation (TPT) reached in and grabbed my heart:
"Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful heavenly Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus—all because he sees us wrapped into Christ. This is why we celebrate him with all our hearts!" (Ephesians 1:3)
It's not just our blessings we should celebrate; it's God Himself.
As you list your "people blessings" and tangible and intangible blessings this year, spend some extra time considering the spiritual blessings God gives to each of His children in Christ—and celebrate Him!
Which blessings mean the most to you this Thanksgiving? How can you make time to celebrate God?
Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is a speaker and author, and the creator the blog, Upgrade with Dawn. She is a contracted researcher/reviewer for women's teacher and revivalist, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth at Revive Our Hearts, and is a regular columnist at She and her husband Bob live in sunny Southern California, and Dawn has traveled with Him in Pacesetter Global Outreach. They have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.
Graphic adapted, courtesy of Ben White at Unsplash.
* Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Day-votions® with Your Faithful Father: 90 Days with the One Who Wants to Meet All Your Needs (Self-published, January 26, 2022). Referenced Day 38, pp. 132-134. Contact: