The 'Trick to Treating' Fear Until It Disappears
Kathy Carlton Willis, an author and speaker, shares an Attitude UPGRADE today about fear. Halloween-time seems to be all about spooking people. As Kathy shares a memory from her growing-up years, she substitutes Kathy’s “trick-or-treat” with a “trick for treating” fear until it disappears.
“When I was a young girl, I had quite an imagination, and just as many fears,” Kathy says. “For example, I was convinced there was a monster under my bed. I just knew he had several knives positioned to pierce my sleeping body at any moment. I’m not sure how many times my mom reassured me that there was nothing under my bed but a little dust!”
I (Dawn) think all of us had some sort of imaginary monster fear in our childhood. But it’s those grown-up fears that really do a number on us. I love Kathy's remedy for sending fears packing.
Kathy continues . . .
I like using an acronym for fear to remind myself why I should not worry about “what ifs.”
Whenever we struggle with fears, it is important to realize that our feelings often lie to us, and we must override our heart with our mind at times by trying to focus on facts.
The Spirit within us is often a still small voice. In order to hear Him we must first quiet the loud fears to listen to the real truths. Truth is always there, we just don’t see or hear it because truth gets covered up by our fears.
Truths are comforting; fears are overwhelming.
Truths never change; fears are always changing.
You can be certain God isn’t orchestrating your fears and confusion. And if you feel powerless, like no one loves you, or like you might lose your mind, see what Scripture says:
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV).
Journaling can help us deal with our fears. It helps us put into words the dark clouds we sometimes struggle explaining to someone else.
We can overcome our fears by clinging to the promise that God is always with us. Prayer and meditation give us wisdom and strength to deal with fears outside of our own abilities to cope.
Some people are more fearful than others. Perhaps this is due to personality traits. Or baggage we carry from our life experiences. But all of us deal with a certain amount of fear.
When we face our fears head on, we can deal with them in productive ways. At most, ten percent of our fears become reality. Isn’t it sad to spend so much time worrying about something that likely will never come to pass?
Fears are like monsters under the bed.
They aren’t really there, but they scare us so much we are often too paralyzed to get up and look under the bed to prove to ourselves the monsters are merely figments of our imagination.
Is there a monster under your bed?
Consider this:
"For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs" (Zephaniah 3:17 NLT).
How can the reality of God's love help calm your fears?
Kathy Carlton Willis writes and speaks with a balance of funny and faith—whimsy and wisdom. Not many funny girls also have Bible degrees! Kathy’s a pastor’s wife, which gives her plenty of opportunities to grin with grace. She shines the light on issues that
hold women back and inspires their own lightbulb moments. Almost a thousand of Kathy’s articles have been published in books, magazines, newspapers and online publications. Her books, Grin with Grace and Speaker to Speaker: The Essential Speaker’s Companion are receiving rave reviews. Kathy lives with her pastor/husband, Russ, in Rockdale, Texas. Kathy’s website tagline describes her best: Light & Lively: His Reflection/Her Laughter.