Upgrade Your "DREAM" Goals
As I was thinking about the New Year, Kathy Carlton Willis inspired me with her “DREAM” acrostic. I want to share it with our Upgrade readers.
“Everyone has dreams God has planted in them,” Kathy said. “Whether they are big or small, they have vast importance in our lives. But to turn dreams into goals, we have to wake up the procrastinator.”
Kathy had me there! I am a part-time procrastinator. The apostle Paul spoke about goals (Philippians 3:13b-14) and the writer of Proverbs wrote about planning (Proverbs 21:5a), so I know God wants us to have goals.
Yet I had two goals that I was putting off planning for (procrastinating) until … when? It just seemed too overwhelming. But I’m glad I didn’t stop reading there.
Kathy continues …
With just a little bit of planning, you can accomplish the goals God has for your life.
Set a realistic but challenging/inspiring goal. Make the goal big enough to challenge and excite you. Divide bigger goals into smaller steps so you aren’t overwhelmed.
Plan ahead. Once you’ve broken down your goal into pieces, keep a record of it on your computer or in a journal. Give yourself deadlines for each step. Otherwise, procrastination might get the best of you.
Brainstorm ideas. Wade through some silly ideas to mine the good nuggets.
Be passionate. Striving toward a goal without passion is like a fire which slowly runs out of fuel to burn. Get excited; this will only work if you love what you’re doing.
Revisit and evaluate your goals. Keep a record of your goals and make adjustments accordingly.
Consider new opportunities and options that come your way.
Ask God to show you what goals to set, and then get specific by asking Him to show you what you can do today to get one step, however small, closer to achieving your goals. Stay focused and believe in yourself even if others do not believe in you.
Set Your DREAM Goals:
D - Does it make a DIFFERENCE in your community? (Impact and Significance)
R - Can you REACH it? (Attainable and Realistic)
E - Does it ENERGIZE you? (Passion and Giftedness)
A - Can you ANALYZE it? (Track Results)
M - Does it fit your MISSION? (Purpose and Calling)
What are your DREAM Goals for this New Year? Which of Kathy’s tips might help you achieve them?
Kathy Carlton Willis shines for God, reflecting His light as a speaker at writer's conferences and women's retreats, and as an author - contributing to three books and writing hundreds of columns and articles online and in print publications. Her article today is an excerpt from Speaker to Speaker: The Essential Speaker’s Companion (Oaktara Publishing, to be released later in 2014). Kathy is also a publicist with Kathy Carlton Willis Communications. She and her husband/pastor, Russ, live in Texas.
Image in Text: Courtesy of Grant Cochrane at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

Reader Comments (2)
Thank you so much for sharing Kathy's words here, Dawn. She has a way with putting it so simply, so powerfully, that I'm compelled to put her words to action. The "DREAM" acrostic is brilliant! My Procrastinator is wide awake, and my Planner has pen in hand. :)
I'm so glad this was a help to you, Robin! I love Kathy's writing too.