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Entries in Gratitude (21)


Nurturing Gratitude

Sally Ferguson has a tender heart, but she's no wimp; she is strong in the Lord! In this Thanksgiving and Spiritual Growth UPGRADE, she reminds us we can always choose our attitudes, and when the going gets tough, nurturing gratitude is a healthy, godly choice."Testing pushes our limits, our boundaries and our comfort zones," Sally says.

And I (Dawn) don't like that kind of testing! But I know God has worked through difficulties in my own life, and as He worked in my heart, I found I could say "Thank You" for even those tough times.

Sally continues . . .

Trials remove our masks, our crutches and our vices.

When we have to roll up our sleeves and do the hard thing, we find a deeper reserve within: a strength endowed by the Lord.

Out of that reserve grows an abiding sense of gratitude for what God has given, and an underlying contentment, knowing God is in control.

  • He is present.
  • He is protective of His own.
  • As my pastor-husband says, “God is always present and at work in our lives.”

In Philippians, Paul tells us his secret to contentment; he found strength provided by God.

A recent chain of events revealed that provision for me.

When my mom-in-love fractured her back, her stay in Covid-restricted rehab brought a drop in her ability to function and communicate. We felt helpless as we watched her decline from vitality to memory loss and dependence on others for everything she needed.

My journey from New York to Florida became more than a mission to help in desperate times. It became my heart’s cry to lean on God’s strength.

How do you NURTURE GRATITUDE in difficult times?

Here are some tips that help me:

1. Hum.

Music restores perspective when we lift up praise to the Lord. It’s hard to focus on your problems when words are lilting through your head.

2. Rest.

A nap can do wonders for an attitude adjustment. Curl up in a cozy blanket and float away to dreamland.

3. Exercise.

On a particularly frustrating day, I went for a long walk and paced out my frustrations. It was the change I needed.

How can you add movement to your day?

4. Eat.

What are you putting into your body? Sweets may give a temporary rush, but the sugar drop later can be devastating.

Try fresh fruit, veggie sticks, smoothies, nuts and cheese. Even if your appetite is suppressed by anxiety, healthy snacks and protein can boost your mood.

5. Talk.

Family members and friends are eager to help, but feel helpless to step into your chaos.

Share memories of happy times through phone calls and text messages when you can’t sit around the table and chat. Include them in your thought processes and find your load lighter because of linking arms in the battle.

In Redeeming Love, The Companion Study, Francine Rivers says we need to remind ourselves, “God is still in control.”

When I try that phrase after stating each problem, it turns the problem upside down:  My mom-in-love’s health is declining, but God is still in control.

What phrase can you insert?

"_______, but God is still in control."

I’m grateful for this time with my mom-in-love. We’re sharing memories as we have a nail spa, sing, and watch movies together. Painting her nails helps her feel grand when life isn’t so grand. We’re finding good in the midst of uncertainty and confusion.

One night after getting her in bed, she whispered in the dark, “What’s wrong with me?”

Her heart-wrenching questions mirror ours, as we find no easy answers.

It’s this phase of life in-between the known and the unknown.

Aging gives the benefit of hindsight and the wisdom that comes with experience. But, for some, it also gifts Alzheimer’s and achy bones, muscles that won’t cooperate and loss of buoyance.

How we navigate these passages may vary from one person to the next.

Francine Rivers says,

“When you are depressed, discouraged, or exhausted, find a quiet place to sit and reflect on the faithfulness of God. You may be in a momentary lull, but God is not... keep your mind focused on His goodness and faithfulness. He will never fail you.”

Over the last three months, I’ve been replenished by God’s faithfulness repeatedly.

2 Corinthians 9:11 has shown God’s generosity poured out through our family as we take this path together, and others come alongside us. The Lord stretches us and then equips us so we can bless His name. We are blessed by beautiful grace!

I told my friend Kathy, “I’m finding joy, because I know I’m right where the Lord wants me. I’m finding out I can do what I never thought I could, and that’s a great gift from the Lord.”

She said, “The Lord is empowering you with His strength to fulfill His purpose for this time. And it brings you joy! Wow!”

Yes, His grace is beautiful!

Has testing depleted your resources? Don’t be afraid, God’s grace shows up at the exact time you need it! Which of the five suggestions for nurturing gratitude could you try today?

Sally Ferguson is a caregiver for her dad and her grands, and writing a Bible study for caregivers. She lives in western New York with her hubby of 33 years. Look for her words at EzineArticles, AlmostAnAuthor, Upgrade with Dawn, Amazon and

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Junior Moran at Unsplash.


Gratitude Is God's Will for His Children

In this Thanksgiving UPGRADE, Dawn reminds us of an important biblical truth about gratitude.

Last night, my pity party was fully operational. I wasn't enjoying the party, but I didn't know how to leave.

I pulled the covers over my head and tried to sleep, but sleep wouldn't come—only tears.

"Father, this is hard," I prayed.

I fully expected the months after my stem cell transplant would enable my body to fully rejuvenate. Instead—with side effects from my daily maintenance chemo pill—I've felt tired and weak. If I don't take a nap around 2:00, I'll be ready for bedtime by six. Add to that increasing arthritic pain and sometimes I go "over the edge" emotionally.

It's not that I'm any worse than others.

Through her Facebook posts, I've "watched" a friend battle Covid-19 in the hospital. She's an example of godliness with uncommon joy. Another friend who has already gone through so much just had emergency cancer surgery; but she continues to encourage others. Another writes about how God is meeting her financial needs after losing a job. Another struggles in caregiving while wondering about her own physical need.

By comparison, my struggle feels small.

But last night, for about an hour, I felt robbed of joy and battled depression. The enemy was having his way with my emotions, and I didn't like it. Thankfully, I prayed.

"Father, my body hurts. My 'heart' hurts too. Please help me."

And more tears came.

But then I heard this:

"Gratitude is My will for you."

I instantly knew what He was saying.

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

We so often say we want to know God's will, but then when we know it, how do we respond?

I've learned that surrender and obedience to God's will is the only pathway to peace, joy and hope.

Christ-followers are wise to apply 1 Thessalonians 5:18 in the hard times:

  • When disease cripples,
  • When disappointment comes,
  • When disaster looms, and
  • Even in the face of death.

I remember an article by Jon Bloom. It reminded me of the time Jesus gave thanks as He broke bread for His diciples in that solemn upper room, and then said:

This is my body, which is given for you. This do in remembrance of me (Luke 22:19a).

About to suffer a painful, horrific death, Jesus thanked God. Because of His words, I don't think His gratitude was just about the bread.

Perhaps He thought about the glory that would be His because of the cross, and the grace He would offer to others for salvation. He thought about the times in the future when His people would break bread in remembrance of His sacrifice. He focused on "the joy set before Him" (Hebrews 12:2).

Gratitude lifts us out of our circumstances into a heavenly, God-focused perspective.

Paul said we are to give thanks IN all circumstances—not necessarily FOR all circumstances—because this is the Father's good will for us.

Gratitude reminds us of the many undeserved blessings we have received because we are "in Christ Jesus."

Sometimes gratitude is the overflow of our hearts. Other times it is a matter of obedience until our hearts catch up with the truth we know.

So—with the covers still over my head—I chose to praise God for who He is. He is worthy of praise and thanksgiving because He is good and loving (Psalm 106:1).

And then I chose to enumerate my blessings big and small, thanking God for each one.

Here are just a few:

  • The mercies of God and forgiveness of sin.
  • A faithful pastor and caring church. Brothers and sisters in the Lord.
  • A husband who dwells with me "according to knowledge," provides for me and helps me.
  • Family members who love and care for one another.
  • Meaningful work to do. Opportunities to write and serve.
  • Friends who share in my joys and sorrows through prayer and encouraging words.
  • My warm home. Carpeting instead of a dirt floor. A well-stocked pantry. An inviting patio and yard.
  • A car that functions well.
  • The beauties of nature. Beaches and mountains. Sunrises and sunsets. Singing birds and my sweet pup.
  • Grace to endure. The ability to type for a while before the pain in my hand begins. A mind that still functions, with only occasional brain fog.
  • Foods I love. Cherry Pie. Corn on the cob. Cherry Chocolate Chip ice cream. Golden Kiwifruit. Blueberries. Belgian chocolates.

My list went on and on.

Thankful When It's Hard

And then I heard the Spirit again.

"Can you thank me in your PAIN?"

It's hard to be thankful when life's hard!

I didn't thank God for my pain, but I thanked Him for the lessons I'm learning in my pain.

I thanked Him:

  • For using suffering to draw me to His caring heart.
  • For giving me compassion for others who hurt.
  • For teaching me to ask Him for each "next step" instead of rushing ahead with my plans as I used to do.
  • For wisdom and strength to live in day-tight compartments.
  • For things that haven't happened as well as things that have. (We often forget about that!)

And I thanked Him that someday He will remove all pain, all suffering, death and every tear (1 Corinthians 15:54; Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 21:1-5).

Jon Bloom wrote that Jesus got through the cross "not by focusing on the cross but on the promised joy that would result from it. That's where God wants your eyes: on the future joy He has promised you."

It's a focus that lifts our struggles to a better place—the HIGHER PLANE OF GRATITUDE.

Gratitude changes our attitude, and it also illustrates biblical truth to the world.

"The kingdom of God is most clearly shown on earth," Bloom said, "when Christians gratefully suffer present trouble because they see a future weight of glory coming that makes everything this world throws at them as 'light momentary afflictions' in comparison (2 Corinthians 4:17)."

This Thanksgiving, many are struggling.

  • Some are overwhelmed by concerns about the November 3 election.
  • Some are frustrated or fearful of Covid-19, or even angry about lockdowns.
  • Some are struggling financially with a lost job or pandemic-affected business.
  • Some have relationships that need mending, healing, and hope.
  • Some fight depression that seems to have no end.
  • Some are battling aging, ailing bodies.

Yet Paul says in all these things and more, we are "more than conquerors" as we trust the Lord and walk in the Spirit one day, one step at a time (Romans 8:31-39). (Talk about a change of focus!)

I am choosing to be a grateful "conqueror" by faith.

I believe our Father has a plan. He is sovereign and in control. And He wants us to be grateful in the process as He works out His will.

So I'm not going to let the enemy or my circumstances rob me of one bit of joy this Thanksgiving.

Sometimes knowing God's will is hard.

But this is clear: Gratitude is God's will.

What are you going through right now? How does the truth that gratitude is God's will for you encourage you to choose to give thanks in your circumstance—right now, no matter how you feel?

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is a speaker and author, and the creator the blog, Upgrade with Dawn. She is a contracted researcher/reviewer for women's teacher and revivalist, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, at Revive Our Hearts, a blogger at, writes wiki-type posts at, and is a regular columnist at She and her husband Bob live in sunny Southern California, and Dawn has traveled with Him in Pacesetter Global Outreach. They have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.




Upgrades from COVID-19

Cathy Horning has a tender heart toward the Lord, receptive to His voice and eager to respond with trust and obedience. In this Spiritual Life UPGRADE, she writes about how she prays the Lord will transform her life because of the coronavirus.

“At the writing of this post,” Cathy says, “our beloved California is waiting on edge for the surge of COVID-19.”

Like many other Christ-followers, I (Dawn) have been contemplating the changes God might want to make in my life as the crisis of the coronavirus passes. Cathy encourages us to make those thoughts more concrete through prayer and intentional choices.

Cathy continues . . .

By the time you read this, hopefully, we will have passed the crisis, and life as we knew it will begin to get back to normal.

Although, my prayer is that we will never be normal again.

COVID-19 took most of us by surprise. It turned our lives upside down, at best, as it devastated hundreds of thousands, at its worst.

To be honest, besides the fear of sickness and death, finances and what the future would hold, my family was part of the population who were merely inconvenienced by the stay-at-home, shelter-in-place, six-foot-separation quarantine that our leaders ordered.

However besides their disruption to my days, these restrictions revealed a lot about my character, my spiritual condition, as well as how unprepared I was.

My prayer is that once the constraints are lifted and our freedoms are restored, my life will have been upgraded by the COVID-19 Refiner’s fire.

I hope I will be:

  • Less set in my familiar and comfortable ways,
  • More Christ-like in my attitude and actions, and
  • More prepared and fully equipped for future curve-balls, crises and trials that will come our way.   

1. I want to be MORE GRATEFUL.

I hope I will never again take for granted everyday conveniences like stocked grocery store shelves, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, toilet paper and the people who make it readily available for us all.

I never again want to assume I will always have the freedom of hugs, coffee shop visits, and family times and outings.

2. I want to be A WILLING SERVANT.

Being stuck at home revealed to me how selfish I am, and how rigid my routine.

I want to be willing to serve others, as if I was serving Jesus Himself, in big ways and small ones, in the comfortable and, especially, in the uncomfortable and inconvenient.

I don’t want to grumble and complain that I must cook and clean more, because there are people at home—all the time—to take care of.

3. I want to be MORE PREPARED and PROACTIVE.

I intend to be more conscientious about and purposeful to not shut out the needs of others, which I realized can happen tucked away safely in the cocoon of my own world.

I will strive to be more connected with my neighbors, to reach out to those in need, and to be aware of and available to help those who are homebound, sick, or hurting.

I pray to walk so closely with Jesus that I can be used to meet the unspoken and unmet needs of others. 

When life returns to normal, I pray there will be an upgrade in my life.

What do I want to see?

  • I don’t want to be haphazard and wasteful.
  • I don’t want to be resentful or disgruntled when I’m asked to serve in inconvenient ways, times and places.
  • And, I don’t want to close my eyes to or look away from others' needs.
  • I don’t want to hang my hope and trust in everything working well or going right or staying the same. Nor do I want to live in fear. Instead, I will live my life filled with faith, led by the Spirit, and more prepared and purposeful to share my faith and my life.

Luke 12:35-37, 42-44 (TPT) says,

'Be prepared for action at a moment’s notice. Be like the servants who anticipate their master’s return…They are ready to unlock and open the door for him at a moment’s notice. What great joy is ahead for the awakened ones who are waiting for the Master’s return!...

A trustworthy and thoughtful manager who understands the ways of his master will be given a ministry of responsibility in his master’s house, serving others exactly what they need at just the right time. And when the master returns, he will find that his servant has served him well. I can promise you, he will be given a great reward and will be placed as an overseer of everything the master owns.'

Today, and every day—disaster or not—I hope and pray my upgrades from COVID-19 are that:

  • I will be more grateful;
  • I will be a willing servant; and
  • I will be prepared and proactive.  

What upgrade has COVID-19 made in your life?

Cathy Horning has been a women’s ministry leader, Bible Study teacher, speaker and writer for almost three decades. She loves the Word of God. Nothing brings her greater joy than encouraging women how to walk in God's ways. Cathy is a popular speaker, blogger and writer, as well as a beloved wife to her husband of 37 years, mom to four, grammy to 13, and spiritual mom to many. She is the author of Letters from a Mother's Heart—Timeless Truths from One Mom's Journey. Read more about her on her website.

Graphic, "Thank You," courtesy of Chrystal Elizabeth at Pixabay.


Choosing Joy in the Midst of Chaos

Julie Watson is an amazing woman. She has faced situations that could rob her of joy and peace, things that could have led to her defeat. But she is an overcomer, and in this Attitudes UPGRADE, she shares how she has found joy—and we can too.

“Decisions, decisions. Choosing joy in the midst of life’s messiness is quite the feat," Julie says, "but oh, so worth it!"

I (Dawn) have watched Julie cope with huge changes in her and her husband's life over the past few years. I can testify that she has found God faithful, and in the midst of the messiness of life, she has found God's unlimited joy.

Julie continues . . .

Ah, summer. If you’re a mom, you’ve likely just finished it. If you’re anything like me, you planned to have a great summer filled with fun activities: places to go, things to try, people to visit, etc.

And, if you’re still like me, you probably jumped for joy (to some degree) when it was over!

My HOPE is always to have the best summer, but my REALITY typically falls quite short.

I don’t know about you, but one can only take so much arguing, teasing, fighting, not listening and disobedience.

  • Behaviors get stretched to new limits when the TV and tablets are turned off because someone (or two) is grounded, and it’s too hot to go outside to play.
  • Boredom reaches new heights when Legos and Matchbox cars are the primary imagination booster to combat such yawn-inducing, brain-frying monotony.

In these instances, children often create their own “fun” which loosely translates into CHAOS for mom! And, not just any chaos, but the kind that horror stories are made of, such as: burning ants with a magnifying glass outside becomes a small brushfire (fictitious example), or a sister’s toothbrush is used as a toilet brush in a fit of assumptions, rage and revenge (a factual example from my summer).

This summer I did things differently.

Since the kids would be attending a new school, I had three whole months to work with them on the high expectations this new school has for its students.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we worked on math (the subject everyone is scared of at my house).

Tuesdays and Thursdays, I put their imaginations to work and had them write their very own books!

Since all three of my kids LOVE to read, I thought it was time to make them the authors of their own imagination destinations. Funny enough, they really loved that idea and dove right in!

But, oh my goodness, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays just about sent me over the edge.

The frustration and tears shed are almost too hard to relive… and I’m talking about MINE!

Trying to find even moments of joy became increasingly difficult.

The longer the summer dragged on, the harder it became. I had done some wonderful studies on joy in the past, and am still in the midst of one now. So, why was I struggling so much with finding joy in this summer chaos?

Joy is a choice, plain and simple. It’s not something given, bought, earned or found.

1. We have to RECOGNIZE who the author of joy is.

That’s Jesus. By taking our place on the cross and forgiving us our horrible sins we don’t deserve forgiveness for, He created an institution of joy within our own hearts when we accept Him.

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:2-3).

(Also see Isaiah 61:10 and John 16:24.)

2. We have to CHOOSE to be thankful for everything He has done for us.

Being grateful for our abundant blessings is the fastest way to create joy in the midst of chaos.

Even being thankful for the chaos teaches us how to cling to our Lord and Savior during the most trying of times!

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4).

(Also see Habakkuk 3:17-18; Galatians 5:22-23; and 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18.)

3. We have to SHARE it and spread that joy with those who need it.

In my estimation, that’s pretty much everyone!

Joy spreads like wildfire when you act in love and compassion toward another.

If we could share God’s love with others and act towards them with that same love, the world would change, one person at a time.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

 (Also see Proverbs 15:23 and Romans 15:32.)

In my case, I needed to choose to be thankful for these three little lives He had placed in our home and hearts after 17 long years of waiting.

He allowed us to become parents to some pretty amazing kids who were grateful to find a home with loving parents willing to help them with their schoolwork.

But, why had I forgotten to be thankful for them this summer? 

Because I had focused too much on the temporary frustrations and didn’t choose to be grateful for my lifelong blessings!

Are you struggling with choosing joy in the midst of chaos? Is there something you’re forgetting to be grateful for that will increase your joy meter? Reach out to a sister-in-Christ to pray with you and make a better choice for yourself today.

Joy is right there for the choosing and sharing!

Julie Watson worked in women’s and children’s ministries for 10 years as a Development and Executive Director before becoming a stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children. In 2016, God created a beautiful forever family when she and her husband, Shawn, were able to legally adopt the children. Julie now helps others find hope and freedom from emotional eating & unhealthy habits as a C.O.P.E. Certified Health Coach.

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Pixabay.


Be Thankful—God Loves Ewe!

In this Spiritual Growth UPGRADE, Pam Farrel encourages us to upgrade our lives with a little help from the Good Shepherd.

Our Good Shepherd pursues us to give his faithful love and all things beautiful and beneficial,” Pam says.

I (Dawn) have watched Pam in ministry. She knows a little about shepherds and sheep—the kind that go "baaa," and the human "sheep" who struggle and cry out to their Shepherd.

Pam continues . . .

I am a true Bo Peep. I grew up on a Suffolk sheep farm in Idaho.

I was a fourth generation shepherd. If there is something I am familiar with, it is sheep!

So when I read Psalms 23, one of the most familiar of all Psalms, it is very personal, encouraging and comforting.

You may also need comfort or encouragement in your own life right now. There are a few qualities of your Good Shepherd that might encourage you, especially if you are feeling like you are traveling through the “valley of the shadow of death”.

1. The Shepherd is Personal

For example, the Psalmist’s opening line, “The Lord is my shepherd,” became more precious when I became a shepherdess. The relationship between a lamb and a shepherd can be a very close, caring and even sometimes, affectionate relationship.

For example, my first 4-H lamb was a “bummer,” meaning the mother had rejected or abandoned her own offspring.

These kinds of lambs need extra attention, so I fed my little lambie with a bottle twice a day, holding her in my arms like a baby.

I carded her wool, I hand fed her grain, I walked her, and yes, I talked to her.

On cold nights, I tucked her into a warm pen, and if I heard howling wild dogs or coyotes, I got up to go out to check on her.

I also named her, “Bunny” because when she wasn’t in my arms, she would delight herself jumping from rock to rock in our pasture. Ours was an “everywhere that Pammy went her lamb was sure to go” kind of relationship.

2. The Shepherd is a Protector

It is really a picture of my grandfather, father and brother, and their vigilance that I carry in my mind as to what a truly protective good shepherd is like.

Ravenous coyotes, wolves and wild dogs roamed the vast expanse of high desert in the area our family farm was located. These savage dogs would attack and kills whole flocks of sheep in a single night.

To help us keep our sheep safe, we place collars with bells on them. If they we heard an occasional gentle chime we knew our sheep were simply grazing calmly, but if we heard a cacophony of loud jingling, we knew the wild dogs were near by threatening an attack

To protect the sheep, the men in my family would post themselves in the pasture with the sheep. They would wrap themselves in a down sleeping bag with their “rod and staff” within arm’s reach. It was a cold, uncomfortable, thankless job, but it saved the lives of all our entire flock of sheep and their lambs.

To this day, when I picture my God as my Good Shepherd, I see Him as my strong, powerful and attentive protector.

3. The Shepherd is a Provider

When I read, “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul" (vv. 2-3), that is exactly the experience of my upbringing.

  • I would often walk barefoot through the deep, lush, green grass of the pasture, as the sheep serenely grazed.
  • I would take a blanket and a Bible, and lie down and spend quiet hours communing with God.
  • I might walk over to the creek, and sit on the simple wooden plank that created a bridge, and sit and rest quietly dipping my toes into the cool stream.

This was my place of solace and restoration, far away from the chaos my alcoholic, raging, earthly father might be creating in our small farm house. 

To this day, resting in an open meadow, or the sound of gently tinkling chimes, remind me of the restorative rest the Good Shepherd can create even in the midst of chaos.  

4. The Shepherd Is a Pursuer

As I have followed my Good Shepherd, I have seen how “goodness and mercy“ has surely followed me the days of my life. 

One could phrase the meaning of “goodness and mercy” as “certainly what is good, pleasant, agreeable, beneficial, desirable, beautiful and best, as well as God’s faithful, loyal, lovingkindness will pursue you.


Our Good Shepherd pursues us to give His faithful love and all things beautiful and beneficial.

A recent example in my own life is the writing of this blog. It is an adaptation out of my newest book, Discovering Hope in the Psalms. I was going through one of my most challenging years of my entire life when my friend Jean asked me to edit, then co-author, this study with her.

See... my Shepherd sent goodness and mercy to pursue me, because He knew I was going to need to dwell in the green pastures of His Hope-filled Word to survive my own valley.

With the Shepherd, we can walk THROUGH the darkest valley and not tremble, because the Good Shepherd sees His sheep, knows His sheep and cares for each and every one of His sheep—including you!

What attribute of the Shepherd do you need, to hold on to hope?

Find a wool blanket, spread it in a green pasture near some still water, open your Bible and let the Shepherd send some goodness and mercy your way.

 Pam Farrel is still a shepherdess at heart. However, instead of living on her family farm, she now travels the world shepherding people’s hearts and relationships by speaking and teaching God’s goodness and mercy through the ministry she and her husband run: Love-Wise. She is the author of 45 books. Her newest is Discovering Hope in the Psalms: A Creative Bible Study Experience.