Four Ways to Fire Up Your Marriage
Morgan Farr is a woman of purpose, a woman with a godly vision for her ministry, marriage and home. In this Valentine's Day UPGRADE, she suggests four ways we can fire up our marriages.
Morgan says, "Would it shock you to learn that Valentine’s Day is my least favorite holiday?"
Yes, I (Dawn) was surprised by that question, but knowing Morgan, I was sure she had a good and godly reason. She loves to look at life from God's perspective in His Word, and marriage and sex are no exception!
Morgan continues . . .
From movies, commercials, and even in the grocery store, we are bombarded with the idea that TODAY is the one day of the year that we should spend time showing that special person in your life how much they mean to you.
To be completely honest the whole thing to me is pretty sad.
Let me explain.
I don’t have anything against expressions of love. In fact, I think they are awesome! But, tomorrow all the reminders to “show your someone special how much you love them” will disappear.
For the secular world, Valentine’s Day is the one day a year that you show the one you love how much they mean to you.
The day after?
It is back to life as normal. Sadly for many marriages this means putting romantic love on the backburner. But it could (and should!) be so much more.
I believe that for a follower of Christ, we should have the corner on absolutely amazing marriage relationships.
In the Bible, we are taught that there are four different kinds of love: Storge, Philia, Agape and Eros; and we have the ability to use them all!
In this Upgrade, I am going to share Four Ways to Fire Up Your Marriage based on God’s descriptions of love in the Bible.
1. Agape
This word is used in the Bible to define God's perfect, sacrificial, unconditional, gift for mankind (Romans 5:10). This love is best exemplified by Jesus himself. This love is a pure, selfless love.
With Agape I like to think of: EMPATHY.
How can you show this love to your spouse?
When your spouse has had an awful day at work, you could draw him a bath, make his favorite meal, or take the kids out of the house so he could have some quiet time alone. If he is a verbal processor, listen while he talks through the events of the day.
2. Storge
The word Storge is defined as family love (Romans 12:10). This is the amazing bond that grows between members of the same family: parents and children, and brothers and sisters.
With Storge I like to think of: TRIBE.
How can you show this love to your spouse?
This is where having family traditions and rituals can help to create a lasting bond between family members.
Our family likes to read out loud at the dinner table from William J. Bennet’s The Book of Virtues and discuss what happened in these moralistic stories.
You could also do a weekly game night, or take up a sport or activity as a family. (I would stay away from movie night though as it does deter conversation.)
3. Philia
This love is a close and powerful friendship (Hebrews 13:1). It is described in Greek as a very powerful bond between comrades. This is the kind of friendship forged through standing beside one another in battle, guarding one another’s backs from the attacks of the enemy.
With Philia I like to think of: BATTLE BUDDIES.
How can you show this love to your spouse?
This is the love where you share the trials you are facing.
Is your spouse struggling with moral purity? Intercede on his behalf to your heavenly Father. Go through your movies, books, magazines, and catalogues and remove anything that could be a stumbling block.
Is your husband struggling to get fit? Do some research and help him learn to eat better. Offer to workout with him or go on a walk together.
Does your husband struggle with feeling like he isn’t enough? Build him up with words of affirmation and praise.
4. Eros
I saved Eros for last because it is often the love that people think about most often in relationship to marriage.
Eros is defined as sensual or romantic love (Read the entire book of Song of Solomon).
In my opinion, it is impossible to have true Eros without the other three loves in place.
The secular world will tell you that you can, but in all honesty the “passion” or “sexual attraction” that is felt outside of a relationship with Christ is really just lust. However, when in a Christ-centered, romantic relationship… sparks should fly.
With Eros I like to think of: EROTIC
How can you show this love to your spouse?
- Initiate sex frequently and in a variety of ways.
- Jump into the shower with him and ask him to wash your hair.
- Give him a massage.
- Make his favorite dinner and show up wearing his favorite shirt and nothing else.
- Learn one another’s bodies well.
- Take time to really understand what works for each of you.
A note here: I totally understand if you have a little one at home. I have a four year old, a 2.5 year old and a 9 month old, I totally get it. There are a couple of things that you can do to make intimacy more of a priority when you have little ones at your skirt.
One of the best ways you can show love to your spouse is to schedule sex during busy life seasons. Pick a day and make certain that you make sex a priority on that day. Then, if you can also surprise him during the week. If you can’t manage a spontaneous time during the week, he can always count on that time that you specifically set aside to meet a need for him that only you can meet.
Voltaire said,
“Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination”.
For believers we know that it wasn’t nature, but rather God that has given us our spouses to love. It is up to us to keep the fire burning in our marriages. We have the backing of the creator of the Grand Canyon, tiny babies, and the majestic eagle.
Such a creative God encourages us to use our own creativity to love our spouses well so that the fire of the marriage doesn’t just simmer, it roars!
Which type of love can you work on in your marriage this week?
Morgan Farr is a Texas-loving, succulent-cultivating, book nerd. Currently stationed in San Diego, California, this Army wife is working to better love her husband, develop her three small children, and learning more about homseschooling. Morgan is a homemaker who dedicates her time to ministering to other Army wives through Bible studies, one-on-one mentoring, and physical training. Morgan writes about her transition out of feminism and into biblical womanhood on her blog, The Forgiven Former Feminist. You can find her training programs, nutritional information and meal plans on her blog, Farr Functional Fitness.
Graphic adapted, courtesy of Prawny at Pixabay.