5 Ways to Create an Inspiring Workspace
Marcia Ramsland is one of the most organized women I know, and she's professional and so nice when she teaches others how to be organized too! In this Organization UPGRADE, she tackles an area some women think is just too hard to deal with, especially when paperwork takes over—the Workspace.
“An inspiring workspace will help you focus and be ready to work when you sit down at your computer,” Marcia says. “Make it tasteful, streamlined and inspiring!”
I (Dawn) think this is an excellent time to think about re-ordering our homes. With all the cautions about the Coronavirus pandemic, many people have more time to organize their home offices, and to think about how they might change their personal workspace.
Marcia continues . . .
In organizing hundreds of offices and workspaces, I’ve discovered these 5 elements that can make for an inspiring environment. When any of these is out of balance, making it “just right” can change a person’s entire outlook.
And they take so little time.
When any of these five elements is out of balance, you can make it “right” and improve your entire outlook. And they take so little time.
Which one can you do right now?
1. Pick Your Focal Point and Set the Tone.
The main focal point of your workspace is what you first see when you walk into your workspace, usually the space above your desk or computer. It should be currently inspiring and calming.
Visual space sets the tone to increase your mental energy when you work.
This should have a picture that sets the tone in style and color for your whole office, whether it’s a canvas print from a store, a landscape that means something to you, or simply a framed poster.
Hang something pleasant to look at!
2. Lighting is Key to Where You Work.
Ideally, the lighting should be directly over your clear workspace in the center of your desk.
So often I see people working in a limited 15-inch space because that’s where their lighting is. If you’re crouched over your keyboard trying to do paperwork, readjust the lighting to have desk space to work on.
If you want a warmer touch or meet with people in your office, add a lamp with a shade to soften what could otherwise be a sterile workspace.
Pick a lamp base with wood, metal, or a color that you like. Make your choices by asking, “What is my style that reflects who I am now?” Let that show up in your workspace.
3. Clear your Desk and Organize Your Paperwork.
Clear your desktop of paper piles and office clutter!This one action makes a huge step forward in creating an inspiring workspace.
Paper piles are clutter and distracting to your concentration.
Clean up your desktop daily by writing a Master To Do list of items clears your mind, too. It allows you to file projects until you are ready to work on them.
I’ve organized hundreds of desk and workspace areas and this one step makes a HUGE difference. For inspiration look at these six “Before & After” desk spaces I’ve coached clients through.
4. Motivate Yourself with Uplifting Inspiration.
Inspiration can be anything from a poster to family or friends’ photos with you in the picture. Frame these photos with a similar style of your workspace.
Be sure to have a photo of your family that is no more than six months old so you don’t have to apologize for how outdated the photo is. It’s a conversation piece as well as a motivator for you.
5. Personal Items Should Be Tasteful.
What is tasteful? It’s what your boss, spouse or mother would approve of!
What you put in your workspace becomes public and others often will make a judgment about you based on what they see.
It’s completely acceptable to include elements that reflect your passions, a framed photo of a favorite vacation, or a saying that always inspires you.
If you find yourself sighing and dreading sitting down in your workspace, some simple changes to “own” your space will change your outlook—especially if they include things that have meaning and touch you in an emotionally positive way.
Maintaining an organized workspace reminds me of Jesus’ words: "Whoever can be trusted with little can also be trusted with much…” (Luke 16:10).
Manage your space to write, create and communicate responsibly.
The Lord Himself cares how you manage this one “little” aspect of your life. Do it for Him and for yourself, if even no one else sees it.
My Helpful Tip: Be selective about what goes in your workspace. Become visually aware of workspace clutter. File and recycle paper piles until they’re gone. Clean it up and clear clutter out so you stay focused and inspired.
What could you organize and improve right now to create an inspiring workspace you love to work in?
Marcia Ramsland is well known as the “Organizing Pro” and best-selling author of the Simplify Your Life: Get Organized and Stay that Way book series, which has sold over
100,000 copies. Marcia teaches her online Organizing Courses and Coaches individuals to be highly productive personally and professionally. She believes anyone can become more organized and live with ease—even YOU! For “Before & After” desk organizing photos, visit organizingpro.com.
Graphic adapted, courtesy of DarkWorkX at Pixabay.