UPGRADE Your Celebrations!
To celebrate is to observe a day or event with ceremonies of respect, festivity or rejoicing. It's a time to extol or praise, to display or make known.
Everyone likes to celebrate, whether it's a birthday, graduation, promotion or holiday.
And I believe there are at least four ways to UPGRADE Your Celebrations:
Upgrade Mentally - If it's a holiday, look up the meaning of the event [see note about disputed celebrations: Romans 14:5-6]. Prepare some facts to share with others, to help them understand the point of the event. If it's a birthday or graduation or some other achievement, give it some thought. Study some "history" to add meaning - perhaps something about the person's character that got him or her to this point. Who is the person really, behind the scenes. Think!
Upgrade Emotionally/Socially - Give yourself permission to celebrate! Celebrations are not occasions for sourpusses. Smile. Laugh. Connect. Get involved with people and celebrate together. Be friendly and make a new friend. Let love spill over into joy. Let your inner child remember the joys of youth ... let loose a little. Rejoice! (Proverbs 17:22a; Philemon 1:7)
Upgrade Physically - Do something fun. Think and get creative with food, decorations and gifts. Make a cake, cookies or a special healthy dish. Go to an organized celebration. Wave a flag. Hug!(Especially, hug a veteran on Memorial Day!) Give a thoughtful gift. Go to a parade, or make a mini-parade with your friends. Don't just sit around and watch others celebrate. Get involved in a community of people who understand how important it is to celebrate. Act! (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17)
Upgrade Spiritually - Thank God for the reason for the celebration. Read and share scriptures that refer to some aspect of the celebration. Make spiritual applications when possible. Pray together. Sing a hymn or praise song that "works" with the occasion. Point people to the Source of true joy - acknowledge God (James 1:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:18).
The key to celebrations? Go all out. Be all there!
I hope all your celebrations are happy and blessed. Remember - Think. Rejoice. Act. Acknowledge God.
What do you do to UPGRADE Your Celebrations?
Dawn Wilson is the founder of Heart Choices Ministries and creator of UpgradeWithDawn.com. Dawn's ministry encourages, edifies and energizes women with the truth of scripture so they can better enjoy life, bless others and honor God.