Steps to Peace When You Feel Unsettled
Kathy Carlton Willis reminds me of the Energizer Bunny. She accomplishes more in one week than I do in one month! In all her busyness, she's always got a wise and cheerful word of encouragement as she spreads God's truth along her way. However, Kathy is very transparent about her humanness. In this Peace UPGRADE, she reminds us that there are times God allows uneasiness in our lives for a reason—He wants us to find our peace and purpose in Him.
“I’m starting the year feeling uninspired and restless,” says Kathy.
When I (Dawn) read that, honestly, I was shocked. Kathy is one of the most goal-oriented people I know. But knowing her, she didn't stay unsettled for long.
Kathy continues . . .
I live life with intention, and I try not to base my to-do list on what I feel. Productivity can only happen with a plan and with discipline.
But there are times God allows us to feel unsettled because He’s about to help us let go of something and reach ahead to something different.
That’s where I am right now. Even while I wait, God is giving me peace, and I know He will give peace to you as well.
Sorting Out the Essentials
I’ll never forget the year we moved from a 4,100-square-foot historic home to an 800-square-foot rental. As you can imagine, it took a great deal of sorting our belongings into essentials and non-essentials. Learning to prioritize what to keep, what to sell, and what to store helped.
I asked myself these questions.
- Is it necessary?
- Will it go with my new surroundings?
- Do I have room for it?
- Will I miss it if it’s gone?
- Does it have special meaning to me?
These questions also come to my aid when I ask God to help me prioritize my life choices.
Is it necessary? When our choices match up with the direction of God in our lives, the Holy Spirit gives us a satisfied peace.
Will it go with my new surroundings? Our locality dictates how we can best reach others for Christ. There are different cultures and traditions we must learn and adapt to (without changing biblical doctrines, of course).
Do I have room for it? There are many good options, but God doesn’t expect us to have room for each one of them in our lives. He will help us determine how to best use the abilities He has gifted us with for His glory and for the good of others.
Will I miss it if it’s gone? I’m sensing God is leading me to let go of some things in my life to make room for the new. This question helps me sort it out and add the essence of what I might miss into a new option.
Does it have a special meaning to me? We allow so many mundane, ordinary activities to fill our lives that we lose our joy. Will the love, joy, and peace in my life bubble over and splash on others so they can experience how special a life in Christ can be?
Do you have any extra life baggage you need to get rid of?
Letting go will deliver a new parcel of peace your way. We can do that as we seek God’s direction.
Those who love your instructions have great peace and do not stumble. (Psalm 119:165 NLT)
There are two great benefits to loving God’s instructions. When we desire to obey His Word, we have all the resources we need for great peace and the ability to not stumble.
There’s never enough reserve in our own selves to work up even a limited version of peace, let alone a God-sized portion of peace. But the good news is that we can always find peace as we find our way back to God.
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! (Isaiah 26:3 NLT)
This is one of my all-time favorite Bible verses on peace in Scripture.
Questions to Ask Yourself
- How do you fix your thoughts on God?
- Where do you tend to let your thoughts be focused instead?
- What does trust have to do with being kept in perfect peace?
- What does fixing your thoughts on God have to do with experiencing perfect peace?
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13 NLT)
Paul gave the Romans so much rich detail regarding the victory we can have as we determine to grow in trusting God.
There is something special about seeing words such as fill, completely, and overflow. We often study about peace because we do not feel filled to overflowing!
If we’re honest, sometimes, we feel empty or drained.
Is there an area in your life in which you are struggling to trust in God for your peace?
Kathy Carlton Willis is God’s Grin Gal. She writes and speaks with a balance of funny and faith—whimsy and wisdom. Over a thousand of Kathy’s articles have been published and she has several books in her
Grin Gal brand. Today’s Upgrade with Dawn is inspired by Kathy’s latest Bible study, The Grin Gal’s Guide to Peace. Consider using one of Kathy’s books for your next small group or study. More information at
Graphic adapted, courtesy of Aaron Burden at Unsplash.