Women Helping Women during the Panedmic
Julie Sanders has the most amazing, compassionate heart. In this Ministry UPGRADE, she encourages women to reach out to those suffering from the consequences of COVID-19. She shares examples of women who are already sharing hope in Christ. "After ten days of isolation, my world felt small," Julie says. "A positive diagnosis sequestered me until my fever passed and I emerged to catch up on national and global news."
I (Dawn) sometimes wonder if we should watch the news with more of an eye to how God might want us to be His heart and hands reaching out to help. I think Julie has captured this idea perfectly.
Julie continues . . .
The steady stream of conflict tempts us to turn away. Do you want to hunker down until the storm passes?
Travel limitations keep us inside our borders, but this year we opened our eyes and hearts to something we can’t un-know: the needs of the world.
This awareness turns our hearts to women a lot like us, with trials a lot like ours. God has a purpose in connecting women around the globe.
What might we learn about these women and God's purposes for them?
1. Women are weeping
In my work with women globally, I hear reports from women grieving impacts of the coronavirus.
Women like Esther in Southeast Asia who are wired to be nurturers and caregivers. It prompted Esther to get creative teaching under a tree.
For those with sick family, this season of supporting medical needs has taken a toll. In poor and wealthy countries alike, efforts to keep children learning while isolating at home led to higher rates of stress and domestic violence. Families supported by day workers in under-developed nations have suffered financially, resulting in rising poverty levels.
This increases risks leading to child trafficking and exploitation.
The worldwide pandemic has crushed the spirits of many women fighting for the health, well-being, and lives of loved ones.
The same God who commissioned Eve as “the mother of all the living,” (Genesis 3:20) understands the pain of the women of the world.
As our example of caring for the hurting,
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18).
Whether a woman calls a hut, a yurt, a condo, or cabin her home, the global sisterhood of women weeps under similar burdens, and God hears them.
2. God is using women
As He has throughout history when hardship shakes the world, God is using women to care for others in His name.
Women like Luba and Holly keep pregnancy centers open to serve mothers facing unexpected pregnancies in the confusion of COVID-19. While they could be tempted to give in to fear and care only for their own families, they’re rising up to care for others.
Grandmothers, mothers, and young women are serving the sick, making tea for immigrants, preparing relief packages, and taking blankets to the elderly.
God is using girlfriends globally to bring help where the hardships of this year have snuffed out hope.
In organizations like The Apple of God’s Eye, women once rescued from exploitation have faithfully worked to restore wounded children every day of the pandemic.
Around the world in a kaleidoscope of languages and cultures, Proverbs 31-style women are staying up late, getting up early, making resources stretch, making sure household needs are met. They open their hands to the poor and reach out [their] hands to the needy (Prov. 31:20).
In countless nations and tribes in this time of disease, it can be said of God’s daughters,
Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come (Prov. 31:25).
The world may be bending beneath the burden of the Pandemic, but women are rising up in God’s name.
3, Women are finding hope
Not every woman has the hope of Christ for her future in this world. For the first time, some women are crying out and learning God loves them as they receive gospel truth with gifts of food, medical care, and kindness.
Disheartened students, worried mothers, and lonely grandmas are open to spiritual truths because of the coronavirus we share. Through common troubles around the globe, God is moving in the hearts of women.
In one region where females are viewed with little worth, eight courageous women took a risk during this time to be trained to serve others with hope in desperate times.
In hospitals and homes where women weep for the isolation and illness of the Pandemic, The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth (Psalm 145:18).
God is moving through women who have hope to reach those who have none.
Every woman experiences her own reasons to weep during COVID-19.
It’s tempting to hunker down at home. But rise up. God is using women who love Him and love other women to reach women waiting for hope.
4 Steps to Take from Home
- Learn about the needs of women locally.
- Explore the needs of women globally.
- Pray for the needs of women cross-culturally.
- Help in the gospel work women are doing.
What are you experiencing that connects you to women in other cultures? How has God blessed you with hope to help women who have yet to have that hope?
Julie Sanders loves uplifting leaders globally. She finds joy in helping women listen and learn cross-culturally from one another and, most of all, from God’s
truth for life in every land. She’s the author of The ABCs of Praying for Students. Julie calls the Northwest home and writes from her online base at juliesanders.org.
Graphic adapted, courtesy of Engin Akyurt at Pixabay.