Fear... or Coffee
The super-talented Joy Elben has always struck me as confident and capable. But I've learned we all have struggles, and in this Gifts and Spiritual Growth UPGRADE, Joy shares how she moved from fears and feelings of inadequacy to using her gifts with confidence in the Lord.
“I would never have told you I was afraid,” Joy says. “In fact, I would have told you the opposite.”
I (Dawn) sense a kindred spirit here. Years ago, I could have written this same post. I'm glad Joy did. So many people hide behind their fears; and Joy encourages us to come out of hiding!
Joy continues . . .
I would have said that I'm bold. I’m adventurous. I pursue my dreams.
When the reality was, there was a part of me lying dormant.
I hadn't actually forgotten that part; it just wasn't necessary anymore.
Or was it?
You see, growing up, I was the girl who was always writing.
All over.
- My Lisa Frank trapper keeper.
- My lunch box.
- My brother's lunch box.
- My brother.
The girl who, when the teacher would ask you to put your name in the front flap of each book, I put my name right on the front cover.
In big, BOLD letters. Yep, that was me.
My teachers may not have appreciated that. I may have been the inspiration for the modern book cover.
But letters were art and words were powerful, and I liked the look and sound and feel of the script flowing from my pen to my page.
My high school English teacher was the first to say it:
"Joy, you have a gift! You need to write."
I did? I should?
I devoured every book I could. Every genre, prose and process.
Collecting words as if they were treasures. I was going to take over the world and inspire anyone who would listen with all the eloquence and wisdom of my sixteen-year-old self.
My freshman year of college, there was a campus-wide essay contest and I won.
My professor said,
"Joy, you have a gift. You should write."
I studied and honed my craft and my family repeated the refrain,
"Joy, you have a gift. You should write."
But then life happened.
And the voices in my head began to tell me:
- "Joy, maybe you can write, but really, what makes you more interesting than anyone else?"
- "Joy, you're only (insert the age). What makes you think that you have any wisdom to offer?"
- "Joy, you are the pastor's WIFE, and sharing from a platform is his job."
- "Joy, you are surrounded by brilliant writers—let them do the writing."
- "Joy, Joy, Joy ....”
The voices chanted my inadequacy.
And I hid.
I hid behind all of the voices and I did it with the conviction that I was honoring God in the process.
Doesn’t Proverbs warn us time and again to weigh our words? I seemed to have forgotten that it also says,
“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a GOOD WORD makes him glad” (Proverbs 12:25).
Recently, when invited to join a new friend at our local coffee shop, I shared my hesitation and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and she urged, "Joy, if God has given you a gift, then you need to share your voice and write!"
In the spirit of good conversation, I reciprocated and asked her to share her passion.
She responded with, "This is my passion."
Wait, what?
"Having coffee."
I was a little baffled. I mean I like a good cup of coffee as much as the next gal, but…huh?
She was a mother and a missionary and a remarkable woman, and her passion was having coffee?
She explained that for her, sharing coffee meant using her gift of encouragement to create connection and relationship.
Coffee is to her what writing is to me. A mode of connection.
My heart received the message and I knew that I had a choice to make.
I could continue to hide under my own veil of self-doubt and fear of vulnerability,
I could choose to live by faith and write.
So today, I will make the choice to use my words for encouragement and sharing a good word.
What is your passion? Is it writing? Is it coffee? Have you been given a gift that is lying dormant and you hold back because of fear?
Don’t do it. Don't hide.
Write, teach, serve, draw, sing—whatever it is for you—and drink coffee, all for the glory of God!
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7).
Take a moment to examine your heart and ask the Lord to reveal if there is any part of you that He has CREATED FOR MORE.
Listen carefully.
The Lord longs to help you live in the fullness of who He created you to be.
What is your gift? How are you using it for God’s glory?
Joy Elben, born and raised in sunny San Diego, is serving alongside her husband at Forest Home Christian Camps and Conference Center, in the picturesque setting of Ojai, California. She is a pastor's wife, adoptive mom, foster parent, enthusiastic traveler and owner of Joy Elben Design, a home staging and design business.
Graphic adapted, courtesy of Engin_Akyurt-Pixabay.