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Entries by Dawn Wilson (841)


Feeling Like a Failure as a Mom?

Kathy Collard Miller is treasure, shaped by God for specific ministry—reaching women who deal with anger issues, and teaching how to be a positive parent. In this Parenting UPGRADE, she reaches out to women who feel like failures in motherhood—an insightful post before Mother's Day.

"Don’t be alarmed," Kathy says. "Every mother at one point or another feels like a failure, but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t have help to improve her parenting skills."

I (Dawn) like that word "every." I am not alone in my mothering regrets. All mothers wish we could go back and redo something in our imperfect parenting. But what does God have to say about this?

Kathy continues . . .

If anyone could say they are a failure as a mom, it would be me.

Over 40 years ago, I was an abusive mom of our toddler daughter.

I feared I would kill her in one of my rages.

It seemed God had given up on me, because no matter how much I prayed to be a godly mother, nothing changed. Suicide seemed the only option, and I almost took my life.

But God intervened, gave me hope, and also gave me biblical and practical help to become the loving mom I wanted to be. Today, our family is intact and has healthy relationships.

So what can you do when mothering is overwhelming and feels hopeless?

Hope for "Failing" Moms

1. The story isn’t finished.

This might sound like a pat answer, but we feel hopeless because everything is going wrong. We believe our child’s life is ruined forever.

Think of the disciples while Jesus is in the grave. For three days they had no clue God was going to bring hope to the whole world through an astounding, unexpected act—the resurrection.

I certainly had no clue that God would not only help me become a patient mom and heal my daughter’s wounded heart, He would also open ministry doors that has included sharing my story in nine foreign countries, having over 60 books published, and sharing God’s hope in over 30 U.S. states.

None of us can predict how our powerful Father will use what seems hopeless. Because then His glory is brighter than ever.

2. What you are struggling with is only preparation for sharing help and hope with others.

Initially, I prayed for an instantaneous deliverance from my anger.

I couldn’t possibly comprehend any good coming from struggle.

But as I learned more and more, I could teach parenting classes and workshops.

I Peter 1:6-7 (ESV) tells us,

“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

3. Have courage to share your struggle knowing you are not alone.

Satan loves to keep sin in the darkness of secrets. I thought I was the only one struggling.

I remember sitting during our church service after being angry toward our daughter that morning. I sat trying not to cry, and yet my heart was breaking.

The woman sitting next to me seemed visibly disturbed because I was so upset. I knew she didn’t know what to do, but I feared sharing because she would condemn me.

In time, God gave me the courage to share in the neighborhood Bible study I led, and my friends didn’t condemn me. They began to pray for me and hold me accountable.

James 5:16 (ESV) commands us,

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

I saw God keep His promise of delivering me when I accepted His courage to tell others.

Whatever struggle you have is absolutely weak in comparison to your Heavenly Father’s power.

You will feel intimidated, but be courageous to share with others. If no one will help, keep sharing until you find the wise counselor you need.

What struggle seems too strong to ask for help from God and others?

Kathy Collard Miller has continued to be in awe of God’s ability to not only release His children from sin’s grasp, but also to use what He teaches us. God has used His journey for her through His opportunities to write over 60 books, speak in 9 countries and more than 30 U.S. states. Her memoir, No More Anger: Hope for an Out-of-Control Mom (available in print, Kindle, and audio) is her story, which also includes practical, biblical ideas for overcoming anger and being a positive parent. Kathy and her husband, Larry, of more than 50 years, are parents, grandparents, and lay counselors. They live in Boise, Idaho. Visit her at

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Liza Summer at Pexels.



Mashing My Remote Control Didn't Help

In this Spiritual Growth UPGRADE, I want to share four lessons I learned about "control."

I mashed the buttons on the TV’s remote control, but nothing happened. Already stressed from bad news, I frantically mashed the buttons harder.

I knew I was upset and disappointed by my circumstances, but I didn’t realize how angry I was too. In my anger, I fiercely tried to “will” the remote to do my bidding.

“I will conquer you, you stupid thing!”

But nothing I did worked.

My husband asked me a simple question, and as it turned out, the remote needed new batteries (Duh!). The remote required change at its core.

Later, I took time for some heart examination. I thought about how I'd felt so out of control, and the foolish, fierce anger that erupted over a relatively small inconvenience.

In that process, I learned—or at least, was reminded of—four lessons about God.

Four Lessons When Life Feels Out of Control

1. God Is in Control.

I felt out of control, but God is never "out of control." He reigns as the sovereign God. He is in complete, absolute control.

On that day when I felt so overwhelmed, I needed more than “remote control”—a general nod that God is somehow remotely involved in the affairs of the world. I needed to embrace God’s intimate control in my life: His personal knowledge and interaction.

God is the potter and I am the clay (Romans 9:19-24). I may feel God is making mistakes or being harsh as He shapes my life, but that’s just the clay speaking.

In my Spirit-indwelled heart I know:

  • The Potter knows what He is doing;
  • He knows why He chose me, a lump of clay; and
  • He knows what tools He will use to shape me.

God is God. I am not. God works “all things according to the counsel of His will” (Ephesians 1:11). He rules over all His creation, and that includes me.

2. God Has a Plan.

When I feel out of control, I often scramble to make plans to alleviate my anxiety. In that stress, I’ve sometimes choose a wrong direction and only get into more trouble.

God, who created us, wants to guide us. His plan includes direction for our lives.

As a young woman, I memorized Proverbs 3:5-6. I knew that I could trust God to direct my life, to show me which path to take. When we choose our plans rather than His, there’s no guarantee for the results.

God’s plan may not look like ours, no matter how hard we "mash the buttons" of our plans. His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).

That’s why James urges us to ask for wisdom (James 1:5). We need to ask, and then we need to expect God to give us wisdom. We need to be alert and sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s direction.

We are to move forward one step at a time as our Father God gives more light. Then we can be a good steward of our time and resources.

[Let me clarify one thing. We can make plans, but we need to be prepared and willing for God to hijack our plans, which may look nothing like our own. We need to plan wisely, but hold those plans loosely. God gets the last word (Proverbs 16:9).]

3. God Is with Us.

God promised His presence to His people. When we feel overwhelmed, we need to remember that our Father has not left us.

In His presence, we will stop being dismayed or overwhelmed, because His ever-present wisdom and power come to our aid.

Father God sees us, knows all about us, and cares about our struggles.

All three members of the trinity are present in our lives! The Father says, “Fear not, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10a). The Son, Jesus, says, “Lo, I am with you” (Matthew 28:20). The Holy Spirit is our ever-present Helper (John 14:17).

4. God Designed Our Suffering.

This is a hard point but a crucial one.

When we are overwhelmed by circumstances, especially in times of deep struggle or suffering, we need to consider God’s hand in our pain.

Our God has lessons for us in our laments. He does not design our circumstances willy-nilly without specific purpose. Our God is a God of order, not haphazard thoughts, words, or actions.

So what is He doing in our overwhelming circumstances?

First, God wants to give us a greater vision.

God wants us to see and understand who He is and what He can do. He wants to teach us how to be more like Jesus, and the Holy Spirit has a big role in conforming us to the image of the Son.

God is not put off by our anger or frustration; and He also does not ignore our tears. He understands our weakness—that we are “dust” (Psalm 103:13-14). But He wants to lift us higher and give us a vision of His work in us.

As we embrace what He is teaching us, we will have more potential to give Him glory!

Second, God wants to change us.

We want to fix our brokenness. We may try many “fixes” in the process, but God wants to smash our self-effort so we will lean into and submit to His process of transformation.

We can resist His design in our struggles and suffering: becoming bitter, angry, and perhaps paralyzed in coping with our pain.  

Or we can respond to God’s design with trust and contentment, believing our Father—while sovereign in all things—is wise, loving, good, and kind.

In light of eternity, our temporal problems bear a different weight. Our present troubles won’t last very long in terms of eternity. In the moment, His hand may feel heavy, but it is working toward eternal purposes we may not currently see or understand.

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:17).

What do we make of the tough circumstances that challenge us, maybe threaten to undo us?

Tim Challies wrote about God's providencial actions in our lives in his post, "If God Would Outsource His Sovereignty." Challies wrote about a hypothetical scene in which an angel appeared to a group of Christians in church. The angel said the Lord had told him to distribute some "gifts of His providence." Everyone wanted the gifts of vast sums of money, rare talents, and high position. No one wanted the gifts of quadriplegia, grievous loss, infertility, widowhood, persecution, etc.

If we could choose our circumstances, we would likely never pick painful, hurtful, hard things! But God . . .

Challies concluded that as we receive gifts of providence from God's hand,

"we can rest assured that in the life of the Christian there are not two classes of providence, one good and one bad. No, though some may be easy and some hard, all are good because all in some way flow from His good, Fatherly hand, and all in some way can be consecrated to His service."

We might never choose painful, hurtful, hard things, but God does choose these circumstances for us because of their potential to transform us.

I encourage you to think about the four lessons above in light of your current struggle.

Personalize them:

  • God is in control of my circumstance;
  • God has a plan for me in my circumstance;
  • God is with me throughout this circumstance; and
  • God designed my suffering in this circumstance—even when it gets hard—for my good and His glory.

As I meditated on these lessons, I found my feelings changed, even though my circumstance did not.

It felt like putting a new battery into my remote control.

Are you overwhelmed today? Is there a struggle—financial stress, a physical issue, a relationship struggle, mental confusion, great loss, etc.—that consumes your thoughts and feelings?

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is a speaker and author, and the creator the blog, Upgrade with Dawn. She is a contracted researcher/reviewer for women's teacher and revivalist, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth at Revive Our Hearts, and is a regular columnist at She and her husband Bob live in sunny Southern California, and Dawn has traveled with Him in Pacesetter Global Outreach. They have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Mohamed Nuzrath at Pixabay.



A Mary Heart in a Martha World

Joanie Shawhan is an overcomer on many levels, and God is using her life to encourage others. In this Spiritual Life UPGRADE, she zooms in on a woman in the Bible who has much to teach us.

"As I pondered the events of Holy week," Joanie says, "I was drawn to Mary of Bethany."

I (Dawn) have to admit that I've always been just as drawn to Martha as to Mary—probably because I've been a "Type A"-plus woman—always working, always intense. Illness has slowed me down, and it's a good thing. I'm learning the value of having a Mary heart, so I love what Joanie has to say about Mary here.

Joanie continues . . .

What motivated Mary to break an expensive jar of perfume and pour it over Jesus’s feet?

We are first introduced to Mary seated at the feet of Jesus listening to his teachings. Meanwhile, her sister Martha scurried about serving their guests.

Martha appealed to Jesus.

“Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” (Luke10:40 NIV).

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:39-42 NIV).

I’m pretty sure this wasn’t the answer Martha anticipated. She probably felt overwhelmed and maybe annoyed by her sister’s lack of help.

As I ponder Jesus’s reprimand, I’m convicted of my own patterns of busyness.

Like Martha, I’m also distracted and fret about many things.

  • I’m a task-oriented person, and my to-do list is very important.
  • I scamper from one activity to the next.
  • I try to focus on the Lord, but soon my imagination skips along on another tangent.
  • Random thoughts flit through my mind and intermingle with my to-do list.

Then I’m reminded of Mary who once again defied cultural norms and chose to be in the Lord’s presence. This time Jesus was the guest of honor at another dinner Martha served shortly before his crucifixion. 

“Mary took a twelve-ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet with it, wiping his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance” (John 12:3 NLT).

Jesus surprises me with his response.

“Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for my burial” (John 12:7 NLT).

He valued Mary’s gift, a reflection of her love and devotion.

A Heart like Mary's

How does a task-oriented person like me approach Jesus with a heart like Mary’s in a Martha world?

1. Humble myself.

When Mary pressed in and sat at the feet of Jesus, she laid aside the expectations and the cultural norms of her day.

Did she care what the others thought?

I wonder if the men encircling Jesus noticed her. Did they glower?

Am I willing to draw near and humble myself before the Lord even when others don’t understand?

2. Stop and listen.

Mary refused to be distracted. She stopped, pressed in, and listened to Jesus.

I wonder if she heard Martha calling for help.

Sometimes I need to stop what I’m doing, sit quietly before the Lord, and wait.

“Be still, and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10 NLT).

I brush aside cobwebs of distraction: my to-do lists, random thoughts, and past regrets. As I refocus on the Lord, distractions will fade away.

I have an image of the Lord taking my face in his hands and turning my face to His as one would a child’s. “Look at me,” he says. “Look at me. Stay in my presence.”

In his presence is the fullness of joy. (See Psalm 16:11).

3. Give Jesus my all.

Mary held nothing back when she poured out her devotion and that extravagant perfume on Jesus.

Mary gave her all.

She gave her best.

What is my best that Jesus asks me to lay at his feet in worship?

“For God has proved his love by giving us his greatest treasure, the gift of his Son” (Romans 8:32 TPT). 

4. Maintain a pure heart.

Mary’s actions created quite a stir.

  • Even her own sister didn’t understand.
  • Simon and the disciples not only misunderstood Mary’s extravagant gesture of love, but they were offended and deemed her act of worship a waste.

Am I willing to endure the accusations and the disappointment from others who do not understand my love for Jesus?

I need to be careful that I, in turn, do not become offended or bitter because of the actions or harsh words by others.

Unhindered devotion to Jesus requires me to walk in forgiveness.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8 NKJV).

Seeking the Lord with a heart like Mary’s is a challenge to my Martha mentality. But the joy I experience in his presence is worth the price.

What helps you to lay aside the distractions of daily life and be in the Lord’s presence?

Joanie Shawhan shares true-life stories, offering her reader an eyewitness view of the action. Her Selah Awards Finalist book, In Her Shoes: Dancing in the Shadow of Cancer, reflects the value of “Your story plus my story become our stories.” An ovarian cancer survivor and registered nurse, Joanie speaks to medical students in the Survivors Teaching Students program. She co-founded an ovarian cancer social group: The Fried Eggs—Sunny-Side Up. Publishing credits include: Guideposts Divine Interventions, Snapshots of Hope & Heart, Wit, Whimsy & Wisdom, Life Repurposed, and We May Be Done But We’re Not Finished. Follow Joanie at

First graphic, adapted, is "Jesus at the House of Mary and Martha." is adapted. Wikipedia notes that the painting is by British artist Harold Copping.

Second graphic is of "Christ in the House of Martha and Mary" by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer, posted at Wikipedia.


The Worry List

Kolleen Lucariello never fails to peak my interest between her humorous perspective on life and practical applications from daily experiences. In this Attitude UPGRADE she reminds us there is a great, biblical cure for worrying.

"The room was silent," Kolleen says. "The small lump in the center of the enormous bed across the room lay motionless. It had been a full day and I sensed my muscles relaxing as my body began to enter a well-deserved rest.

"Then the small lump spoke, 'Miiiiiimmmiiiiiii….'

That sure got my (Dawn’s) attention! Was something wrong? Scary?

Kolleen continues . . .

Our six-year-old grandson had been assigned the extra bed in Papa and Mimi’s room while we vacationed together. After hours at the water park, it was now time to say goodnight and rest up for the next day's adventures.

His words broke the silence. “Miiiimiiii, I'm just having a hawrd time falling asleep.”

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Well, it’s just that I have a whoarry list in my mind with about eight things on it that I can’t stop thinking about.”

I listened as one-by-one he began to list them. 

  • First on the list was the fear he might lack self-control.
  • Next came worry of the not–good–enough kind.
  • Number three was the worry he would never become the best football player of all time. He was worried that his Uncle Jeff thought less of him because he had missed a few catches when they’d played football together that day.

It was difficult for me to suppress a few chuckles as he made his way through his list of worries.

I, of course, have the benefit of age which allows me to recognize his list of worries now would be different than his list of future worries. Even so, I took his worries seriously.

Why? Because I recognized a few similarities between his list and my own.

When he finished, I said, “Okay, now let’s turn your worry list into a prayer list.”

From Worries to Prayers

1. We began praying for self-control.

I assured him that regardless of our age, everyone struggles to maintain control of self. This will require a lifetime of reliance upon Jesus.

As I listened to him articulate the reason for his worry, it occurred to me how the loss of self-control can lead a person into embarrassment or even humiliation.

In an instant, I was transported back to a few I-wish-I-hadn’t-said-that moments when my failure to employ self-control over my tongue led to embarrassment for me—and others.

Wise Solomon wasn’t joking when he wrote, “your mouth can ruin everything” (Proverbs 13:3b NLT). On the flip side, he said, “Those who control their tongue will have a long life” (13:3a).  

2. We prayed for patience as we grow in the abilities God has given us—at every age and stage.

It doesn’t matter if we are six, 26, 56 or 86, God has given us talents, and we have the potential to fulfill a purpose for Him.

God filled the grandson of Hur with “the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and expertise in all kinds of crafts” (Exodus 31:3 NLT). He was “a master at every craft!” (vs.5).

Does that mean he didn’t need to develop it? Doubtful. But it sounds like he, and others with him, served God by using their talent as instructed.

3. We also prayed for God to help us both break the habit of assuming we know what people are thinking.

He had convinced himself that he knew what Uncle Jeff thought of his athletic ability with no confirmation his assumptions were correct.

Oh, my heart! He’s too young to create his own account of what someone may, or may not, be thinking about him, I thought.

First, we create narratives based upon our own insecurities, opinions, or point of view.

Then we insist others must be thinking exactly as we are.

Overthinking creates worry.

No need to worry what others may be thinking when we accept that we all miss a few catches, right?

With the conversation between Grandmother and Grandson complete, stillness filled the room, and I heard the deep breathing of a six-year-old at rest.

He was able to rest physically because he had put his worry list to rest mentally.

It is likely we’d ALL sleep a little more soundly by taking a rest from our worry lists.

This was Paul’s instruction in his letter to the Philippians, and it is ours now:

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done” (Philippians 4:6 NLT).

Don't worry . . . pray!

What keeps you awake at night? Turn your worry list into your prayer list and then thank God for all He has done.

Kolleen Lucariello, #TheABCGirl, is the author of #beYOU: Change Your Identity One Letter at a Time and is the Co-Director of Activ8Her, Inc. She is passionate to every woman realize her identity in Christ and live accordingly. Kolleen and her hubby, Pat, make their home in Central New York. She’s the mom of three grown children and Mimi to six incredible grands. For more information about Kolleen, visit 

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Clkr-Free Vector-Images at Pixabay.


The Infusion We Desperately Need

In this Biblical Thinking UPGRADE, Dawn reminds us of the power of the Word of God when it is "infused" into our lives.

I'm a tea-drinker, not a coffee-drinker. I love the smell of coffee, but the taste makes me gag every time. (I don't even like coffee-flavored desserts or ice cream.)

I love hot teas—I get a strange calming satisfaction out of watching tea from a tea bag infuse into hot water. When we place a tea bag in hot water, the water has more energy. The molecules in this steeping process move around faster and this helps start the diffusion of the tea leaves in the tea bag, making a strong brew.

There's another kind of infusion that I'm grateful for, but I don't especially like it. Chemo infusions help me stay alive by killing off rogue cancer cells—cells that might destroy me.

I thought a lot about these two kinds of infusions as I went through the process of CAR T-cell therapy. There were many days of infusions before that process, and more afterward. Besides the physical side effects, the enemy tried to discourage me emotionally.

But during those infusions, I wanted to have powerful "infusions" from the Word of God to help me cope with tough days—infusions I desperately needed.

   Be Blessed by Truth Infusions

I find at least three blessings come from "truth infusions" of scriptures. These blessings are for anyone who turns to the Word of God for help.

1. The Word of God infuses our hearts with truth and gives us life.

In a world of chaos and confusion, God's Word infuses us with truth—not mere head-knowledge, but rather, life-transforming truth. The Word is "God-breathed." Although men of God wrote down the words, the Bible itself claims that the words of scripture are from God (2 Peter 1:21; 1 Corinthians 2:12-13).

The Holy Spirit teaches us the Word to help us and change us.

I've noticed that it's when I am in "hot water"—when I am facing deep trials or frustrating struggles—the infusion process is strong and deep. God knows the brewing process that will create the best infusion of truth into my life.

Isaiah 41:13 reminds us that in our struggles, God will give us chazaq—a "continual infusion of His strength and power." (The word "hold" in this verse is chazaq in Hebrew, and it means to have our strength renewed by the addition of God's strength.)

Oh, how we need God's strengthening, life-giving power!

I've always loved the story of Ezekiel and the "dry bones." Ezekiel said, "This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life" (Ezekiel 37:5). God breathed life—infused life—into God's people in the Old Testament. And He will do that for Christ-followers too.

2. The Word of God exposes our sins and the toxic things we believe.

As I read the Bible during my chemo infusions, or meditated on scriptures I'd memorized, God pointed out some areas where I still struggle trusting God consistently. The scripture confrontations were uncomfortable; but I need healing from sin, not just cancer, so I was grateful.

As we read, study, and memorize scriptures—hide it in our hearts—we learn how to resist sin. God uses the Word to reveal our hidden sins. He turns the light on in the dark corners of our hearts.

The authoritative Word is useful to teach, rebuke, and correct us, and to train us in rightousness. In doing so, the Word of God teaches people how to be rightly related to God.

In a bit of a rabbit trail . . . I read some powerful words written by Bobbie Wolgemuth to Joni Eareckson Tada. Bobbie was the first wife of Robert Wolgemuth (Robert is now married to Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth). Bobbie wrote about the infusion of God through sufferings—words that deeply resonated in my heart.

Bobbie said:

". . . just as chemo medicine is designed to kill the bad cancer cells, so God designs a toxic, painful trial to destroy and starve and kill anything in my soul that is selfish, unholy, or offensive to Him. I willingly surrender to HIS INFUSION (emphasis mine), knowing that He has chosen what will ultimately bring me more abundant life—more abundant life than I can ever imagine.

"So I choose to open my hands and my heart and offer my veins to be infused with His choice of trial so that I might receive His beauty and His perfect health." *

The Word of God exposes our sins to us, but sufferings allowed by our loving Father also can reveal how sinful we are—and both the Word and sufferings from His hand are tools in our becoming more like Christ.

3. The Word of God, used by the Spirit of God, infuses our lives with all we need to serve the Lord.

The Bible has supernatural ability to transform us and make us complete—"thoroughly equipped" to do good works and serve God.

Lord willing, I'll have more years to serve the Lord. I've been a Christian for more than 50 years, but I still need the Word of God to infuse my life and prepare me for daily service to my King.

I've noticed over the years that sometimes my spiritual life feels "dry."

It's during times of spiritual dryness that I most need an infusion of God's Word.

When I am most thirsty for living water, I find that I'm actually longing for Jesus and the empowering of the Holy Spirit in my life. My thirst is often quenched and my heart prepared to worship and serve God when I am infused by the precious truths of scripture about the Trinity and how God works in my life.

Infusions of the Word of God are the infusions we desperately need:

  • when life falls apart,
  • when challenges get tough,
  • when our hearts hurt, and
  • when we don't feel close to God.

But we shouldn't only "receive those infusions" in hard times. Daily infusions of the Bible prepare us to surrender to God's will and serve Him with all our hearts—no matter our circumstances.

Have you had an infusion today? Do you need to make an appointment with God in His Word?

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is a speaker and author, and the creator the blog, Upgrade with Dawn. She is a contracted researcher/reviewer for women's teacher and revivalist, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth at Revive Our Hearts, and is a regular columnist at She and her husband Bob live in sunny Southern California, and Dawn has traveled with Him in Pacesetter Global Outreach. They have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.

Graphic 1 adapted, courtesy of Conger Design at Pixabay.

Graphic 2, courtesy of Klbz at Pixabay.

* Quote by Bobbie Wolgemuth in the interview, "How Much Pain Is Enough?"

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