Choosing Leaders, Casting Votes & Raising Voices
In this Election UPGRADE, Julie Sanders encourages us to consider godly wisdom when we vote this year.
"Elections raise a lot of questions and stir up even more emotions," Julie says. "Scan social media or listen in to nearby conversation during Election Season, and you’re likely to hear conflict."
I (Dawn) do hear it, and I'm weary of all the name-calling and lies. But Christians can't pull away from the election process. We need to make our votes count.
Julie continues . . .
Casting our vote has become a tense business. To choose wise leaders in hard times, we need truth.
The voter’s guide arrived a month ago. Descriptions of experience, opinions, alliances, and promises filled the pages to help make decisions about who to follow.
People have had to “choose this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15) since the Garden, but when it comes to elections, one thing is sure.
We will vote for a flawed human being.
1. Choosing my Leaders
Passion, rhetoric, or vision may cause us to cast our vote for a candidate.
Since no one is righteous, “no not one,” (Romans 3:10) every leader will let us down. It’s human habit to look for someone to see, hear, and touch (to physically follow); but every human leader will someday be a let down in some way.
If you’re looking for a leader who won’t let you down, look up.
Only Jesus is worthy of our total commitment and confidence. When we look to a man or woman to be what only Jesus can be, we’re on a collision course with disappointment. We won’t find flawless leaders to follow.
Eventually, a leader will stand up or sit down at the wrong time. A world hinging on human performance is a world in conflict.
Human leaders are flawed leaders. Our heavenly Leader is the faithful leader. Though we cast a vote in our community, our trust remains in Christ alone.
2. Casting my Vote
While a follower of Christ knows her citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20), she can prayerfully approach the chance to influence her government with her vote.
After reading the voter’s guide where I live, I am more prepared for God to direct my vote to work out His plan. Nations and governments use varied ways to identify leaders; voting isn’t a Biblical mandate. God allows leaders to rise or fall (Romans 13:1).
In every people group, God lets leaders lead.
Our vote results from who we are.
When our identity is in Christ, the process or results of an election shouldn’t overturn the Holy Spirit as the “incumbent” resident in our heart and mind; He has no term limit and cannot be impeached.
Jesus should never share the throne of our allegiance with earthly issues and candidates.
Whatever the conversation stirred by election coverage, when I am in Christ, I am His follower alone.
3. Raising my Voice
A Christ-like vote should have a Christ-like voice.
Followers of Christ cast their votes and raise their voices as representatives of the Light of the World. Too often, it’s not that way.
“From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water?” (James 3:10-11)
Inflammatory language and emotion have poured out from those who don’t claim to follow Christ and those who do. Too often, words have sounded the same. Angry. Attacking. Untruthful. Proud. When we have the privilege of a vote and voice to shape government and life, a Christ-like vote should have a Christ-like voice.
“Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom ... But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace" (James 3:13, 17-18).
Every human leader will let us down.
Only Jesus deserves to be followed with our whole heart, to have our identity tied to His.
Whatever the outcome of Election Day, God is in control, listening for sweet words and attitudes to pour from a heart filled with His Spirit.
Our vote matters and our voice matters, no matter who sits on earthly thrones.
May our Christ-like votes be heard in our Christ-like voices.
Questions to consider:
- How could I include government and leaders in my prayer life?
- What are those around me on social media and in person hearing me say about leaders?
- What kind of conversations am I listening to?
- How does my voice and my vote reflect my identity?
Julie Sanders grew up near the Nation’s Capitol, with a front row seat to watch and learn from elected leaders. She has served with her husband on ministry teams around the world, in nations without the privilege of a vote. Now they call the Northwest home, where she is the director of early learning programs across urban and rural regions. Julie writes from her online home, “Come Have a Peace.”
Graphic adapted, courtesy of maialisa at Pixabay.