Rest in the Midst
Author and teacher Ava Pennington loves to focus attention on our Father God and His Word, because she knows that changes lives. In this Attitude and Spiritual Life UPGRADE, she offers tips to help us rest in the Lord.
“A-a-a-a-h. Nothing like a bit of quiet rest after a long day or a tough week ... at least that’s what I’ve heard,” Ava says.
Like Ava, I (Dawn) am a busy writer on top of my regular job. I love the busyness of what God calls me to do, but I need to seek Him for rest cues so I won't get overwhelmed. I appreciate Ava's perspective.
She continues . . .
Actually, moments of quiet rest are rare in my life. Apart from my time with the Lord in the morning, most of my day is filled with activity and noise. Even when I’m in the car, often the first thing I do is turn on the radio.
But there’s something to be said for settling into an oasis of rest where my senses are not bombarded. And summer is the perfect season to seek those times.
So, in anticipation of summer, I’ve been looking optimistically at my stack of to-read books. I even purchased an outdoor lounge chair for that purpose.
Sadly, both the chair and the books are leftover from last summer. Clearly, I needed a different approach.
What does biblical rest look like?
Turns out, I needed to upgrade my understanding of R - E - S - T.
R - Release
Biblical rest is often misunderstood to mean sleeping or taking a break from work. But when Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV), the original word for rest in this verse refers to refreshment while we work.
Resting in the Lord doesn’t mean we ignore our circumstances or run away from them. True rest comes in releasing control of those situations to the Most High God who is greater than any problem.
Besides, we’re really only releasing the illusion of control, since we were never in control to begin with!
E - Enjoy
After walking with the Lord for a lifetime, King David wrote these wise words in his old age: “Take delight in the Lord” (Psalm 37:4 NIV).
Delight in the things of this world is temporary. We were created for fellowship with God. Delighting in Him will last for eternity. We are able to rest when we know the source of true enjoyment that will last forever.
S - Stay
In John 15:4, Jesus reminds us to remain in Him. Using the illustration of a grapevine, He said, “No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me” (NIV).
Some days it’s easier for me to “remain” in Jesus than others. But the grapevine illustration reminds us that branches cannot attach, break away, and re-attach themselves at will. They need the continual flow of life-giving sap to live and produce fruit. True rest comes from a commitment to stay, or remain, in Christ, regardless of what life brings.
T - Trust
One of my favorite verses is, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5 NIV).
It’s difficult to trust someone we don’t know. That’s why I’ve been drawn to the names and attributes of God in Scripture. The more we know what God says about Himself and experience His expression of those attributes in our own life, the easier it is to trust Him. True rest flows from that trust, despite our situations.
I’m still looking forward to sitting in my lounge chair and enjoying that stack of books this summer. But I’m also anticipating the refreshment that comes from resting in Christ in the midst of the work He called me to do. How about you?
In what area of life is the Lord calling you to rest in Him?
Ava Pennington is a multi-published author who has also written numerous magazine articles. She is a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers (AWSA) and a board member of the Christian Authors Network (CAN). Ava also teaches a weekly Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class. She is a passionate speaker who engages audiences with relevant, enjoyable presentations. Visit her at
Graphic adapted, Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid at