Embrace Your Royalty
Doreen Hanna calls herself the "Queen of the Princesses" because she leads events to teach young Christian girls they are God's princesses. I could think of no one better to share this Relationship with God UPGRADE.
"Do you know you possess a royal status?" Doreen said.
Royalty. I (Dawn) enjoy watching kings and queens, princes and princesses on television. But I too often forget I am "royalty" too!
Doreen continues . . .
When Jesus dwells within your heart you are a Daughter of the King. Maybe you’ve never known this. If not, I am excited to be the one to tell you today.
I wish I was with you right now to place a crown on your head, proclaim your royal status, and impart a rich bless over you.
Or, could it be that you have been a Christian for quite some time and you’ve lost sight of the riches that you possess as a Daughter of the King?
Maybe you feel like your crown is slipping.
This is my day to help you reset your crown and have you take account of the wealth you have in Him.
I’d like to share with you one of my first discoveries of recognizing my own royal status.
At the time, my girls were six months and two-and-half years of age. I stood peering out the peek hole of my front door—praying—because I saw the water meter man getting ready to turn off the water to our home. We couldn’t pay the bill.
Suddenly, he stopped and walked up to the door. I opened it and he said to me, “I came to turn the water off. But, I need to ask—Do you have any children under the age of two?"
I replied, “Yes, she is six months old.”
He then stated, “Well then, we are not allowed to turn the water off! Have a good day.”
That afternoon, I laid down the girls for a nap and took a few minutes to read my Bible. The reading for that day was Psalm 66. The last two verses read,
“But God has indeed heard me; he has listened to my prayer. I praise God, because he did not reject my prayer or hold back his constant love from me” (GNT).
I was in awe.
The King of Kings—my Heavenly Father—had shown His attentive ear to my prayer.
He answered me. And in such a tangible way showed His loving care for me.
I felt like a little princess that day, picturing myself while in prayer, running into my daddy’s throne room, jumping up on his lap and thanking Him for giving me the desire of my heart.
And, that day was just the beginning of what has now been a life-time journey, continually discovering and embracing the royalty I possess as a Daughter of the King. I'm seeing my Daddy demonstrate His power, impart His wisdom and even, at times, give me a desire of my heart.
I could go on and on about the riches that you and I possess in Him. But I’d like to ask:
Have you embraced the royalty you possess?
I encourage you today to start or re-start an exciting journey by:
- Reading God's Word.
- Being willing to pray and aks God to speak to you personally and answer your prayers.
- Being open to how He might speak to you in other ways--like through a song, through a friend, or even a billboard!
Keep your eyes, ears and heart open!
Doreen Hanna is the Founder & President of Modern Day Princess Headquarters. She is the co-author of Raising a Modern Day Princess and soon-to-be-released
Raising a Young Modern Day Princess. Her passion is to Empower Women to Equip Our Girls today! Discover more about Doreen and her ministry.
Graphic adapted, Image, "Golden Crown," courtesy of digitalart at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.