How to Dream Bigger Dreams
When I first met Renee Fisher, I have to tell you, I was blown away by her youthful enthusiasm. I've watched her mellow through the years, but she still has that adventurous spirit. In this motivating UPGRADE post, she encourages us to dream ... but offers two tough challenges too.
“Nobody ever told me dreaming big would turn into an even bigger mess than I planned," Renee says, "and I’m a planner!”
I (Dawn) am a gal who dreamed big dreams, watched a few of them die, and am building up courage to dream again. So I read Renee's words with interest, nodding my head in agreement with her fresh wisdom.
Renee continues . . .
I am a type A planner. I crave order and organization. I hate admitting that I don’t have it all figured out.
Dreaming is scary because it requires risk.
Thankfully, I am an adrenaline junkie and thrive on going for adventures. No matter how hard the journey gets—I’m in it for the long haul because I’ve seen God fulfill my biggest of all big dreams of getting published and marrying the man of my dreams.
Last year, said man-of-my-dreams and I moved four times.
Yes, you read that right!
First, we sold our home in San Diego, California, to move into an apartment in Austin, Texas. Second, we bought a home in Austin. Third, we sold our home in Austin to move to Houston. One week after living in that apartment, we were forced to relocate into another apartment home in the same complex.
Sound confusing? Check!
Sound exhausting? Check!
I moved to Texas to help my husband dream bigger dreams.
Unfortunately, things have gotten much worse before they’ve gotten better. Now that we are in Houston, things aren’t getting any better. That job we hoped would bigger and better? It’s not!
Some days I hold theological discussions in my head with God on the topic of dreams.
I ask,
“Why do you seem to bless my dreams and forget about my husband’s?”
“Don’t you care about him too?”
I wonder how you dream bigger dreams.
- Do you stop when you face obstacles?
- Do you plan harder or shut down completely?
- What happens when your dreams are going well, but a spouse or close friend or family member’s dreams aren’t?
These are just a few of the questions my husband and I have been asking lately. There are two challenges we have accepted that remind us why we dream bigger dreams—and hopefully you too!
1. Get Organized.
Dreaming doesn’t require a Type A, B, or even C personality. God created all of us with unique gifts and talents. There is no right or wrong way to use those talents as long as they are glorifying Him.
The key here is to ask for help to get organized.
Maybe you’re feeling confused or exhausted like me—or maybe you’re unsure of where or how to begin dreaming bigger dreams. The first thing that helps me get organized is to literally clean my house so that I have space to create and dream. Journaling helps too.
2. Ooze Confidence.
Confidence does not have to be a name it and claim it, or fake it until you make it game. First, I’m stealing a line from Paul in Philippians 3:10, ESV.
He writes, “that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.”
Did you catch the and?
If you want confidence and the power of the resurrection, you must also suffer. You must participate in the sufferings of Christ. I think the danger of dreaming bigger dreams is that believing the prosperity gospel is true.
You cannot have the confidence to pursue your dreams without first suffering.
I know these two challenges are probably not what you wanted to hear. You wanted to read a flowery, cliché, or cheesy post about dreaming bigger dreams.
I’m not your girl! Sorry! In fact, it’s not what I want to hear now either.
When I find myself fighting God about my dreams, I am reminded that I am a child of God, and as His child I will never give up on the adventure of being with Him.
The things I am learning while dreaming bigger dreams with God are priceless. Some days are easier—and more fun than others, but I wouldn’t trade the adventure for anything.
What is one thing that holds you back from dreaming bigger dreams?
Need help thinking through your dreams? Get Renee's new eBook The Five Secrets to Writing Your Dream at for FREE by subscribing to the blog to get it!
Renee Fisher is a spirited speaker, coach, consultant and author, who published her first eight books in under eight years. A self-proclaimed "Dream Defender,"
Renee is passionate about calling dreams to life in others. A graduate of Biola University, she lives in Houston, Texas with her handsome husband and their fur child named "Star."

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