Back to the Future: Retreat to Plan the New Year
Kathy Carlton Willis is an encourager to the max! She knows how to motivate women to upgrade their lives. In this New Year’s UPGRADE, she suggests we all go on a “retreat.”
Kathy told me, “As a career coach I often hear the excuse, ‘I’m just too busy.’ I’m sorry, but I’m not buying it. Each person is given the same number of hours in the day.”
I (Dawn) do think there is a “too busy” level for all of us, but I’ve discovered better planning, delegating, and eliminating the non-essential and what God says “has to go” suddenly can free up a lot of time I didn’t know I had! So I am shouting a hearty “Amen” to Kathy’s words.
Kathy continues. . .
Sure, we all have different energy levels and abilities, but I’m positive we have exactly the resources we need to fulfill the purposes God has for each of us.
The next time you’re tempted to offer up the excuse, “I’m just too busy,” instead I challenge you to say what is the real reason: “It’s simply not a priority for me.”
We get to choose what is important in our lives.
One way I adjust my priorities is to have a yearly personal retreat, either at home or a remote location.
A familiar Psalm indicates what happens during a personal retreat.
“He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still and quiet waters. He refreshes and restores my soul (life); He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake” (Psalm 23: 2-3 AMP).
Here are some pointers for your retreat:
1. Start and end with God.
Put your agenda aside. Focus on His strengths and skills. Fall in love with Him again. Be wowed by His power and wisdom. Worship Him, not for what He has done for you, but for who He is.
If you find your mind trailing off, use the alphabet to stay fixed on Him. Come up with a word that describes God from every letter in the alphabet.
2. Use a variety of worship techniques.
- Walk with Him in nature.
- Take photos of His creation.
- Sing along to praise music.
- Dance to the tune.
- Draw.
- Invent your own sign-language to symbolize the lyrics.
- Personalize Scripture.
3. Get filled up.
Surrender your life to God again. 100% God and 0% you.
Once you are filled up and yielded, then you are ready to proceed.
4. Evaluate the year just ending.
- What surprised you?
- What exceeded your goals?
- What derailed or disappointed you?
- What is still left undone?
- What desires and direction did God plant in you that indicates the New Year will look different?
- What was within your control to do that you procrastinated?
- What was not within your power that changed your plans?
Give the old year to God. Leave it behind without regrets as you move into the New Year.
Clean slate: either a second chance to get your current goals accomplished or brand new goals for a brand new year.
5. Ask God to show you His plans for your New Year.
Don’t merely ask Him to bless your agenda.
Be willing to follow God’s lead wherever it takes you—out of your comfort zone and into the faith-zone.
People ask my secret to getting so much done, and goal-setting is the root of my productivity. It’s not about success as the world sees it, or achievement. I’m focused on being and doing everything God has designed for my life.
Here’s a sample template for my goal-setting session. It varies depending on the year, so feel free to alter it to fit your needs.
- My spiritual growth goals for 2017 include:
- My mental/emotional growth goals for 2017 include:
- My physical goals for 2017 include:
- I will use my ability of ______ by doing:
- I will work on a relationship with:
- Finances will improve when:
- I will read ___ books.
- To be healthier, I will:
- I have a problem procrastinating. This year I will improve in the area of:
Fill out your goal worksheet, then sign it as an indication you will give 100% to God’s agenda.
Does God have a surprise for you in the New Year? Put on your eyes of faith so you can see it when it arrives.
Kathy Carlton Willis shines for God, reflecting His light as a speaker at writer's conferences and women's retreats, and as an author - contributing to three books and writing
hundreds of columns and articles online and in print publications. She wrote Grin with Gracewith AMG Publishers and has several books releasing over the next few years. She and her husband Russ live in Texas with Jazzy, their hilarious Boston Terrier.
Graphic adapted, courtesy of depaulus, Pixabay