Bless Your Heart
Pamela Christian had been working in ministry for more than ten years when she died and was revived through defibrillation. Now, with her Bless Your Heart Campaign, she devotes her life to increasing awareness, seeking to save not only physical lives, but spiritual lives too. I asked her to share this health UPGRADE.
"You could literally save a life simply by being aware," Pamela says.
When I first read about Pamela's campaign, I wondered whether I could ever help save a woman's life, but awareness is a great start. “Helping women everywhere become aware,” is the slogan for Pamela’s campaign and an excellent consideration for each of us.
Pamela continues…
In 2002, I joined three women for the first time to play tennis. I wanted to play well so they’d invite me back. As a result, I was very nervous, or so I thought. While warming up, my symptoms worsened. It became apparent that my condition was far more serious than nerves.
After a series of events, a call was made to 9-1-1. Six minute and twenty-one seconds afterwards the EMT’s arrived and began administering advanced life support. I heard the Paramedic announce that he’d inject fifty cc’s of lidocaine, not once but twice, in an effort to get my heart regulated.
The upper and lower chambers of my heart were beating out of sync. The EKG showed my heart beating around 300 beats per minute. A person my size, at full exertion, playing tennis on a good day, should have a maximum heart rate of about 190 beats per minute. After, my heart went into Ventricular Fibrillation, it then stopped. I flat-lined.
I was dead for about one full minute or more, during which time my soul and spirit entered a different dimension—one no human words can describe. I refer to it as the threshold of heaven.
I knew I was in the center of God’s sovereign care.
There was a white light off in the distance but it didn’t beckon me. I was aware that I was a wife and mother and that I was not able to be with my family, but I knew they were also in God’s sovereign care.
The EMT’s cut my clothing, then using the “zappers,” two-hundred joules of power surged through my body. I could feel myself being drawn back and I heard my name being called. “Pam, Pam, are you with us? Pam come back.”
I felt my soul and spirit returning, and in all honesty, I was utterly agitated that I was brought back. It’s an amazing story that can be heard in part on my web site. [Read it ... it's wonderful! - Dawn]
What I suffered is called sudden cardiac arrest. Until recently it was called sudden cardiac death, because no one survived. A victim’s chances of survival are reduced by seven to ten percent with every minute of delay until defibrillation. Now, with the greater accessibility to defibrillators about five percent of witnessed victims survive.
Here’s what you can do to help save lives:
- Encourage the women you love to care for themselves. Completing a Heart Disease Risk Assessment and getting a copy of Bless Your Heart, Your Health, Your Life! A Lifestyle Plan that Puts You in Charge are two good first steps.
- Learn how to use defibrillators. Today most public places have defibrillation kits easily accessible. Very literally, you could save a life.
- According to 2 Timothy 4:2, be ready in season and out, to share the hope of Christ. Consider getting Examine Your Faith! Finding Truth in a World of Lies, to help you confidently share the Gospel, available through my site, in book stores or online.
Which of these awareness steps could help you during a heart-crisis event? Do you know how to use a defibrillator?
If you didn't read Pam's whole story about that eventful day, here's your second chance!
For over twenty years, Pamela Christian, “the Faith Doctor,” has compassionately helped people discover and live in life-giving truth. Teaching, as a keynote speaker,
radio talk-show host and apologist (Biola University), Pamela uniquely helps people embrace confident faith and the eternal hope it provides.