Your Ministry Needs You to Make Time to Rest - Part 2
Yesterday, Melissa Mashburn shared some warning signs so we can determine if we need more “rest” in our ministry. Melissa ended with these words:
“I, I,, me, me. What I can do on my own, without leaning on God or listening to what He wants me to do next. When what we really need to do is just lay it all down and give it back to Him. It’s not ours anyways. It’s always been His."
Melissa continues today with some “steps to get ourselves back on track.”
She says …
When you see yourself showing some of those signs that you are past due for some rest, here are three things you can do to help get back on track.
1. The first thing I do when I can tell that I haven’t made rest a priority is PRAY.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10, ESV).
You can’t move forward on your own, so by inviting God to renew your spirit you have just humbled yourself before Him; and then, and only then, can you start to hear His will more clearly.
2. If you have hurt, offended or snapped at anyone because you’ve gone too long without rest, then stop and take a moment to go to that person and ask for forgiveness.
It is not always easy, but it is the right thing to do-for you, for them, and for your ministry.
3. Pull out your calendar—go ahead, grab it now while you are thinking about it—and schedule time to rest. I know, it might sound silly, but we schedule everything else, why not schedule in time to rest.
Rest looks different for different people.
Take some time to seek out what kind of rest you need:
- Sleep
- A good book
- A day at the spa
- An afternoon out shopping with your friends
- A day where you stay in your PJ’s all day
- Or time to work out and have some "you time"
Get it on the calendar now. Start small, but start.
Your ministry needs you to make time to rest. You can’t go at full speed all the time in ministry, it’s just not sustainable for the long haul.
Let’s look to the only One who lived a perfect life—Jesus. Even He took time to rest, to pull away, to seek solitude ... and He was Jesus!
Sweet friends, we have a lot of ministry left to do. Which of those signs that you are past due to rest resonated the most with you? What does rest look like for you?
You are doing a great work, but don’t forget that He is still doing a great work in you too. Make time to rest and your ministry will be all the better for it.
Oh yeah, there will still be stuff to do, things left uncrossed off your to-do list; but girl, this isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon and God has so much more in store for you.
What has God taught you about the kind of rest you need in ministry? Which of Melissa's three suggestions would make the biggest difference for you ... right now?
Melissa Mashburn is a southerner transplanted in South Florida. She’s been married 21 years to her best friend, Matt, and they have two teenage sons. Melissa’s heart is to encourage women to live with an authentic faith in their everyday, ordinary lives. Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith. is the heartbeat of her writing and ministry. Melissa is a pastor's wife and the Kids, Women's and Volunteer Ministry Director at her local church. As a speaker and author, she says she love “every crazy minute of ministry life.” You can find Melissa online at her blog and on Facebook.