Wind Up, Don't Wimp Out!
Yesterday (October 1st) was Dawn Wilson's birthday. While she won't give you her age, she'll let you in on the conversation that went on in her brain in this Attitude UPGRADE.
"You're over the hill," Satan whispered. "Beyond your productive years.”
The mirror didn't lie about the "over the hill" part. Laugh lines, wiry chin hairs, age spots—ugh.
Yet, although I was a bit depressed after Satan's assault, the truth is, I'd caught my spiritual enemy in a lie. "Only God knows how many years I have left," I quickly countered.
And I counseled my heart: Stop acting like you have one foot in the grave!
I exited my pathetic pity party and planned my next adventure. I emailed my friend Judy about planning a conference together—something we'd talked about for a long time.
"Let's get this thing rolling," I said. This was no time to wimp out!
Yes, aging can bring a number of problems: forgetfulness, disillusionment, lack of motivation, negativity, stagnation, poor health and other issues.
But I am still alive.
I can decide to celebrate each day and not get stuck in regrets. I have hundreds, maybe thousands of fruit-bearing choices to make before God calls me home (Psalm 92:14).
I remember a cancer patient's advice to her loved ones: “Speak to the part of me that is still alive.” It's great counsel for anyone going through a crisis, but also for the senior set.
I realized I needed fresh ground rules—strong “finishing well” commitments. So I thought and prayed, and made these decisions:
1. I will keep "forever" firmly in view.
As a teenager, eternity seemed "a lifetime away;” but now I’m embracing and preparing for it.
Facing forever will affect how I live right now. I can learn to worship better, overcome hindering habits, and practice being holy, because God is holy (1 Peter 1:16).
Action Point: Study how to be more like Jesus, because we’ll live with Him forever (John 11:25; 1 Thessalonians 4:17).
2. I will seek God daily for His plans and deeper fellowship.
As a young wife and mom, it was often tough to have a consistent time alone with God; but today, with fewer distractions, I have more time to study and pursue intimacy with Him.
We’re never too old to learn new lessons from God.
Action Point: Don't get set in your ways. Cultivate a soft, teachable heart (Psalm 25:4-5).
3. I will dream big dreams and plan adventures with God.
On the far side of 50, I want to spend time on things that matter to the Lord. I want to take risks for the Kingdom, not play it safe in my comfort zone.
There may be times I need to pause, and maybe take some extra rest breaks. I may need more time to pause, reflect and modify my ministry to fit my season of life. But I don't want to wimp out!
I want to stay creative and intensely involved ... be a woman of influence ... and burn out for God!
Action Point: Study the lives of Noah, Moses, Daniel, Anna and Elizabeth to see how God called and used people mightily in their elder years. Emulate contemporary seniors who are still on fire for God.
4. I will invest in people, not things.
These are years to simplify, not to accumulate—to release my grasp on possessions with an eye to stewardship. Who can I encourage? Who can I help? (In many cases, lives are at stake!)
I can’t take my stuff into heaven, but I can store up things there that matter (Matthew 6:19-21). I can pour time and resources into people by sharing the Gospel, teaching truth, assisting those who are hurting and using my creativity to meet others’ needs.
Action Point: Give possessions and funds to relatives and believers who will use them wisely. (Note: Just because there is a specific need, it doesn't mean that particular need is where God wants you to give. Pray first!) Consider ministries too. Someone may be desperate for things gathering dust in your home.
5. I will make choices to leave a spiritual legacy.
I want to make a difference long after I've gone to heaven. You probably do too.
Action Points:
- Make sure your family knows you love them... and often, love is spelled T-I-M-E.
- If you’re not living a godly life, ask God to give you a fresh awareness of His presence and a desire to obey Him. The world needs to see Jesus in you!
- Scrapbook photos, adding snippets from your “life message” (Psalm 78:4).
- Create a will with spiritual impact: Who gets your Bible? Your stewardship funds? What do you want to say to loved ones after you’re gone?
There are a lot of “I will” statements here. The truth is, no matter our age, we cannot accomplish anything of lasting value without the help of the indwelling Spirit of God. Ask for wisdom and rely on His strength (James 1:5; Galatians 5:16a).
I want to do all things for God's glory, in God's way, and by God's power. Don't you?
God doesn’t quit on us; we must not quit on Him. So don’t wimp out. Instead, wind up for the glory of God!
Which of these "I will" statements, acted on, would most revolutionize your life right now?
Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Ministries, is the creator of three blogs: Heart Choices Today, LOL with God (with Pam Farrel), and
Upgrade with Dawn. She is the President of the San Diego chapter of Network of Evangelical Women in MInistry (NEWIM San Diego). She co-authored the devotional LOL with God with Pam Farrel and is a contributor to It's a God Thing. Dawn and her husband Bob have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.
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