How to Rest from Fear and Worry
When I think of Debbie W. Wilson, the word "clarity" comes to mind. Debbie takes biblical truths and makes them clear and motivating, and helps readers see the Word of God from fresh perspectives. In this Faith UPGRADE, she points to many things we might fear, and one fear we might be overlooking to our detriment.
"Riots, the election, the coronavirus, and the general unrest in our country—not to mention the financial strain on those who still haven’t been able to return to normal work—are enough to strike fear in the most steadfast of heart," Debbie says.
"In addition to this, the normal challenges of life don’t take a vacation when a worldwide pandemic and national upheaval hit."
Whew! As I (Dawn) read that list of upsets, I felt the tension rise! We really have been through a lot in 2020, haven't we? But we've learned a lot about how to respond too; and Debbie highlights a wonderful choice.
Debbie continues . . .
The Bible tells us not to fear any of these things (Matt. 6:25-34). It does, however, tell us TO FEAR something you may be overlooking.
God wants you and me to fear missing His REST!
Notice the warning.
God’s promise of entering his rest still stands, so we ought to tremble with fear that some of you might fail to experience it (Heb. 4:1 NLT).
Say what? Missing God’s rest hardly tops my list of fears. But, according to God’s Word, it should.
So let’s look at how to find rest from our fears.
How Do We Rest from Fear?
Hebrews chapter 4 uses Israel as an example of how we can miss God’s rest.
The rest God offers us is different from the rest He offered Israel.
But both hinge on faith.
God delivered Israel from mighty Pharaoh and promised to lead the nation into the Promised Land. The Promised Land flowed with milk and honey and provided protection.
But Israel listened to their fears instead of heeding God’s promise.
As a result, instead of picking juicy grapes, they ate manna all day—every day—for 40 years as they wandered in circles in the wilderness (Heb. 4:2-3).
If only they had believed God!
Listening to our FAITH will protect us from our fears.
Listening to our FEARS holds us in a wilderness of unrest.
What is rest?
- In the Old Testament God’s rest was an abundant LAND.
- In the New Testament God’s rest is an abundant LIFE.
Where do we find rest?
- In the Old Testament rest was found in a PLACE.
- In the New Testament rest is found in a PERSON.
Today, fear and worry drive us harder than any Egyptian taskmaster drove the Hebrew slaves. At least taskmasters slept, whereas worry will wake us up in the middle of the night.
Unlike Israel, we don’t have to leave the country, our jobs, or our circumstances to find relief from fear and worry. We only need to run to Jesus (Jn. 10:10; Jn. 16:33).
As unbelief kept the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness, so unbelief in our Lord’s daily care keeps us in restless turmoil.
Jesus used the example of a farm yoke to help us understand how our relationship with Him works:
Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light’ (Matt. 25:28-30 NLT).
Let Jesus teach you... so you can find His rest.
Are you listening to faith or your fears?
Debbie W. Wilson is an experienced Bible teacher and ministry leader. She enjoys equipping others in the areas of relationships, Bible study, Christian living, and discipleship. Known for her fresh
insights and ability to make the Bible come alive, Debbie uses Spirit-filled encouragement to inspire her readers to trust God with their lives. Drawing from Hebrews 11, her latest book, Little Faith, Big God, shows readers how to live well and finish strong. Debbie enjoys dark chocolate, a good mystery, and the antics of her two standard poodles. Find free resources and connect with Debbie at