3 Ways to Keep Summer Sane
Women's ministry leader Cathy Horning loves the Word of God and making biblical truth practical. In this Summer UPGRADE, she shares three ways to keep the summer months sane.
“I love summers! I love long days of sunlight, warm evening walks, and so many other special summer delights,” Cathy says. “However, I also hate summer.”
I (Dawn) read that and thought, "Huh?" Who could hate summer? And why?"
Cathy continues . . .
I hate summer because as much as I like to imagine I am an easygoing, carefree, and flexible person, in reality, I thrive on routine, order, and schedules.
And every year, I am reminded how summer time, pretty much, throws a wrench into the regular rhythm and predictable plans in which I flourish the other nine months of the year.
This summer is no different. I have been out of town nearly every weekend since May.
My husband and I have attended out-of-town birthday and anniversary parties, graduations and weddings, as well as helping our daughter move into a new apartment in Los Angeles. When we happen to find ourselves at home, we enjoy time with those who come to visit our beautiful beach community, or being Grammy and Papa to our ten amazing grandchildren.
Summers are crazy—full and busy!
However, unlike summers past, this year I hesitantly took a step of faith which, surprisingly, has kept me a little more sane in the craziness of this season.
The step I took was to accept an online invitation to become part of a group of ladies who would go through a book called 40 Days to Healthy Living, by Danna Demetre.
When I first saw the Facebook post, I thought, There is no way I can add this to my summer.
Yet, the day before the group began, I decided to order the book and jump in. And, I am so glad I did!
This book and the group have helped me upgrade my life and bring order to three vital areas that often suffer in the chaos of summer.
1. Make Time for God’s Word
As a Bible teacher, I love spending time in the Word of God. Still, with the busyness of company, travel, and all the fun of summer, I confess my priority of spending intentional, daily time in God’s Word can slip.
Danna’s book begins each day with scripture. And, always, what she shares about the passage is a good reminder, or brings fresh insight, that I can apply to my life during these long, lovely summer days.
2. Make Time for Healthy Eating
Every year, I grow in wisdom regarding my diet, but with the many celebrations and lack of routine in summer, I find it extremely difficult to eat the right foods, as well as the right proportions.
The "40 Days to Healthy Living" group has given me daily nutritional tips and challenges that I discovered are guiding my food choices during these wildly-full summer days.
3. Make Time for Exercise
Finally, one of Danna’s strong recommendations is to simply eat less and move more.
Going through the book motivated me to be more diligent to use my Fitbit. It doesn’t happen every day, but most days this summer, I am hitting 10,000+ steps, sometimes by only adding little things like parking further away, taking the stairs, and choosing the long way to get where I am going.
1 Timothy 4:8 NLT says, “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”
I love summer! It is my favorite time of the year.
However, I also hate that summer can rob me of investing in my spiritual and physical well being.
What a nice surprise it has been to discover help in this area from the 40-day devotional, plus the support and encouragement of other women online.
I have a feeling this may be my best summer yet!
What are you doing this summer to upgrade your spiritual life and health and keep summer sane?
NOTE from DAWN: I do not normally do "book promos" on this blog, but Cathy and I were both part of the group she mentioned, and I wanted to share how encouraging Danna's book was to me personally too. If you're looking for a new devotional book that will encourage your health as well as your heart for the things of the Lord, this is a good one.
Cathy Horning has been a women’s ministry leader, Bible Study teacher, speaker and writer for more than 25 years. She loves the Word of God. Nothing brings her greater joy than sharing with others how very precious, practical, and powerful the promises and truths in God's Word. Married for 34 years, Cathy has four grown children, 10 grandchildren, and many spiritual sons and daughters. She loves long walks by the bay, a good book or movie, Starbucks ice tea, and especially family get-togethers. Read more by Cathy at her website.
Graphic adapted, courtesy of rwalsh623 at Pixabay.