On the Verge
December 31st … we're on the verge of fresh new year.
This is the day some people begin thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. Others choose a word or phrase to motivate them in the next 365 days. I like to sit down with questions for reflection, to make sure I’m still on track and staying true to my priorities.
“Verge” means edge, rim or margin—the limit or point beyond which something begins or occurs. Being “on the verge” means almost doing or experiencing something; being very near or within striking distance; on the brink of something; or in transition to some new state or quality.
That perfectly describes my anticipation of the new year, and all of life, really. Being on the verge brings us to the point of change, perhaps even to a new adventure.
Being on the verge is an opportunity to upgrade our lives, to launch out into new projects, to decide how we will make a difference not only in our own lives, but in our homes, our churches and our communities.
I was reading in Isaiah and a scripture leaped from the pages of the Bible into my heart:
“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?” (Isaiah 43:18-19).
God says, don't remember the "former things.” It’s not just that God wants us to move past all our mistakes. God wants us to move past His marvelous works. He doesn’t want us to get stuck in the past. He doesn’t want us to put Him in a box, believing God must always work a certain way. He wants to do a new thing, perhaps more than we can even imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
That new thing may be a change in location, a change in circumstances, a change in direction or goals ... or even a change in us!
In this passage, God revealed Himself as Israel’s wonderful and only savior. The Almighty wanted Israel to understand how He was working on their behalf in their tough times—still leading, still challenging, still saving, still giving great grace.
Earlier in the chapter (verses 15-17), God revealed himself as “the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.” When we consider what may be ahead in our own lives, we must not forget who our God is—His character and the roles He plays in our lives.
He is our Creator, our source, the One who makes all things new. He transforms us. He is our King, our loving ruler, always working for our good as well as His glory. And He is our Savior, our deliverer, the One who gives victory.
No matter what’s ahead, He will be there. He is leading. He wants us to follow and surrender to His rule. You may not see what God is about to do, but you can believe He is already working. He declares in verse 19, “now it shall spring forth.” What he’s going to do is already beginning to sprout in you or through you. It’s just beneath the surface.
But the passage also says, “… shall you not know it?” To “know” in Hebrew is a total embrace of something … a total receptivity (like in husband-wife intimacy). God was saying, “Will you embrace the new thing I’m going to send into your life, no matter what it is?” Will you be open, available, ready to move with Him.
Why does God do “new things” in our lives? It’s not for our own glory; it’s to give a new platform for praise. “This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise” (v. 21). God wants us to anticipate His new work, to trust Him in the process, and to praise Him when it begins and after it bears fruit.
To summarize:
- Remember what God has done for you in the past, but don’t get stuck there.
- Don’t limit God ... don't put Him in a box.
- Anticipate God’s “new thing” in your life—no matter your feelings, no matter your circumstances.
- Wonder over who God is—His character, roles and work. Do you know how "big" God is?
- Surrender to (embrace) what God will “sprout” in your life in the days ahead.
- Get ready to praise Him every step of the way!
You are on the verge of something exciting. Do you believe it? Are you ready to embrace the “new thing” God is bringing? If not, how can you prepare your heart today?
Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Ministries, is the creator of three blogs: Heart Choices Today, LOL with God (with Pam Farrel), and Upgrade with Dawn. In these ministries and as President of the San Diego chapter of Network of Evangelical Women in MInistry (NEWIM San Diego), Dawn encourages, edifies and energizes women with scripture so they can better enjoy life, bless others and honor God. Dawn and her husband Bob have two grown, married sons and three granddaughters.