When God Interrupts
Kolleen Lucariello’s goal is to help women discover and live out their identity in Christ, and in this Spiritual Life UPGRADE, she encourages us to see the Lord’s “interruptions” as His appointments.
“I listened as my sister explained her dilemma and easily sensed the disappointment and controlled panic in her voice,” Kolleen said.
I (Dawn) think it’s clear Kolleen has a sensitive heart—a heart primed to help.
But is helping at that moment what the Lord wanted? Great wisdom here.
Kolleen continues . . .
After months of struggle, my sister was finally able to help a young woman she had been mentoring find residential housing suitable to help her overcome the obstacles she’d been battling.
Unfortunately, she had just been informed her friend would not be able to continue in the program and my sister would need to find a new place for her immediately.
As in: ASAP.
After hearing the complexity of the assignment before her, I offered her the only sisterly advice I had when I said, “I’ll pray for you.”
I’ve learned this answer is the safest when the fixer in me rises up at the same time my empathy levels increase. As a recovering-controlling-fixer I often offer quick solutions to the pickles people found themselves in; my advice flowing from emotion with little thought or prayer involved.
This, my friends, usually put Kolleen in a pickle with her husband, Pat.
So now, rather than allow my emotions to speak up, I’ve become determined to wait on the Lord and be prayed up. So pray I did.
I prayed hard for my sister. I prayed fervently for her friend.
I prayed that whoever God had given the ability to help would clearly follow His leading.
Each morning for almost a week I would grab my cup of tea, play “I Surrender” quietly in the background, and enter my quiet time of prayer—seeking God for wisdom in this situation.
As the day of her discharge grew closer and no temporary housing had been found, the desperation level began to increase. Calls for help were put out but—with a list of very specific needs in housing—choices were limited.
What became unlimited, however, were the many reasons for the answer, no.
Still, I prayed on.
I sensed the Lord was beginning to unravel this mystery of where He had in mind for her to go when I was reminded of the empty spare room we had recently painted and put together.
I began pleading my case for why the answer had to be no.
Since we were on limited time, the Lord wasted little of it exposing the reason for my hesitation: Interruption. Exactly.
How is it possible to sing “I Surrender” or “Withholding Nothing” in the morning and yet refuse to be interrupted by the One I promise to surrender to and withhold nothing from?
I wonder how Abram managed when God spoke to him, “Go away from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you” (Genesis 12:1 AMP). Talk about interruption.
You UPGRADE your responsiveness to the Lord when you:
1. Listen for God to speak to you.
Abram was settled in Haran when the Lord spoke to Him and told him, “Go.”
Is there a chance we’ve become so settled in the safety of our routine that we fail to hear the Lord when He speaks to us?
2. Allow God to move you out of your comfort zone.
God instructed Abram to leave his country, his relatives and his father’s house.
Is it possible we’ve become unmovable by the comfort of people, places and things?
3. Receive God’s blessing through obedience.
The Lord promised Abram there would be great blessing for him in exchange for his obedience.
Could we be missing out on the blessings He longs to give us each time we fail in our obedience?
Abraham became the father of many nations when he “...departed [in faithful obedience] as the Lord had directed him” (Genesis 12:4, AMP).
I wonder what we might become if we depart, in faithful obedience, when the Lord directs.
We won’t know if we refuse to surrender to His interruptions.
Does the Lord want to interrupt your life?
Kolleen Lucariello, #TheABCGirl, is the author of the devotional book, The ABC’s of Who God Says I Am. Kolleen and her high school sweetheart, Pat,
reside in Central New York. She’s a mother of three married children and Mimi to four incredible grandkids. She desires to help others find their identity in Christ—one letter at a time. Learn more about Kolleen here.