I Did Not Plan for This
Kaley Rhea co-hosts a TV show with her comedian mom, but that doesn't mean Kaley lacks depth! In this encouraging "UPLIFT," she shares how the Lord taught her to hold her plans loosely.
"Tell me if I’m the only one," Kaley says. "But sometimes I get an idea in my head about how my day is going to go. I’m not even a to-do list kind of person or a details kind of person or an itinerary kind of person.
"Yet somehow I’ll have these moments where someone calls or something pops up that throws my preconceived idea of today, of right now, off by a few millimeters, and all my brain alarms go wild and my insides announce, loud-speaker style, 'Error, error. Please return to regularly scheduled life-having.'"
Yeah, you're the only one, Kaley.
No, seriously, I (Dawn) am such a planner, that almost never happens to me. But when it does, I get the same blaring alarms. Sort of a "Danger, Will Robinson!" thing. (But Kaley's probably too young to know about young Will.)
So let's let Kaley continue . . .
To be clear, this is a ridiculous phenomenon I’m talking about.
- “I didn’t realize the trashcan was full, and now I have to take the trash out, and I wasn’t planning on taking the trash out right now. Ugh, worst.”
- And “Oh, my friend is calling, and I love talking to her, but wait, we didn’t plan on talking right now; what is she thinking?”
- And “Child, why have you vomited on the carpet? We are on our way out the door; I’m not prepared for this!”
That moment of internal, irrational pushback I feel when something has intruded into my schedule, into my plans, and something—even something small—is required of me.
I’m confessing here. Sometimes I live my life with a perspective set about two inches from the end of my nose.
I guard my time, my words, my efforts with a sharp eye, unknowingly fixed on only spending them where I see fit.
And I’ve met me. So believe me, I know exactly how insane that is.
Of course, while ruminating on these things, I thought of Jeremiah 29:11:
“‘I know the plans I have for you,’ says the LORD. ‘Plans for welfare and not for evil. To give you a future and a hope.’”
I feel like we pass this verse out like candy, and I’m glad we do because these words are sweet and so important.
Any moment spent remembering that my God knows infinitely more than I do and has made infinitely better plans is a good and necessary moment.
But I also couldn’t get the Gerasene demoniac out of my mind.
Of all the people in the Bible, he’s where I landed. Luke 8:26-39 talks about this man who had been possessed by an entire legion of demons and was living this absolutely wrecked life. Jesus cast them out of him. Healed him.
So the man made this plan to go with Jesus. It seems like a perfectly legitimate reaction to what had happened. A good, appropriate response. So he asked, but Jesus told him to stay. To proclaim the name of Jesus where he was. And the man did.
It’s a convicting thought for me. Jesus has done a miracle in my life, rescued me from my sin.
I think sometimes I have this attitude like, “No, no, Jesus, I’m going to serve you this way and in this place and on this timetable."
And I miss out on opportunities He lays right in front of me to serve Him and glorify His name.
In ways that are simple. In ways that walk right up to me. And instead of thanking Him for these opportunities, in my heart I’m selfishly thinking,“Could you please step aside, opportunity? I’ve already scheduled my God-glorifying for 2 p.m., and it’s only half past ten now.”
Lord Jesus, wake up my heart. Help me see the things I miss when I focus on my own plans and my own understanding.
Holy Spirit, give me kindness. Help me see people the way You see them because I love You.
Defeat the selfishness inside of me and replace it with Your love.
Help me hold my plans loosely and always ask You to shape them into whatever You will. I trust You with my time and my desires.
Are you trying to put God in a box? How might you be making your plans without His wisdom and missing out on what He might have planned? For you!
Kaley Faith Rhea is the co-author of Turtles in the Road, releasing soon, with two more novels in the works. Along with writing and teaching at writers’ conferences, she co-hosts the TV show, That’s My Mom, for Christian Television Network’s KNLJ in mid-Missouri. Check out a sample here! Kaley lives in the St. Louis area.
Graphics adapted, courtesty of Pixabay.com.

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