Don't Say You're Too Old
Elaine W. Miller's practical humor never fails to make me smile, while I'm getting a kick in the pants spiritually! In this special UPGRADE for the senior set, she encourages us to keep on "running the race" with the Lord in the stewardship of our years.
"'It ain't over till it's over!' is one of my favorite Yogi Berra-isms," Elaine said.
You had me (Dawn) at "Yogi," Elaine. I thought, what can Yogi teach me about spiritual things? Aha!
Elaine continues . . .
I agree with Yogi! As long as we're breathing, our work on this earth is not finished. God still has a plan for our lives and a race for us to run whether we're 25 or 75, whether we're healthy or ill, whether we feel like it or not.
As birthdays come faster and faster, let us resolve to keep running the race God planned for us since before we were born. Will you run with me?
Let's be encouraged by what God says and enjoy a few more Yogi-isms to "drive home" the point.
1. God ordained all of our days, not just the days before we turn 65.
"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be" (Psalm 139:16b, NIV). God knows all our days. If we're alive, we still have races God wants us to run.
Or as Yogi says, "If you come to a fork in the road, take it."
Because . . .
2. God has work for us to do.
"The righteous . . . . will still bear fruit in old age. . . " (Psalm 92:12-14, NIV).
If we wake up and our names aren't in the obituary, then hop to it. God has fruit for us to bear!
Or as Yogi says, "You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there."
So . . .
3. Let us persevere to the end.
". . . let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" (Hebrews 12:1, NIV). Let's not walk, let's run with all the energy we have (which is enough when God is our power source).
Or as Berra said of Joe DiMaggio " . . . he never walked off the field."
Because . . .
4. Life is worthless unless we complete the task God planned for each of us.
May our hearts resound with these words, "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me — the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace" (Acts 20:24, NIV).
Because, as Yogi says, "It ain't over till it's over."
Jesus has our days planned. He has work for us to do. We must persevere to the end and complete the task.
In our older years, let us be encouraged by some who lived these principles:
- Benjamin Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence at age 70.
- Grandma Moses began painting at age 76 because her hands were too crippled to hold embroidery needles.
- Roget published his Thesaurus at age 73 and oversaw every update until he died at age 90.
- Peggy Smith, (age 84 and blind), and her sister, Christine (age 82 and crippled), were key people in the world-famous revival in the Scottish Hebrides.
God may have a home run planned in our extra innings.
Let's not walk or strike out, but let's go the distance for the Lord. I want to die a winner, don't you?
Which of these four "Don't Say You're Too Old" tips helps you move forward today?
Elaine W. Miller is an international author and speaker known for sharing biblical insights with warmth, enthusiasm, and humor. She is the author of three books including her latest We All Married Idiots: Three Things You Will Never Change About
Your Marriage and Ten Things You Can (available in English, Spanish, and Bosnian). Residing in upstate New York with her husband of 45 years, she enjoys having three married children and 11 grandchildren close by. Visit Elaine's website/blog to learn more about her unique ministry.
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