Christmas Joy—After the Wrapping Paper is Discarded
We sing “Joy to the World” this time of year, but in this Christmas UPGRADE, Kathy Carlton Willis reminds us it’s more than a holiday sentiment.
“You won't find joy gift-wrapped and under the Christmas tree, but it is a gift indeed,” says Kathy.“Without the birth of Christ which we celebrate at Christmas, there would be no authentic joy.”
I (Dawn) can remember Christmases when there was more joy than there were Christmas gifts, so I can see where Kathy is going in calling joy a Christmas gift. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
Kathy continues . . .
There might be temporary bursts of happiness at Christmastime, controlled by surrounding circumstances, but there would be no true joy without Christ’s birth.
Joy can only come from the One who guarantees salvation, because with that, there is eternal peace of mind.
When Christ becomes real in our lives, we begin to pick up His mannerisms, and if Christ was anything, He was joyful.
It is one of those character traits I’m most thankful for receiving. The Holy Spirit living in me whispers joy to my heart and my mind when the outside world seems to be yelling negativity to me.
In times of crisis and conflict, joy produces a calm that cannot be explained. It allows a person to be more than just content, but actually excited about living life out loud. Joy gives its recipient an assurance that any unpleasant circumstance is only a temporary inconvenience that can be overcome victoriously.
A Christmas carol we sing says, “Joy to the world, the Lord is come!” That song speaks truth.
Joy came to the world in the form of the baby Jesus. Anything before that time was just an anticipation of the Christ Child’s appearance.
We who live after His birth get the full picture—the gift of grace and mercy—rather than having to offer our own sin sacrifices like God’s people did in the Old Testament. Christ’s life and death give us the completion of God’s gift to us, His beloved.
How can we not be joyful, when we consider this?
“These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full” (John 15:11 KJV).
You’ll still have joy after the wrapping paper is discarded when you focus on the best gift of all.
Are you overwhelmed with parties, guest lists, gift wrapping, and tinsel this season? Or are you overcome with joy?
Kathy Carlton Willis shines for God, reflecting His light as a speaker at writer's conferences andwomen's retreats, and as an author - contributing to three books and writing
hundreds of columns and articles online and in print publications. She has several books releasing over the next three years, includingGrin with Grace with AMG Publishers at the end of this year. She and her husband/pastor, Russ, live in Texas.
Graphic adapted, Image courtesy of nenetus at