How to Be Your Own 'Thought Police'
Gail Purath has a gift. She can share huge concepts in a minimal number of words. (This Attitude UPGRADE about negative thinking is actually a combination of two of her posts at 1-Minute Bible Love Notes.)
“When you let your mind wander,” Gail says, “where does it go?”
Oh my. I (Dawn) have such a difficult time lassoing my thoughts. Do you? I really need Gail’s challenging words.
She continues ….
I don’t want to tell you how often mine heads straight to dirty thoughts—not porno, but bitter memories or worries or self-pity. This is especially true when I’m going through a difficulty.
Did you know we speak at a rate of 120 words a minute, but we think negative thoughts at 1300 words a minute?
That means our thoughts can bury us in a pit of self-despair 10 times faster than spoken words.
No wonder Scripture says:
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).
In other words, you can be your own Thought Police!”
So many of my problems begin in my thoughts. I think the worst about a situation or dwell on the negatives. I decide something is hopeless or meaningless and conclude I can’t be happy unless it changes.
There’s a two-step answer to the dilemma: “… we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
1. Take your thoughts captive—make a conscious decision to quit thinking negatively.
2. Make your thoughts obedient to Christ—dwell on God’s Truth.
For example:
- God can bring good out of every situation. (Romans 8:28)
- God will never, ever, EVER leave me. (Hebrews 13:5b)
- Peace comes by dwelling on good things. (Philippians 4:8)
- And no matter what else happens, I can rejoice in my salvation! (Philippians 3:8-9)
What are some practical ways to fight these negative thoughts?
- You might memorize Bible verses related to your struggle with negative thinking.
- You might interrupt negative thoughts by counting your blessings.
- You might praise God when negative thoughts come.
Remember, most battles are won or lost in our minds. Fight the good fight against negative thinking.
Where does your mind wander? Are you are struggling with negative thoughts? Ask the Lord to help you implement His two-step solution.
Gail Purath has been married to her best friend for 42 years, living the life of a nomad here on earth (40 homes in 62 years), looking forward to her heavenly home. Mother of two, grammy of seven, Gail writes about her joys, struggles, failures and victories in her short-but-powerful 1-Minute Bible Love Notes and shares a short Bible study each week on Bite Size Bible Study.
Graphic adapted, Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at