In this Christmas UPGRADE, Life Coach and retreat guide, Letitia Suk, writes about a time when God had a plan for her when she visited her local CVS.
Letitia says, “Most of my God shows-up moments do not happen in church!
I (Dawn) know what Letitia means! Sometimes, I almost missed ministry opportunities because they didn't exactly look like "ministry."
Letitia continues . . .
The season of Christmas is filled with the FAMILIAR. Takes so much decision fatigue out of a usually overbooked season to know what’s coming next.
Take Christmas Carols for example. Whether we hear the tunes as the soundtrack of the mall or blasting on our car radios, we can usually sing right along—familiar.
Hard to like a new Christmas Carol, right?
This story doesn’t change either.
Everyone knows the parts, the characters, the set, what happens next, who says what, the beginning and the end. Go to a Nativity play in any part of the world and you’ll recognize the plot.
Want a fresh perspective? Get inside the story.
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night (Luke 2:8).
These guys weren’t going angel hunting or trying out for a part in the Greatest Story Ever Told. They were just going to work that night.
They kissed their wives goodbye, grabbed their midnight snack and walked to work. Probably a lot like you did today, different line of work,
- Zechariah was doing “his priestly duty.” Why? Because he was a priest! Just like you do duties associated with your jobs.
- Joseph was sleeping. Doesn’t get much more mundane than that!
- Mary was likely doing chores of some sort.
- The Magi were doing their astronomy because that’s what Magi did.
What are YOU doing each day? Count on it that God will bust in on your world at any time and place.
God intersects with our world exactly where we are.
Like the time I stopped into the pharmacy after work. Don’t you do that too?
On my way into the store, my eye caught a $20 bill on the ground. At first. I thought it was fake, but it was a very real $20 bill.
Right away I heard something like, “Don’t get too attached to this—it is not for you.” My interest was piqued!
The sound of crying was more obvious that the carols. A very distraught international college student who was informed the clinic closed a little early. Too late for her to be seen despite her desperate pleas. She broke down. I headed towards her and heard the story.
She was a vocalist with a performance the next day and a very sore throat. She was hoping to get to the clinic, get treatment and sing the next day. (Aren’t we all hoping for something?)
She had borrowed $20 from her roommate for the cab to get there and now, the clinic had turned her away.
She had no treatment, no $20, no ride home, and no apparent options.
I thought she had a valid point and pounded on the clinic door to plead for her. They wouldn’t reopen for me either.
I got the manager involved and he was kind and offered me 20% off any purchases. I wasn’t the one who needed help.
With no other plan, I invited her into my car and drove her home. On the way, I told her about the $20 and gave it to her.
She seemed a bit incredulous. Me too.
Feeling bold, I offered to pray for her. Maybe because she was trapped in my car, she agreed and mentioned no one had ever prayed for her before.
I have no idea what happened after that as I never saw her again, but somehow, I think she got her treatment after all.
God knows where you are at all times. Expect that He will use you in mostly familiar settings.
From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places that they should live (Acts 17:26).
In those places, he will tap you on the shoulder and invite you into something bigger.
Especially this time of year, look around and listen.
You are about to step into the story.
How has God used you in a familiar place?
Letitia (Tish) Suk invites women to create an intentional life centered in
Jesus. She is a blogger and author of 100 Need to Know Tips for Moms of Tweens and Teens, Getaway with God: The Everywoman’s Guide to Personal Retreat, and Rhythms of Renewal. She is a speaker, personal retreat guide and life coach in the Chicago area. Visit Letitia at her website.
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