Holy Week — A Blueprint for Turbulent Times
Joanie Shawhan is a great example of finding the positive in the midst of negative. In this pre-Easter UPGRADE, she offers some wise tips for tuning this year's "Holy Week" into a positive, God-honoring, life-growing opportunity.
Joanie says, "This past year hasn’t gone according to my plan."
I (Dawn) think this past year destroyed or greatly altered a lot of our plans! But it also gave us many opportunities for a fresh perspective and growth. I love Joanie's approach to one of the most amazing weeks on the Christian calendar.
Joanie continues . . .
The results of my hopes and prayers haven’t been what I expected or even desired. I’ve felt bewildered, disappointed, and disillusioned.
I haven’t understood how these outcomes could be God’s will.
As I grappled to understand this past season, God gave me A BLUEPRINT of how to respond in these turbulent times:
Walk with Jesus and His disciples through Holy Week.
How do I walk with Jesus through Holy Week?
1. I Humble Myself.
Adulation and triumph charged the atmosphere as the disciples jostled along with the crowd, waved their palm branches, and hailed Jesus as king.
But Jesus didn’t enter Jerusalem riding on the horse of a conquering king. He rode on the back of a donkey, a lowly beast.
The disciples didn’t understand the true mission of Jesus.
I also need to acknowledge when I misinterpreted God’s plan.
2. I Repent.
When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, He cleansed the temple. In what areas does my temple need cleansing?
- Am I walking in offense or holding grudges?
- Sometimes I blame others for what I perceive as negative outcomes.
I need to repent of the ill will I’ve harbored toward others.
3. I Serve Others.
At the Last Supper, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. In the washing of the feet, Jesus called His disciples to be servants, even though they didn’t understand what He meant.
I am also called to serve, to serve even those who may have harmed me.
4. I Commune with Jesus.
Jesus instituted The Lord’s Supper during Holy Week, an opportunity for intimate communion with Him.
As I draw closer to Jesus through communion, praise, worship, and the scriptures, He will draw close to me.
He will reveal Himself to me and share what is important to Him.
5. I Pray.
Jesus invited three of his disciples to pray with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane—pray they would not fall into temptation.
When I’m pressed by trials, I’m tempted to fall into discouragement, despair, fear, or anger.
In the garden, Jesus laid down his will. I also need to lay down my will—
- To let go of my expectations,
- To let go my plans, and
- To let go of my ways.
He has a better way even when I don’t understand.
6. I Watch My Words.
Whether my words are spoken or written, I need to watch what I say and set a guard over my lips, especially when I don’t understand.
Peter denied Jesus in the courtyard of the high priest. He didn’t understand God’s plan—Jesus’ death and resurrection.
When the chief priests and elders stood before Pontius Pilate and spewed their accusations concerning Jesus, He remained silent.
Sometimes my greatest strength is silence.
“Be still, and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10 NIV).
7. I Forgive.
Jesus forgave those who hurt Him and betrayed Him at the cross.
Many people do not understand the ramifications of their actions and their hurtful words in these chaotic times.
Jesus calls me to offer mercy and forgiveness.
8. I Watch and Wait.
When all seemed lost at the cross, Jesus rose from the dead.
God has a plan, a plan greater than any plan I could have conceived—a plan filled with joy!
The King of Glory is still on his throne. He will be glorified.
Let’s walk with Jesus through Holy Week and allow Him to lead us out of darkness and confusion into his light and truth.
“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:1-2 NIV).
How will you draw near to Jesus during Holy Week?
Joanie Shawhan is a Selah Awards Finalist for In Her Shoes: Dancing in the Shadow of Cancer. She is an ovarian cancer survivor, registered nurse, speaker,
and radio and television guest. She speaks to medical students in the Survivors Teaching Students program. She co-founded an ovarian cancer social group, The Fried Eggs—Sunny-Side Up. Publishing credits include: Guideposts Divine Interventions, The Upper Room, Coping with Cancer Magazine, and God Still Meets Needs. Contact Joanie at www.joanieshawhan.com.
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