Your Labels: True or False?
In this Biblical Thinking UPGRADE, Poppy Smith hit on a topic that plagued me for years. I was called "stupid," so I thought I was. Maybe you're wearing some labels too.
"I grew up with the label “Sloppy Poppy,” Poppy said. "My parents were very loving and it was a family joke that I tended to drop things, spill soup, or mess-up when tackling domestic chores such as cooking or sewing. I’m still that way."
I (Dawn) could talk about a relative who falls off chairs (but I won't). I'm sure every family has its share of members who do klutzy or kooky things, and labeling people as such certainly won't help them cope or change.
But it's an even deeper message Poppy has for us today.
She continues . . .
Some labels wound.
They sting.
They demolish confidence.
They limit your life.
Not all labels make us laugh. Nor are they attached with loving, good humor.
When I was in seminary getting my Masters in Spiritual Formation and Direction, a professor declared:
Let God label you, not others.
That was a life-changing truth for me. It was liberating.
And it’s something I love sharing with those who struggle with negative labels super-glued on their hearts and minds by parents, teachers, coaches or an abusive boyfriend or husband.
I'm talking about cruel labels such as, You're ...
A Failure
A Mistake
They produce great pain. They also hold great power over you—limiting your joy, confidence and freedom to experience all God wants for you.
A close friend was constantly called “stupid idiot” by her parents, and “ugly wart” by a boy at school. She was emotionally damaged for decades by her verbally and physically abusive parents—until she learned to recognize who she really was in God’s eyes and reject the lies that had held her in their grip.
It takes time to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12: 2) but with God’s help, it can be your experience.
The Bible is full of wonderfully healing words that you can apply to your heart and replay in your mind. If you’re a child of God, let me encourage you to revel in these truthful labels and toss the others in the trash where they belong.
Here are three simple steps to help you do this:
1. Repeat these biblically-true words regularly:
I am precious and loved by God, chosen, adopted, forgiven (Ephesians 1:2-14)
I am created for a purpose and capable of doing all He plans for me (Ephesians 2:10)
I am valued by God. He is for me and works everything together for my good (Romans 8:28-29)
2. Say them out loud and add to your list as you read Scripture.
3. Ask God for help.
His power is what enables you to change your thoughts, attitudes, and actions.
What negative labels persistently pop into your head? Ask yourself: Would Jesus call me that? Is this how God sees me?
Force yourself to look at the labels you think are not true, reject them and embrace the amazing truth that you are truly loved and accepted by God.
Poppy Smith is British, married to an American, and has lived in many countries. A former Bible Study Fellowship teaching leader with a Masters in Spiritual Formation, she is a multi-published author who speaks widely, challenging women to make their lives count by looking at their choices, attitudes, and relationship with God. Discover more about Poppy here.
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