New Hope for the New Year
Pamela Christian writes about the victorious life and living with confident hope. In this pre-New Year's UPGRADE, she encourages us to stretch our "hope," just as we would stretch our faith.
"I don't know of anyone who would refuse a miracle that made their life better," Pamela said. "Do you?"
Not me. I (Dawn) am open to God working in my life in any way He wants! I know God gives good gifts to His children (Matthew 7:11). The question is, are we ready to receive?
Pamela continues . . .
When you come up against hardships that reveal the full extent of your human limitations, don’t you secretly wish that some way, somehow, you could get the help you need?
Would you refuse a miracle if it remedied your situation, even if you don’t believe in miracles?
I doubt it.
Maybe it’s this innate, universal desire we humans share—that there is help beyond us—that inspired the adage Hope springs eternal.
I have pursued hope and discovered that it is real and it is certain. Hope is most definitely something every person can attain, if they so desire.
There is no circumstance, no situation beyond hope.
- Biblical hope is not wishful thinking.
- Biblical hope has no measure of uncertainty.
- Biblical hope is found in God.
- Biblical hope is blessed assurance based upon the revealed character, will and intentions of God.
- Biblical hope is beyond us.
I learned long time ago that God’s love is unconditional, but His promises aren’t.
God loves all human beings without condition. There is nothing we can do to earn, increase or decrease God’s love for us. It’s a given.
However, to receive God’s gifts, blessings, or promises, requires that we first believe. We must believe in the character, will and intentions of God.
Hebrews 11:6 states,
“And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him” (ESV).
It brings the Father pleasure to give good things to us. But if we willfully or passively reject the prospect of Him giving us anything, then we impose upon the Father’s pleasure—we superimpose upon His inclination.
Matthew 13:57-58 reveals that Jesus did not perform many miracles in His own home town, because of the unbelief of the people. It wasn’t that their unbelief overpowered Jesus’ ability. Rather their unbelief superimposed upon His inclination.
In the same way that we don’t want to do nice things or give good gifts to people who reject them, neither does God.
As we enter into a new year, it’s my desire for you to enter into a new and profound hope—a greater measure of hope than you’ve ever known . . . in a hope that is able to produce the greatest results you have ever experienced! You can, providing your hope is in Christ.
Openly believe God for His Word—all of His promises concerning you beginning with the first miracle of redemption by faith—and eagerly expect Him to act consistent with His character, will and intentions in your best interest in every aspect of your life.
What are you hopeful God does for you in your life? Scriptures teach that we receive according to what we believe. Will you believe?
Pamela Christian is a speaker, author, and media personality who devotes her ministry life to helping others discover and live in same life-giving truth she’s been blessed to find. Her newest book in her Faith to Live By series is, Renew Your Hope! Remedy for Personal Breakthroughs. Learn more at