Getting Your Creative 'Mojo' Back
Melissa Mashburn's ministry is authentic, relevant, passionate and Kingdom-focused. In this and future posts, she will share how to do ministry from the heart and to the glory of God.
“Ministry is in a constant state of change,” Melissa says. “What worked yesterday may not work today and almost certainly will not work next year.”
That is so true. With the changes in culture, there are changes in ministry opportunities, and we need to prepare for them. More than ever, we need God-given creativity.
Melissa continues …
When change comes, and we know that it will, there are a few things you can do to stay current and fresh.
That isn’t always easy when you are neck deep in an overflowing email inbox, ministry demands, the responsibilities of your family, and—let’s face it, ministry isn’t a 9-5 job. It can be overwhelming at times, that’s for sure.
Here are few things that help me get my creative mojo back:
(1) Pray First
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33 NIV).
If I leave it up to me and my own personal creativity, then I severely limit what God wants to do through ministry. By taking time to stop and pray before you do anything else, you allow God to take over.
(2) Change Your Location
- Get Outside - Go to the park, sit on the back porch or go for a walk.
- Go on One-day Getaways - Visit a coffee shop, go on a scenic drive or picnic in the park for a day.
- Go on an Adventure for the Day - Go to a museaum or play, or be a tourist in your own city.
(3) Change Your Music
If you are like me, you always have some sort of noise going on around you, whether it is the kids, the boss, the husband or the ministry team. And let’s not forget the people in the coffee shop. I love all those people and all the noises that come along with them, but sometimes you need to do more than just changing your location. You might also need to change your music.
"Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and what, whence and whereto." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Change things up a bit by changing the music you are listening to. Some of my favorite Pandora stations are:
- Epic Soundtracks,
- John Coltrane,
- Classical Music
(4) Surround Yourself with Creative People
There are creative people all around you. Ask one of them to meet with you over a cup of coffee. (Hint, if you ask them, then you should buy their coffee.) You aren’t going to copy them, because you aren’t them, but hearing their heart and what they are passionate about may help to ignite a new idea for your own ministry.
Getting your creative mojo back is a process.
Taking the time to figure out what works best for you is not always easy, but it’s worth it when you can step back and see God’s hand all over it.
What are some things you do to get your creative mojo back? Which of the four things mentioned above might be something you are going to try?
Melissa Mashburn is a woman passionately pursing God by taking her everyday, ordinary life and placing it as her offering to Him (Romans 12:1-2). With authenticity and a ministry about “Real Women, Real Life, Real Faith,” Melissa shows women their uniqueness and special calling. An author, speaker, Pastor’s Wife, and Kids & Women's ministry leader, Melissa is mom to two incredible teenage sons. She and her best friend Matt, married for 20 years, live and enjoy ministry in sunny South Florida. Visit
Photo Image in text: Ernest Hemmingway House, Key West, Florida at