More Than a Resolution: A Personal Retreat
What I love about Letitia "Tish" Suk is her intentionality. Choices make a huge difference in our lives. In this New Year's UPGRADE, she urges us to focus less on resolutions and plan a personal retreat to begin the new year refreshed.
"What if a simple day away could transform your life?" Letitia asks.
There's something about that phrase "a simple day away" that makes me (Dawn) yearn for rest. I'd like to be intentional about that!
Letitia continues . . .
Like many of us, I love to review and sometimes re-design my schedule, my priorities, my goals all under the umbrella of “New Year’s Resolutions” or sometimes labeled, “Intentions” if I’m not sure about the resolving part.
Lately, or probably all my adult life, while I love all the celebration events starting with Thanksgiving (or Halloween?) seems like they squish out the opportunities for rest, quiet and open spaces of time which such reflection requires. To do it right, anyway.
I sometimes resort to quickly scribbling a few lofty aspirations in my journal for the new year and call it done. Done it is but nothing really changes.
What if instead of designing resolutions, you designed a retreat?
No, not one for your church’s women’s ministry, but one just for you and God?
A chance not just for a few minutes or an hour but an actual “Getaway with God” for a chunk of time to ask him what’s HIS plans are for you for the upcoming year?
Before you reject the notion due to not enough time, money, or creativity, think of how you would respond if your spouse or BFF asked you to come along for a getaway night or weekend? Maybe with a bit more enthusiasm, right?
For the past forty years (yikes!), I have been taking getaways with God: AKA personal retreats at regular intervals.
These times away have defined the trajectory of my life.
Think of it like plugging your soul in for a long recharge just like you do with your phone each night. Taking a personal retreat is just that. Stepping aside for a day or more to deeply rest, listen to God, and plan your next steps (or years) can have the same effect on your soul as plugging your smart phone in for a long charge.
Time after time, year after year, I come away filled with:
- a renewed sense of purpose,
- clarity of vision,
- trust in God’s ability to untie all the knots of my life, and
- overwhelming sense of being loved.
There’s nothing quite like a retreat to provide that much restoration in such a relatively short amount of time. Many of us are familiar with the relationship boost a getaway with your spouse or family can provide, and a getaway with God has the same results for our souls.
Before you get lost in the disclaimers—“I don’t have time, money, energy, or inspiration for this type of thing"—consider the invitation of Jesus:
“Come away with me by yourself to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31).
The invitation still stands today.
If you are looking for details, ideas and plans for what to do there, check out my book, Getaway with God.
Let me give you a few suggestions now.
1. A personal retreat can take place just about anywhere, apart from your own home if possible. Too many distractions and to-do’s all around.
I have retreated in retreat centers, convents, public gardens, the beach, hotels, bed and breakfast inns and a friend’s home while she was at work. Sure, some of these venues had costs, others were free. Regardless, it is an investment in your spiritual life which has a direct spillover into all the other aspects of your day to day as well.
2. While you are away with God, you can rest, nap, pray, read, plan and walk.
3. Staying off social media helps with the focus.
4. Stay for as long as you can, overnight is a plus.
5. It is your retreat to design as you wish. And if you ask him to help you with the planning part, He usually does.
I know how easy it is to wait until “the perfect time” for something like this but don’t let another year get away. Trust me, you will need it after the holiday hoopla is over.
Make it your Christmas gift to yourself.
Before you get too caught up in the calendar pages of 2018, can you consider scheduling a retreat?
Letitia (Tish) Suk, invites women to create an intentional life centered in Jesus. She is a
blogger at Hope for the Best: Chasing the Intentional Life, and author of Getaway with God: The Everywoman’s Guide to Personal Retreat) and Rhythms of Renewal. She is a speaker, personal retreat guide, and life coach in the Chicago area. Contact her here.
Graphic adapted from photo at zinemo, Pixabay.